🚨 🌟🌟🌟 Our new challenge is LIVE! 🌟🌟🌟 🚨
This article is part of #SeasonsOfServerless.
Each week we will publish a challenge co-created by Azure Advocates with some amazing Student Ambassadors around the world. Discover popular festive recipes and learn how Microsoft Azure empowers you to do more with Serverless Functions! 🍽 😍.
Explore our serverless Resources here and learn how you can contribute solutions here.
🍽 | Seasons Of Serverless
We are now entering WEEK 4
of #SeasonsOfServerless developer challenge series!! It's never too late to join in and learn about festive traditions around the world - and explore a bit of code in the process!
Want to learn more about what #SeasonsOfServerless is and how you can participate? Start by reading this post:

#SeasonsOfServerless - Join our Festive Developer Challenge!
Nitya Narasimhan, Ph.D for Microsoft Azure ・ Nov 23 '20
🇹🇷 | The 'Longest Kebab' Challenge!
Our chef last week was Microsoft Student Ambassador Baris Ceviz, who shared a popular tradition from the 'Adana kebabi' festival in Turkey with Cloud Advocates Chloe Condon and Cecil Phillip.
From the project brief
The most common problem in this festival is calculating how much material is needed to create the longest possible kebab based on the amount of material you have on hand. Since there are so many people at the festival, and you'd like to serve them all, the materials must be calculated quickly.
You need to produce a fast serverless solution to this problem. Create a kebab calculator that, given a certain amount of meat in kilos, can calculate how many people you'll be able to feed as well as how long your kebab can be!
👨🏼🍳 | Our Chefs Weigh in!
Want to learn how our intrepid team solved this conundrum? First, check out their video walkthrough of their solutions right here!
You can also dive into the code on this GitHub repo
If you port this to a different language of your choosing, just leave us a comment and share your code! We'd love to see it! 🎉
🏆 | Thanks for the submissions!
They setup a great challenge and we are so excited to see all the submissions that came in from the developer community!!
Want to learn how others solved the challenge, potentially with a different programming language?
Check out our Contributors Hall Of Fame for Week 3!
🙋🏼♀️ | It's not too late to join us!
🚨 🌟🌟🌟 Our new challenge is LIVE! 🌟🌟🌟 🚨
This article is part of #SeasonsOfServerless.
Each week we will publish a challenge co-created by Azure Advocates with some amazing Student Ambassadors around the world. Discover popular festive recipes and learn how Microsoft Azure empowers you to do more with Serverless Functions! 🍽 😍.
Explore our serverless Resources here and learn how you can contribute solutions here.
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