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Cover image for AWSSDK.EC2 (for AWS EC2 )
Ahmed Adel for AWS Community Builders

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✦ The AWS SDK for .NET supports Amazon EC2, which is a web service that provides resizable computing capacity. You use this computing capacity to build and host your software systems.

First of all, let's have a brief about Amazon EC2 in AWS...

➽What is Amazon EC2 ?

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that provides resizable computing capacity—literally, servers in Amazon's data centers—that you use to build and host your software systems.
☞ Read more about Amazon EC2

➽Installing AWSSDK.EC2 :

AWSSDK.EC2 is installed mainly from Nuget
☞There is 3 ways to install AWSSDK.EC2, they are the same as installing AWSSDK.S3 from Part 1 of this series
☞let's use the easiest one, from Package Manager Console by using the Install-Package command.

PM> Install-Package AWSSDK.EC2
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🌟 Second step is to connect to our AWS account using __ Access keys (Access Key ID and Secret Access Key)__, this was explained before briefly in the first article under (Get AWS Access keys)

Let's now check what we can do with this SDK :

☞ Working with Security Groups:

✦ A security group acts as a virtual firewall that controls the network traffic for one or more EC2 instances. By default, EC2 associates your instances with a security group that allows no inbound traffic. You can create a security group that allows your EC2 instances to accept certain traffic.
✦ Read more about security groups in the EC2 user guide for Linux and the EC2 user guide for Windows.
1- Creating security groups:

// Method to create a new security group (either EC2-Classic or EC2-VPC)
// If vpcID is empty, the security group will be for EC2-Classic
private static async Task<List<SecurityGroup>> CreateSecurityGroup(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string groupName, string vpcID)
  // See if one or more security groups with that name
  // already exist in the given VPC. If so, return the list of them.
  var securityGroups = await FindSecurityGroups(ec2Client, groupName, vpcID);
  if (securityGroups.Count > 0)
    Console.WriteLine($"\n Security groups with name {groupName} already exists.\n");
    return securityGroups;
  // If the security group doesn't already exists, create it.
  var createRequest = new CreateSecurityGroupRequest{ GroupName = groupName };
    createRequest.Description = "My .NET example security group for EC2-Classic";
    createRequest.VpcId = vpcID;
    createRequest.Description = "My .NET example security group for EC2-VPC";
  CreateSecurityGroupResponse createResponse = await ec2Client.CreateSecurityGroupAsync(createRequest);
  // Return the new security group
  DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse describeResponse =
    await ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest{
      GroupIds = new List<string>() { createResponse.GroupId }
  return describeResponse.SecurityGroups;

// Method to determine if a security group with the specified name
// already exists in the VPC
private static async Task<List<SecurityGroup>> FindSecurityGroups(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string groupName, string vpcID)
  var request = new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest();
  request.Filters.Add(new Filter{
    Name = "group-name",
    Values = new List<string>() { groupName }
    request.Filters.Add(new Filter{
      Name = "vpc-id",
      Values = new List<string>() { vpcID }
  var response = await ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(request);
  return response.SecurityGroups;
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2- Loop through your security groups:

// Method to enumerate the security groups
private static async Task EnumerateGroups(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string vpcID)
  // A request object, in case we need it.
  var request = new DescribeSecurityGroupsRequest();
  // Put together the properties, if needed
    // We have a VPC ID. Find the security groups for just that VPC.
    Console.WriteLine($"\nGetting security groups for VPC {vpcID}...\n");
    request.Filters.Add(new Filter
      Name = "vpc-id",
      Values = new List<string>() { vpcID }
  // Get the list of security groups
  DescribeSecurityGroupsResponse response =
    await ec2Client.DescribeSecurityGroupsAsync(request);
  // Display the list of security groups.
  foreach (SecurityGroup item in response.SecurityGroups)
    Console.WriteLine("Security group: " + item.GroupId);
    Console.WriteLine("\tGroupId: " + item.GroupId);
    Console.WriteLine("\tGroupName: " + item.GroupName);
    Console.WriteLine("\tVpcId: " + item.VpcId);
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3- Update security group (Add inbound rule):

// Method that adds a TCP ingress rule to a security group
private static async Task AddIngressRule(
  IAmazonEC2 eC2Client, string groupID, string ipAddress, int port)
  // Create an object to hold the request information for the rule.
  // It uses an IpPermission object to hold the IP information for the rule.
  var ingressRequest = new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest{
    GroupId = groupID};
  ingressRequest.IpPermissions.Add(new IpPermission{
    IpProtocol = "tcp",
    FromPort = port,
    ToPort = port,
    Ipv4Ranges = new List<IpRange>() { new IpRange { CidrIp = ipAddress } }
  // Create the inbound rule for the security group
  AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressResponse responseIngress =
    await eC2Client.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressAsync(ingressRequest);
  Console.WriteLine($"\nNew RDP rule was written in {groupID} for {ipAddress}.");
  Console.WriteLine($"Result: {responseIngress.HttpStatusCode}");
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☞ Working with Amazon EC2 key pairs:

Amazon EC2 uses public–key cryptography to encrypt and decrypt login information. Public–key cryptography uses a public key to encrypt data, and then the recipient uses the private key to decrypt the data. The public and private keys are known as a key pair.
✦ Read more about Amazon EC2 key pairs in the EC2 user guide for Linux or the EC2 user guide for Windows.

