In this post we are going to demonstrate ways in which you can containerize your applications for deployment into the cloud, the next step in minimizing resource usage and likely saving money. This article is different from the previous entries in this series because those were a discussion of containers and running them within the AWS infrastructure while this post is much more practical and based upon getting to that point from an existing non-containerized application.
Using Visual Studio
Adding container support using Visual Studio is straightforward.
Adding Docker Support
Open an old ASP.NET Framework 4.7 application or create a new one. Once open, right-click on the project name, select Add, and then Docker Support as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Adding Docker Support to an application.
Your Output view, when set to showing output from Container Tools, will show multiple steps being performed, and then it should finish successfully. When completed, you will see two new files added in the Solution Explorer, Dockerfile, and a subordinate .dockerignore file. You will also see that your default Debug setting has changed to Docker. You can see both changes in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Changes in Visual Studio after adding Docker support.
You can test the support by clicking the Docker button. This will build the container, run it under your local Docker Desktop, and then open your default browser. This time, rather than going to a localhost URL you will instead go to an IP address, and if you compare the IP address in the URL to your local IP you will see that they are not the same. That is because this new IP address points to the container running on your system.
Before closing the browser and stopping the debug process, you will be able to confirm that the container is running by using the Containers view in Visual Studio as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Using the Containers view in Visual Studio to see the running container.
You can also use Docker Desktop to view running containers. Open Docker Desktop and select Containers / Apps. This will bring you to a list of the running containers and apps, one of which will be the container that you just started as shown in Figure 4.