I am trying to list some commands above the work criteria. Check this below
Git Initial Command:
1. git init
2. git status
3. git --version
4. rm -rf .git //Remove git folder
5. git status -s
Git Configuration Command:
1. git config --global user.name "username"
2. git config --global user.email "email"
3. git config --list
4. git config --global alias.last "log -p -1" //Create alias for shortcut
Git File Add Command:
1. git add . //Stages new and modified file without deleted file
2. git add -A //Stages all file
3. git add -u //Stages modified and deleted file without new file
Git Commit Command:
1. git commit -m "messeage"
2. git commit -a -m "message" //Stage file commit without add
3. git commit --amend //Change the last commit
Git Commit Log Command:
1. git log
2. git log -p -2
3. git log --stat
4. git log --pretty=oneline
5. git log --pretty=short/full
6. git log --pretty=format:"%h 00 %ae"
7. git log --since=2.days/weeks/months/years
Git Branch Command:
1. git branch
2. git branch `branchName`
3. git checkout `branchName`
4. git merge `branchName` //Branch must be master
5. git branch -v
6. git branch --merged
7. git brach --no-merged
8. git branch -d `branchName` //Locally deleted
9. git push origin --delete `branchName` //Deledted on github
10. git checkout -b "branchName" // Create brach and switch to the created branch
Git Compare Command
1. git diff `fileName` //Difference tracked file code between last commit file to now
2. git diff --staged `filename` //Difference Stages file code between last commit file to now
3. git reset `fileName` //Stages file to unstages file
4. git checkout `fileName` //Clear file to last commit
5. git checkout -f //For all file
6. git rm --cached `fileName` //Tracked file to Untracked file
Git Command For Github
1. git remote add origin `url`
2. git remote rm origin
3. git push -u origin master
4. git pull origin master
5. git remote -v
6. git clone `url`
Git Extra Command
1 .gitignore
2. git rm `fileName`
3. git mv `fileName1` `fileName2` //Change the filename & fileName2 is changed name.
NOTE: If you don't understand any command, find out on Google. This way you can learn about git commands properly and have a crystal clear idea on git commands. Keep exploring.
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