1- Create the key pair:

// Method to create a key pair and save the key material in a PEM file
private static async Task CreateKeyPair(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string keyPairName, string pemFileName)
  // Create the key pair
  CreateKeyPairResponse response =
    await ec2Client.CreateKeyPairAsync(new CreateKeyPairRequest{
      KeyName = keyPairName
  Console.WriteLine($"\nCreated new key pair: {response.KeyPair.KeyName}");
  // Save the private key in a PEM file
  using (var s = new FileStream(pemFileName, FileMode.Create))
  using (var writer = new StreamWriter(s))
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2- Display available key pairs:

// Method to show the key pairs that are available
private static async Task EnumerateKeyPairs(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client)
  DescribeKeyPairsResponse response = await ec2Client.DescribeKeyPairsAsync();
  Console.WriteLine("Available key pairs:");
  foreach (KeyPairInfo item in response.KeyPairs)
    Console.WriteLine($"  {item.KeyName}");
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3- Delete the key pair:

// Method to delete a key pair
private static async Task DeleteKeyPair(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string keyName)
  await ec2Client.DeleteKeyPairAsync(new DeleteKeyPairRequest{
    KeyName = keyName});
  Console.WriteLine($"\nKey pair {keyName} has been deleted (if it existed).");
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☞ Seeing your Amazon EC2 Regions and Availability Zones:

Amazon EC2 is hosted in multiple locations worldwide. These locations are composed of Regions and Availability Zones. Each Region is a separate geographic area that has multiple, isolated locations known as Availability Zones.
✦ Read more about Regions and Availability Zones in the EC2 user guide for Linux or the EC2 user guide for Windows.

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Amazon.EC2;
using Amazon.EC2.Model;

namespace EC2RegionsAndZones
  class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
      // Create the EC2 client
      var ec2Client = new AmazonEC2Client();

      // Display the Regions and Availability Zones
      await DescribeRegions(ec2Client);
      await DescribeAvailabilityZones(ec2Client);

    // Method to display Regions
    private static async Task DescribeRegions(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client)
      Console.WriteLine("\nRegions that are enabled for the EC2 client:");
      DescribeRegionsResponse response = await ec2Client.DescribeRegionsAsync();
      foreach (Region region in response.Regions)

    // Method to display Availability Zones
    private static async Task DescribeAvailabilityZones(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client)
      Console.WriteLine("\nAvailability Zones for the EC2 client's region:");
      DescribeAvailabilityZonesResponse response = await ec2Client.DescribeAvailabilityZonesAsync();
      foreach (AvailabilityZone az in response.AvailabilityZones)
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☞ Working with Amazon EC2 instances:

1- Launch an instance:

// Method to launch the instances
// Returns a list with the launched instance IDs
private static async Task<List<string>> LaunchInstances(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, RunInstancesRequest requestLaunch)
  var instanceIds = new List<string>();
  RunInstancesResponse responseLaunch =
    await ec2Client.RunInstancesAsync(requestLaunch);
  Console.WriteLine("\nNew instances have been created.");
  foreach (Instance item in responseLaunch.Reservation.Instances)
    Console.WriteLine($"  New instance: {item.InstanceId}");
  return instanceIds;
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2- Monitor the instance:

// Method to wait until the instances are running (or at least not pending)
private static async Task CheckState(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, List<string> instanceIds)
    "\nWaiting for the instances to start." +
    "\nPress any key to stop waiting. (Response might be slightly delayed.)");
  int numberRunning;
  DescribeInstancesResponse responseDescribe;
  var requestDescribe = new DescribeInstancesRequest{
    InstanceIds = instanceIds};
  // Check every couple of seconds
  int wait = 2000;
    // Get and check the status for each of the instances to see if it's past pending.
    // Once all instances are past pending, break out.
    // (For this example, we are assuming that there is only one reservation.)
    numberRunning = 0;
    responseDescribe = await ec2Client.DescribeInstancesAsync(requestDescribe);
    foreach(Instance i in responseDescribe.Reservations[0].Instances)
      // Check the lower byte of State.Code property
      // Code == 0 is the pending state
      if((i.State.Code & 255) > 0) numberRunning++;
    if(numberRunning == responseDescribe.Reservations[0].Instances.Count)
    // Wait a bit and try again (unless the user wants to stop waiting)
  Console.WriteLine("\nNo more instances are pending.");
  foreach(Instance i in responseDescribe.Reservations[0].Instances)
    Console.WriteLine($"For {i.InstanceId}:");
    Console.WriteLine($"  VPC ID: {i.VpcId}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Instance state: {i.State.Name}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Public IP address: {i.PublicIpAddress}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Public DNS name: {i.PublicDnsName}");
    Console.WriteLine($"  Key pair name: {i.KeyName}");
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3- Terminating an EC2 instance:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Amazon.EC2;
using Amazon.EC2.Model;

