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AWS Containers for Windows are now supported by Karpenter

According to a statement from AWS, Windows support will now be available for the open-source Karpenter node provisioning and administration project (as of v0.29.0). Customers may now use Karpenter to quickly scale their Amazon EKS clusters for Windows with suitably scaled Amazon EC2 instances in response to changing application load. Karpenter assists clients in managing their operating costs and overhead throughout this process without requiring them to manually modify the compute capacity of their clusters, overprovision compute to keep up with constantly changing demand, or set up multiple EC2 Autoscaling Groups (ASGs).

When Karpenter is installed in your cluster, it keeps track of the combined resource requirements of unplanned pods and decides whether to launch new nodes or deprovision nodes based on the need for more capacity. This reduces the infrastructure expenses and scheduling latency of your cluster using Karpenter.


  • Make sure that AWS Identify and Access Management is used when you perform eksctl instructions AWS IAM profile that has permissions to create and manage Amazon EKS. This AWS IAM security principal is used in the Getting Started section below for the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) configuration.
  • Ensure you are using eksctl v0.124.0 or higher to operate Karpenter.
  • Follow the Getting Started section in the Amazon EKS documentation to install aws cli, kubectl, and eksctl on your development machine.
  • Alternatively, you could leverage Cloud9 or Cloudshell to handle deployment and maintenance tasks.

Summary of the solution

  1. The OS variables to be used must be created
  2. Prepare Karpenter service requirements for deployment
  3. Create the necessary iamIdentityMappings for Karpenter in an Amazon EKS cluster
  4. Enable Windows support for Amazon EKS
  5. Karpenter can be installed with Helm
  6. NodeTemplate and Karpenter provisioner should be created
  7. Scale out Karpenter for Windows
  8. Scale in Karpenter for Windows
  9. Cleanup demo resources.

Refer- Karpenter now supports Windows containers

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