Hello fellow CBs, today I am going to take you on my holiday story. Calendar year end and Christmas bring lots of found memories of my school day , we use to have lots of decoration in our school for Christmas and party with lots of sweet delicacy .The gift from Santa was main attraction of Christmas as gifts were far and few in childhood .
Now i relieve those moment with my lovely daughters and share the joy with them .
Do watch out for other fellow Community builders on their holiday story
Another wonderful occasion which brings joy to me is to relate with the AWS Community builder program !!!
lets take a shot as some of fascinating thing about being a AWS Community Builder .
What surprises you most about the Community Builders Program?
The Diverse set of people with diverse backgrounds set this Community Builder community apart. The unique dimension each individual brings to the program is the best part of it . And the vast knowledge of AWS that this community offer to the Community is icing on the cake.
What’s your background and your experience with AWS?
I play different roles in different capacities, professionally I work as an Engineering Manager with Tavisca( A JP Morgan Chase Company ). I take pride in supporting the AWS User Group Pune and leading it by example. I am a big fan of how AWS has continuously exceeded the expectation in terms of delivering matured products to its customer I have been using AWS since 2017 and have up-skilled to transition from a UC/CC ( Unified Communication/Contact Center ) Solution Architect to a Cloud Solution Architect after 15 years of my professional career
What’s the biggest benefit you see from the program?
Life is all about Continuous learning, learning and gaining knowledge from your Community builder buddy is the best part of the CB program. You hear so many transformational stories of fellow community builders that push you to give back more to this community.
One more fascinating perk of being a CB is you get first-hand access to the latest document or feature which AWS works on.
and the SWAG you get as part of it makes you feel special and admired !!!!

What are you eating for dinner today? Share the recipe!
Today I am going to feast on the famous "Pani Poori ", one of the most mouth-watering dishes you will ever have. definitely, a must-try if you have never been to India!!!
Check out the recipe here .....
Do you have anything else to say about the community builders program in 2022?
The numerous lives this program has touched in the last 2-3 years are tremendous. This year it has scaled new heights by surpassing the excess of 2300 Community Builders. Day by Day the competition and the criterion for selection are getting higher which improves the quality of talent which is absorbed into this program. Do check out the page below for more details on CB and Enrollment,
Top comments (4)
Great write-up Toshal, thank you for sharing it. ❤️
Merry Christmas! 🎄
Thanks @jasondunn , Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas !!!
Love this!!! Happy Holidays Toshal!
Thanks @farrahc32 , Merry Chirstmas !!!