namespace EC2TerminateInstance
  class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
      if((args.Length == 1) && (args[0].StartsWith("i-")))
        // Terminate the instance
        var ec2Client = new AmazonEC2Client();
        await TerminateInstance(ec2Client, args[0]);
        Console.WriteLine("\nCommand-line argument missing or incorrect.");
        Console.WriteLine("\nUsage: EC2TerminateInstance instance-ID");
        Console.WriteLine("  instance-ID - The EC2 instance you want to terminate.");

    // Method to terminate an EC2 instance
    private static async Task TerminateInstance(IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string instanceID)
      var request = new TerminateInstancesRequest{
        InstanceIds = new List<string>() { instanceID }};
      TerminateInstancesResponse response =
        await ec2Client.TerminateInstancesAsync(new TerminateInstancesRequest{
          InstanceIds = new List<string>() { instanceID }
      foreach (InstanceStateChange item in response.TerminatingInstances)
        Console.WriteLine("Terminated instance: " + item.InstanceId);
        Console.WriteLine("Instance state: " + item.CurrentState.Name);
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☞ Amazon EC2 Spot Instance tutorial:

Spot Instances enable you to request unused Amazon EC2 capacity for less than the On-Demand price. This can significantly lower your EC2 costs for applications that can be interrupted.
✦ Read more about Spot Instances in the EC2 user guide for Linux or the EC2 user guide for Windows.

1- Creating a Spot Instance request:

// Method to create a Spot Instance request
private static async Task<SpotInstanceRequest> CreateSpotInstanceRequest(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string amiId, string securityGroupName,
  InstanceType instanceType, string spotPrice, int instanceCount)
  var launchSpecification = new LaunchSpecification{
    ImageId = amiId,
    InstanceType = instanceType
  var request = new RequestSpotInstancesRequest{
    SpotPrice = spotPrice,
    InstanceCount = instanceCount,
    LaunchSpecification = launchSpecification
  RequestSpotInstancesResponse result = await ec2Client.RequestSpotInstancesAsync(request);
  return result.SpotInstanceRequests[0];
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2- Get status of your Spot Instance request:

// Method to get information about a Spot Instance request, including the status,
// instance ID, etc.
// It gets the information for a specific request (as opposed to all requests).
private static async Task<SpotInstanceRequest> GetSpotInstanceRequestInfo(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string requestId)
  var describeRequest = new DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest();
  DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse describeResponse =
    await ec2Client.DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsAsync(describeRequest);
  return describeResponse.SpotInstanceRequests[0];
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3- Clean up your Spot Instance requests:

// Method to cancel a Spot Instance request
private static async Task CancelSpotInstanceRequest(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string requestId)
  var cancelRequest = new CancelSpotInstanceRequestsRequest();
  await ec2Client.CancelSpotInstanceRequestsAsync(cancelRequest);
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4- Clean up your Spot Instances:
✦ To avoid unnecessary costs, it's important that you terminate any instances that were started from Spot Instance requests; simply canceling Spot Instance requests will not terminate your instances, which means that you'll continue to be charged for them.

// Method to terminate a Spot Instance
private static async Task TerminateSpotInstance(
  IAmazonEC2 ec2Client, string requestId)
  var describeRequest = new DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsRequest();
  // Retrieve the Spot Instance request to check for running instances.
  DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse describeResponse =
    await ec2Client.DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsAsync(describeRequest);
  // If there are any running instances, terminate them
  if(   (describeResponse.SpotInstanceRequests[0].Status.Code
          == "request-canceled-and-instance-running")
     || (describeResponse.SpotInstanceRequests[0].State == SpotInstanceState.Active))
    TerminateInstancesResponse response =
      await ec2Client.TerminateInstancesAsync(new TerminateInstancesRequest{
        InstanceIds = new List<string>(){
          describeResponse.SpotInstanceRequests[0].InstanceId } });
    foreach (InstanceStateChange item in response.TerminatingInstances)
      Console.WriteLine($"\n  Terminated instance: {item.InstanceId}");
      Console.WriteLine($"  Instance state: {item.CurrentState.Name}\n");
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References: AWS official Documentation

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