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Madelyn Mathew
Madelyn Mathew

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10 Best JavaScript Projects for Beginners [With Source Code]

One of the most widely used programming languages is JavaScript (JS), which is utilised in all web applications for a variety of purposes, including validation, generating dynamic information, interactive graphics, and mapping. JS offers the ability to create comprehensive, complex web apps alongside HTML and CSS.

Users can interact with the intriguing components of a web page using JS. But where do you begin if you're a novice coder with little JS experience?

The best way to learn is by doing, which is where simple JavaScript projects come in. We've compiled the best JavaScript projects for beginners as well as a few more challenging ones for when you've gotten the hang of it, so don't worry if you need help coming up with project ideas!

Are you ready to work on JavaScript projects? Let's get going.

Why JavaScript Projects?

The core of any web application is JS. A solid grasp of JS opens up a wide range of demanding and exciting employment opportunities, such as full-stackprogramming, mobile app development, dynamic web development, and UI/UX design. It's simple to have fun with JavaScript because of the language's limitless interaction.

Projects are the next step to enhancing your resume if you are familiar with the fundamentals of JavaScript. If you have no prior programming knowledge, you can read JS books or enrol in introductory JavaScript courses before coming back to these projects. Since the source code is available, you can understand the majority of JavaScript projects if you are familiar with HTML and CSS.

Before we get to the projects themselves, let's review some of JavaScript's key characteristics:

  • used to produce interactive web content on both the client and server sides.
  • enhances user experience significantly with dynamic functionality.
  • Object-oriented language that is lightweight.
  • Language that is open, cross-platform, and interpreted.
  • seamlessly incorporates HTML and Java.

Beginner JavaScript Projects at Their Best

Although JavaScript is very versatile, we don't want to overburden you. Fortunately, there are plenty of basic javascript projects available to get you started.

To make it simple for you to get started, we'll start out slowly with these JavaScript projects containing source code:

1. JavaScript Calculator

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One of the simple JavaScript projects on our list is the calculator. Simple HTML and CSS will be used, and basic JavaScript functions will be used to generate all functional components. To display buttons, we'll keep utilising HTML, and CSS will enhance the presentation. Finally, we'll need to use JavaScript to make sure that buttons execute the proper actions.

Eval(), a universal JS function that resolves JS code, serves as the main function. The chosen number will be shown on the calculator screen via the display() method. Keep in mind that the software will only respond to mouse events. Here is the entire code, broken down into sections for HTML, CSS, and JS:

Source Code : Click On Me

2. Hangman Game

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A popular game and one of our easy JS projects is hangman. It can be quickly developed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Keep in mind that JS is used to define the core functionality. The purpose of HTML is for display, whereas CSS takes care of embellishing the contents.

The JS code has a lot of specified methods, so at first it could look hard, but after carefully reading it, you'll discover that it's really rather straightforward. Run the code to view how it is executed line by line.

Check the execution and code here.

Source Code : Click On Me

3. Tic-Tac-Toe game

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It's simple to create your own Tic-Tac-Toe game with JavaScript. The complete code can be viewed here, and it walks you through each step of creating a 3x3 tic-tac-toe board. Then, for your own practise and expertise, you can subsequently expand to NxN. The project's HTML and CSS are both relatively straightforward. The author begins with pseudocode before delving into each function's particular explanation.

Source Code : Click On Me

4. Weather App

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Another common JavaScript project is a weather app. In this project, whenever the location name is changed, the weather display updates without requiring a page refresh. Also pretty stylish is the UI.

Keep in mind that the majority of weather apps access weather data via an API. We'll employ the most well-known and widely used API, OpenWeatherMap.

Check out this YouTube video that goes into great detail about the functionality and code of the weather app. As usual, there are three files: main.js, main.css, and index.html. It is more convenient to maintain different files even though all the code can be contained in a single file (HTML).

Source Code : Click On Me

5. JavaScript Music Events

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You will learn about event listeners that respond to keyboard events in this section. For instance, pressing the "S" key will cause a certain occurrence to occur. Each will have a unique code and course of action.

We will also learn how to add and play audio files in addition to event listeners. Because JavaScript is the main focus here, you'll see that we've added some very simple CSS. For the application to function properly, you will need to import your own sounds and backdrop images.

Source Code : Click On Me

6. JavaScript Form Validation

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Many websites employ form validation as a handy feature for client-side user information validation, including card and address details. The user can enter a number, leave the field blank, or type only one letter in a mandatory input field, for instance, if the field's name is required. JS has the ability to verify this data.

The project that follows entails basic form validation. Of course, HTML components will also be required for the project. We merely included the bare minimum of HTML components, with no significant styling.

Here is the entire code for a straightforward form with fundamental validations:

Source Code : Click On Me

7. JavaScript Photo Details Display

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Here, we'll put some pictures on a website. More information will show up as the viewer hovers over the photographs. You can utilise the photographs you already have or download new ones from anywhere.

Once more, we have combined JS with simple HTML and CSS. The majority of the labour is done by the latter. Through this project, you will gain knowledge of how mouse hover (over and out) events operate.

Try this W3Schools slideshow project to make it more challenging. The graphics will change when the user moves their mouse over them if you replace the onClick events with onmousehover and onmouseout events.

Source Code : Click On Me

8. Build an Interactive Landing Page

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This project entails creating a dynamic landing page that displays an appropriate image and greeting depending on the time of day while storing your name and typed text in local storage. You may learn more about the JS components of this project by watching this YouTube video.

Source Code : Click On Me

9. Real-time Chat Application

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Making chat applications is comparatively easy, and JavaScript may be used to build one from scratch. This project is a little frightening because it uses both React and Node.js. But it's a useful method to get your hands dirty and gain experience with these priceless equipment.

On GitHub, you can see the source code here.

Source Code : Click On Me

10. JavaScript Browser Code Editor

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Although there are many JS code editors available, having the option to make your own is always wonderful. This project is about building an in-browser code editor using the JS language. It uses various practical JS techniques and even has syntax highlighting!

This project's source code may be found here.

Source Code : Click On Me

Create JavaScript projects right now!

Only 15 of the many cool JavaScript projects have been covered. However, these JavaScript example projects can add a tonne of value to your portfolio and cover nearly every essential JavaScript idea.

Do you want to know more about JavaScript? With the help of our HTML projects, broaden your understanding of how it interacts with HTML. And after you gain assurance?

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