AWS account has default quotas and each quota is Region-specific. You can request increases for some quotas, and other quotas cannot be increased.
To view the quotas for Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, open the Service Quotas console. In the navigation pane, choose AWS services and select Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling.
To request a quota increase, see Requesting a Quota Increase in the Service Quotas User Guide. If the quota is not yet available in Service Quotas, use the Auto Scaling Limits form.
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling resources
Your AWS account has the following quotas related to the number of Auto Scaling groups and launch configurations that you can create.
Auto Scaling group configuration
Your AWS account has the following quotas related to the configuration of Auto Scaling groups. They cannot be changed.
Auto Scaling group API operations
Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling provides API operations to make changes to your Auto Scaling groups in batches. The following are the API limits on the maximum number of items (maximum array members) that are allowed in a single operation. They cannot be changed.
Operation Maximum array members
[AttachInstances] 20 instance IDs
[AttachLoadBalancers] 10 load balancers
[AttachLoadBalancerTargetGroups] 10 target groups
[BatchDeleteScheduledAction] 50 scheduled actions
[BatchPutScheduledUpdateGroupAction] 50 scheduled actions
[DetachInstances] 20 instance IDs
[DetachLoadBalancers] 10 load balancers
[DetachLoadBalancerTargetGroups] 10 target groups
[EnterStandby] 20 instance IDs
[ExitStandby] 20 instance IDs
[SetInstanceProtection] 50 instance IDs
Other services
Quotas for other services, such as Amazon EC2, can impact your Auto Scaling groups. For more information, see Service endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
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