
Cover image for Route domain traffic to AWS with Route 53
Samuel Olubayo for AWS Community Builders

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Route domain traffic to AWS with Route 53

On the AWS console, search for route 53 in the search bar.

route 53

On the route 53 dashboard, click on "hosted zone".

route 53 dashboard

on the next screen here click on "created hosted zone"

further description on route 53

If you haven't done any activities on the route 53 dashboard, it will look more like this

route 53 dashboard without hosted zone

On the screen where we want to create hosted zone, fill in the domain name and click "create hosted zone".


After the hosted zone has been created successfully, copy the nameserver one after the other and add them to your domain provider's DNS list.


wait for a couple of minutes or even hours for propagation to be complete and now we are able to use the domain on AWS.

Onto the next one...

Top comments (2)

hectorfernandezdev profile image
Hector Fernandez CloudparaTodo

Great job and simple as that

sambayour profile image
Samuel Olubayo

Thank you, @hectorfernandez02