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Setting Up PL/SQL on Linux Ubuntu/WSL

0. Basic Requirements

  • 🔁[sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade]
  • update java[sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk] <!-- - [sudo apt install sqldeveloper] if non WSL else download from here -optional(can use VSCode extension) -->
    Oracle SQL Developer(Tool installation) -optional [can use VSCode extension + Oracle Express Edition(wsl)]

PL/SQL Configuration

  • Oracle SQL Developer comes with PL/SQL support 😋. You can create and run PL/SQL scripts directly within the tool.

Install Oracle SQL Developer on 🐧 Ubuntu

1. Download Oracle SQL Developer

2. Extract the downloaded file to a folder of your choice.

  • if you don't have unzip installed, install it using the following command:
  sudo apt-get install unzip
  • Once the download is complete, extract the archive to a location of your choice.
  -- unzip sqldeveloper-* (for any version)
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3. Install Required Packages

  • Oracle SQL Developer requires some additional packages. Install them using the following commands:
    sudo apt-get install libc6-i386 lib32ncurses5 lib32z1 lib32stdc++6
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4. Run Oracle SQL Developer

  • Navigate to the sqldeveloper folder and run the script.
  cd sqldeveloper
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  • The first time you run Oracle SQL Developer, it will prompt you to locate the Java executable. Provide the path to your JDK installation.

5. Configure Oracle Database Connection

  • Open Oracle SQL Developer.
  • Click on "View" in the menu and select "Connections" to open the Connections tab.
  • Right-click on "Connections" and choose "New Connection."
  • Enter the connection details such as Connection Name, Username, Password, and SID/Service Name.

Note: If you followed the steps then no need to install Oracle Express Edition(wsl) as it comes with Oracle SQL Developer.

🪟 Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

  • Download the Linux RPM
  • make sure to move the downloaded file to the WSL filesystem
  • Install the RPM package using the following command:
  sudo rpm -i sqldeveloper-
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- Navigate to the sqldeveloper folder and run the script.

  cd sqldeveloper
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If you want to create a desktop shortcut, right-click on the script and select Create Shortcut. You can then copy the shortcut to your desktop.

To set up PL/SQL on Linux Ubuntu, you'll need to install Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle XE), which includes the Oracle SQL*Plus and PL/SQL components. Here are the general steps to set up PL/SQL on Linux Ubuntu:

1. Install Required Packages

  • Oracle Database Express Edition requires some additional packages. Install them using the following commands:
  sudo apt-get install alien libaio1 unixodbc
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2. Download or Install Oracle Database Express Edition (Oracle XE):

A. Download

Go to the Oracle website and download the Oracle Database Express Edition for Linux. Make sure to accept the license agreement.

  unzip oracle-database-xe-*
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B. Install

  • Install the RPM package using the following command:
  sudo alien --scripts -d oracle-database-xe-*.rpm
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  • Install the Oracle Database Express Edition using the following command:
  sudo dpkg --install oracle-database-xe-*.deb
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3. Configure Oracle Database Express Edition using the following command:

  sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe-21c configure
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  • The configuration script will prompt you to set a password for the SYS and SYSTEM users. Make sure to remember the password you set for these users.
  • The configuration script will also prompt you to set the HTTP port for Oracle Application Express (APEX). The default port is 8080(or any other if already port is occupied). ## 4. Start the Oracle Database Express Edition using the following command:
  sudo service oracle-xe-21c start
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5. Add the following lines to the end of the /etc/bash.bashrc file:

  export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/21c/dbhomeXE
  export ORACLE_SID=XE
  export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
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6. Load the new environment variables using the following command:

  source /etc/bash.bashrc
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7. More Configuration

  • Connect to the Oracle Database Express Edition using the following command:
  sqlplus sys as sysdba
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  • Enter the password you set for the SYS user when you configured the Oracle Database Express Edition.
  • Run the following command to unlock the HR user:
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  • Run the following command to change the password for the HR user:
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  • Connect to the Oracle Database Express Edition using the following command:
  sqlplus hr/hr
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  • Stop the Oracle Database Express Edition using the following command:
  sudo service oracle-xe-21c stop
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  • Run the following command to exit SQL*Plus:
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