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How to Become an Open-Source Contributor: A Developer's Guide to Contributing in 2025.

1. Start with the Right Mindset: It’s Not Just About Code

Before you write a single line of code, it’s important to understand that open-source contribution isn’t just about flexing your technical skills. Sure, writing clean, efficient code matters, but contributing is as much about collaboration and communication as it is about development.

Be prepared to learn: You’ll often be stepping into someone else’s codebase. It’s going to look different from your personal projects or work code. Take the time to understand it before diving in.

Be humble: You’re going to get feedback on your contributions. And guess what? Sometimes your PR might get rejected. It’s not a reflection of your skills—it’s just part of the process.

It’s not just about code: You don’t have to start with a massive feature. Open-source projects need documentation, testing, bug triaging, and even help answering questions in the community. These are equally valuable contributions that can help you ease in.

2. Finding the Right Project: Where Do You Fit?

There are literally millions of open-source projects out there—everything from tools you use daily to niche libraries you’ve never heard of. But how do you pick one?

Contribute to what you use: The easiest way to get started is to contribute to a tool or library you already use. Familiarity with how the project works will make understanding the codebase so much easier. Plus, you’ll have a sense of what’s needed or where there might be room for improvement.

Look for beginner-friendly projects: Not every open-source project is friendly to new contributors, but many are. Search for repositories that label issues as “good first issue” or “beginner-friendly.” These labels are a clear invitation for new contributors to get involved.

Choose active projects: You want to pick a project that’s active—meaning regular commits, a responsive community, and maintainers who engage. Dead or stagnant projects are hard to contribute to because your pull requests might end up gathering dust.

3. Understanding the Codebase: Your First Contribution Shouldn’t Be Code

Hold up. I know you’re itching to code, but before you start hammering away at your keyboard, take a step back. Every project has its own style, structure, and rules, and rushing in without taking the time to understand these is a rookie mistake.

Here’s how to get started the right way:

Read the README: This isn’t just some boring introduction to the project. The README is the soul of the repo—it tells you what the project is about, how to set it up locally, and (often) how to contribute. Some projects also have files that lay out specific guidelines for contributing.

Browse the issues: Look through the open issues list to see what’s currently being discussed or worked on. Issues are the roadmaps to the project’s pain points. Start by reading through them to find opportunities where you can add value.

Clone the repo and play around: Set up the project on your local machine and explore the codebase. Try running the tests or building the project to get a feel for the workflows. This is your time to familiarize yourself with the structure and the tools the project uses.

4. Make Your First Contribution: Start Small, Build Confidence

It’s time to contribute, but here’s the thing: your first contribution doesn’t have to be huge. In fact, it’s better if it’s not. The goal is to make a meaningful impact while building your confidence.

Here are a few ways to start small:

Fix small bugs or typos: Is there a typo in the documentation? A small bug in the code? These might seem trivial, but every contribution counts—and it’s a great way to get your feet wet.

Improve documentation: Developers love writing code, but writing documentation? Not so much. Improving documentation—whether it’s explaining how to install the project, adding examples, or clarifying an API—can make a massive difference.

Add tests: Many projects need better test coverage. If you see an area that lacks tests, write a few to cover edge cases or bugs. Testing is critical and often overlooked in open-source projects.

5. Submitting Your Pull Request: How to Do It Right

Congratulations—you’ve written some code! Now, how do you get it merged? Enter the world of pull requests (PRs).

Keep it simple: When writing your PR, make sure it’s focused and addresses a single issue or feature. Big, sprawling PRs are hard to review and are more likely to be rejected or sent back for revisions.

Follow the style guide: Every project has a coding style—whether it’s tabs vs. spaces, or specific naming conventions. Check if the project has a style guide, and make sure your code follows it. The last thing you want is to have your PR rejected for not following formatting rules.

Be clear and concise: When you submit your PR, add a clear title and description. Explain what you’re solving, how you solved it, and why it’s important. This helps the maintainers review it quickly without having to dig through the code.

Be ready for feedback: Maintain a positive, open mind when you receive feedback. Your PR might not get accepted right away—and that’s totally normal. Address any requested changes and keep the conversation constructive.

6. Navigating Community Dynamics: It’s About People, Not Just Code

Contributing to open-source is as much about the community as it is about the code. You’re joining a group of developers who are passionate about the project—so be respectful and engage thoughtfully.

Be kind: Always keep in mind that everyone involved in open-source is a volunteer. Whether it’s the maintainers or fellow contributors, people are donating their time and effort. Be courteous in discussions, and if you disagree, do so respectfully.

Ask questions: If you’re stuck or unsure about something, don’t hesitate to ask questions in the project’s chat or issue threads. Most communities are welcoming, especially to contributors who are genuinely trying to learn.

Give back to the community: As you get more comfortable contributing, start helping others. Whether it’s answering questions, reviewing someone else’s PR, or helping to triage issues, giving back strengthens the community and your own understanding of the project.

7. Grow as an Open-Source Contributor: Build Your Reputation

Once you’ve made a few contributions, you’ll start to feel more confident navigating the open-source world. Here’s how to keep leveling up:

Take on bigger issues: After fixing a few bugs or improving documentation, you’ll likely have a deeper understanding of the project. Start tackling larger issues—maybe even new features or refactoring existing code.

Collaborate with maintainers: Building relationships with the project maintainers is key. As you become more active, you may be asked to help with more responsibilities—like reviewing PRs or handling issues.

Diversify your contributions: Don’t stop at one project. The more you contribute to different open-source repositories, the more you’ll expand your knowledge, skillset, and network. This opens the door to even more exciting opportunities in the future.

And hey, if you’ve made it this far, your next step is easy: pick a project, find a small issue, and make your first contribution. It won’t always be smooth sailing, but with every pull request, you’ll learn something new.

Top comments (1)

kieran07 profile image

This is an excellent guide for anyone looking to get involved in open-source! I especially appreciate the emphasis on starting small and the importance of community engagement. It makes the process feel less intimidating and more approachable.