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AMELIA HOUGH-ROSS for AWS Community Builders

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AWS, Azure, and Google share spotlight on Cloud Day 2023

The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) Cloud Day, hosted in Richland, WA, USA, showcased an impressive array of technological innovations and real-world applications of #aws #azure #gcp.

PNNL is actively engaged in expediting research through the use of cloud service providers: AWS, Microsoft, and Google. In order to share what’s possible at PNNL, the laboratory hosts a yearly cloud day which took place in Richland, WA, this July 19, 2023.

The Cloud Day keynote from Kelly Marquardt with NEXTSilicon is a good reminder that hardware and software design for high -performance computing is key to unlocking the future of high -speed computing. I remember my own computer science training when designing software to work well on hardware was an important part of being an IT Engineer. The growth of computing during the past 20 years has led to this approach being less of a focus. When you need to do high -performance computing with exaflops though, the software / hardware integration can be the difference between ho hum compute and revolutionizing computation for researchers.

Cloud Day hosted many vendors including #SPLUNK #Atlassian #Gitlab and #IBM. Each cloud service provider had a day long track to share workshops, new product releases, and community learning sessions. The Google EarthWall made an appearance which is a nine monitor system that displays geospatial data supporting research efforts. Everything from agricultural impact of the war in Ukraine to rainfall impacts on flooding in the USA. Azure presented on Generative AI integrations and AWS shared a workshop using IOT Core ( to provide sensor data to a dashboard that can determine wind turbine effectiveness. Check out the workshop details here:

Community interest groups named “Birds of a Feather” (BOF) took place in an open “hybrid” circle with a laptop and speaker in the middle showcasing how well PNNL includes its remote attendees. A great Serverless BOF took place where open discussions on Azure Functions, and AWS Lambda was discussed and debated based on use cases. A good time was had by all!
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It is a terrific event and one that brought in over 900 people from across the USA as PNNL brought in a cadre of the remote workforce, vendors, and cloud service provider subject matter experts. This is a single day event that is part of a larger week -long #Techfest held yearly at PNNL.

PNNL is a research institution funded by the Department of Energy specializing in areas such as national security, nuclear materials, non-proliferation, nuclear fuel life cycle, and energy production.

PNNL hosts TechFest 2023 this week in Richland

RICHLAND, Wash. - Folks in richland are getting the chance to see the next evolution of technology for the future of computing.folks in richland are getting the


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