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8 Shocking HTML tips you probably don't know about

These are a collection of HTML tips I learned that would definitely blow your mind!

1. Capture attribute to open your device camera

Just as the input tag has attributes for email, text and password, there is also an attribute to open the camera of mobile devices to capture images.

This is done with the capture attribute which can take two values:

  • user for the front camera
  • environment for the back camera
<input type="file" capture="user" accept="image/*">
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2. Automatic website refresh

You can set your website to refresh after a given amount of time from the head tag!

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">
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This snippet refreshes the website every 10 seconds

3. Activate spellcheck

You can use the HTML spellcheck attribute and set it to true to activate it. Specify the language to be used using the lang attribute

<input type="text" spellcheck="true" lang="en">
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It is a standard attribute and is supported by most browsers

browser support pic

I wonder if uses this attribute on their create post editor... πŸ˜„

4. Specify file type to be uploaded

You can specify the file types users are permitted to upload in the input tag using the accept attribute

<input type="file" accept=".jpeg,.png">
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5. Prevent translation

Setting the translate attribute to no, prevents translation. This is important in case where you don't want a phrase or word to be translated, for example your logo, company or brand name.

<p translate="no">Brand name</p>
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6. Entering multiple items into the input tag

This can be done with the multiple attribute

<input type="file" multiple>
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It works for both files and emails. For emails, separate each email by a comma.

7. Creating a poster(thumbnail) for your videos

With the poster attribute, you can create an image which is displayed while the video is downloading, or until the user hits the play button.

If this is not included, the first frame of the video will be used instead.

<video poster="picture.png"></video>
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8. Automatically download on link click

If you want a particular resource to be downloaded when a link to the target resource is clicked, add the download attribute

<a href="image.png" download>
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That's a wrap. I'm sure to share more once I learn more πŸ˜„

Comment below which ones were new to you

Top comments (28)

rafaacioly profile image
Rafael Acioly β€’

Great post, I also like to look at this site when I want to know more about HTML;

babib profile image
ππšπ›π’ ✨ β€’

Thanks for sharing ☺️

khuongduybui profile image
Duy K. Bui β€’ β€’ Edited

Number 2 can also be used to redirect after the delay if you give the meta tag a URL to redirect to.

babib profile image
ππšπ›π’ ✨ β€’

Didn't know that. Thanks for the input

vulcanwm profile image
Medea β€’

Wow I learnt something new!

soniarpit profile image
Arpit β€’


lebogang26 profile image
Lebogang Sekaleli β€’

Wow. Thanks Babi.

arunagnihotri profile image
Arun Agnihotri β€’

learnt only 8 points!! :-)

Thanks Babi.

babib profile image
ππšπ›π’ ✨ β€’

Only 8 for now... πŸ˜‚

ricardochan profile image
Ricardo Chan β€’

Pretty neat!

philipdeve profile image
Philip Ifeanyi β€’

Thanks for sharing this

babib profile image
ππšπ›π’ ✨ β€’ β€’ Edited

You're welcome 😊

cattjames profile image
James Catt β€’

Nice list! #2 is a WCAG failure though:

babib profile image
ππšπ›π’ ✨ β€’

Thanks. I'll check it out

sique976 profile image
San D. β€’

Uau!! Congrats!!