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WebsiteColorsAI - Launch 🎨

Hello everyone! It's Bryam 👋

Based on how popular my first AI tool was, and the amount of people that signed up for it. I decided to build another AI tool called WebsiteColorsAI.

I started working on WebsiteColorsAI with the goal of helping others speed up the design process when building websites, especially, when it comes to choosing colors.

In most of my projects, I always struggle trying to find the "ideal" color palette and more than that, I spend a lot of time trying to find out and researching what other websites are using which is time-consuming and slows me down quite a bit when trying to build and deploy projects.

With WebsiteColorsAI, you can immediately find out what color palettes are other websites using and save a ton of time when it comes to choosing colors for your websites.

The tool is quite inexpensive as each token costs $1. The pricing is $5 for 5 tokens which means you get to generate color palettes for 5 different websites. Also, when you sign up, you get 1 free token to try the tool. (Use it wisely)

I hope this tool proves to be useful for many.

It would mean the world to me if you could try out the tool and give me some feedback, suggestions, ideas, etc.



Thank you! 😊

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