Nothing about this is deliberately designed; everything about this happened by accident.
So I have a habit of writing the back-end part for web apps that I choose to build in my spare time with no dependencies other than the HTTP server library provided by the language itself. It's good fun (if you're a masochist), you get to really feel what kind of things you really want when you're forced to do every little thing your own.
Since I used std/htmlgen
in these projects I grew really tired of it and naturally I wished to have some kind of template engine so that I could at least write HTML instead of Nim. The very first version of it was bastardly simple. It reads and parses a file an replaces all the "tags" (in this case, anything surrounded with two brackets {{ ... }}
with the corresponding value passed in with a map:
import std/macros
proc parseTemplate(x: string): seq[(bool, string)] {.compileTime.} =
var res: seq[(bool, string)] = @[]
var isTag = false
var currentPiece = ""
var currentTag = ""
var i = 0
let lenx = x.len
while i < lenx:
if x[i] == '{' and i+1 < lenx and x[i+1] == '{':
if isTag:
i += 2
res.add((false, currentPiece))
currentPiece = ""
isTag = true
i += 2
elif x[i] == '}' and i+1 < lenx and x[i+1] == '}':
if not isTag:
i += 2
res.add((true, currentTag))
currentTag = ""
isTag = false
i += 2
if isTag:
i += 1
i += 1
if isTag and currentTag.len > 0:
currentPiece &= "{{" & currentTag
if currentPiece.len > 0:
res.add((false, currentPiece))
return res
# "macro" because I need to use `staticRead`.
macro useTemplate*(name: untyped, filename: static[string]): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
let s = staticRead(filename)
let v = s.parseTemplate
result.add quote do:
proc `name`(prop: StringTableRef): string =
let p = `v`
var res: seq[string] = @[]
for k in p:
if k[0]:
res.add(if prop.hasKey(k[1]): prop[k[1]] else: "")
return res.join("")
Soon there were problems:
- How do you
? - Also, how do you
? - How do you send in anything other than a plain
, e.g. something like{"name": "John Doe", "address": {"country": "Ireland", "address": "blahblahblah", "postcode": "ABC DEFG"}}
? (This problem, due to how Nim has UFCS and operator overloading, turns out to be fatal.)
A normal solution for the first two questions is to have "special tags" like this:
{{if someCondition}}
{{elif someOtherCondition}}
{{for someVar in someCollection}}
To parse the tags themselves is easy even if you don't rely on recursion:
KT = enum
K = ref object
kOutside: seq[TemplatePiece]
case kind: KT
of KIF:
kIfCond: string
kElifCond: string
kElifCompletedClause: seq[(string, seq[TemplatePiece])]
kElseCompletedClause: seq[(string, seq[TemplatePiece])]
of KFOR:
kForBoundVar: string
kForExpr: string
# and then at the parser you'll have a while loop and within
# the loop you'll have something like this:
var kstk: seq[K] = @[]
var res: seq[TemplatePiece] = @[]
if isEndIf:
if kstk.len <= 0: reportError
if kstk[^1].kind != KIF and #[KELIF, KELSE]#: reportError
let k = kstk.pop
let newPiece = k.makeIntoIfPiece(res)
res = k.kOutside
elif isIf: # we save the "outside" part and the condition
kstk.add(K(kOutside: res, kind: KIF, kIfCond: cond))
res = @[]
elif isElif:
# whatever is in `res` at this point must belong to an IF
# or an ELIF clause, which should happen on `k.kIfCond`
# or `k.kElifCond`.
if kstk.len <= 0: reportError
if kstk[^1].kind != KIF and #[KELIF]#: reportError
let k = kstk.pop()
kstk.add(K(kOutside: k.kOutside, kind: KELIF,
kElifCond: cond,
case k.kind:
of KIF: @[(k.kIfCond, res)]
of KELIF: k.kElifCompletedClause & @[(k.kElifCond, res)]))
res = @[]
elif isElse:
if kstk.len <= 0: reportError
if kstk[^1].kind != KIF and #[KELIF]#: reportError
let k = kstk.pop()
kstk.add(K(kOutside: k.kOutside, kind: KELSE,
case k.kind:
of KIF: @[(k.kIfCond, res)]
of KELIF: k.kElifCompletedClause & @[(k.kElifCond, res)]))
res = @[]
can be handled similarly.)
The parsing of conditions is a bigger problem. Since this is a template engine meant for Nim, one would understandably wish to support all the constructs available for Nim, but that's a huge undertaking; also, how do you plan to interpret it, since Nim is a language that supports a lot of fancy stuffs? After discovering parseExpr
in the same std/macros
module that one needs to import to do macros, I've had an epiphany.
Everything is to become macros.
The whole template would be expanded into a series of function calls that adds strings to a seq[string]
, if
s and for
s in the template would be expanded into actual if
and for
statements and conditions would be directly parsed (by Nim instead of me) and expanded into actual expressions.
At the end of the day I had something like this:
proc renderTemplateToAST(s: seq[TemplatePiece], resultVar: NimNode): NimNode =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
for k in s:
case k.pType:
let key = k.strVal
result.add quote do:
of EXPR:
let v: NimNode = k.exVal.parseExpr
result.add quote do:
of FOR:
let v: NimNode = newIdentNode(k.forVar)
let e: NimNode = k.forExpr.parseExpr
let b: NimNode = k.forBody.renderTemplateToAST(resultVar)
result.add quote do:
for `v` in `e`:
of IF:
if k.ifClause.len <= 0:
raise newException(ValueError, "Cannot have zero if-branch.")
var i = k.ifClause.len-1
var lastCond = k.ifClause[i][0].parseExpr
var lastIfBody = k.ifClause[i][1].renderTemplateToAST(resultVar)
var lastRes =
if k != nil and k.elseClause.len > 0:
let elseBody = k.elseClause.renderTemplateToAST(resultVar)
quote do:
if `lastCond`:
quote do:
if `lastCond`:
i -= 1
while i >= 0:
var branchCond= k.ifClause[i][0].parseExpr
var branchBody = k.ifClause[i][1].renderTemplateToAST(resultVar)
lastRes =
quote do:
if `branchCond`:
i -= 1
result.add lastRes
return result
macro expandTemplate*(resultVarName: untyped, filename: static[string]): untyped =
result = nnkStmtList.newTree()
let resolveBase = (resultVarName.lineInfoObj.filename.Path).parentDir / filename.Path
var trail: seq[string] = @[]
# `resolveTemplate` is another function I've had to populate
# all the `{{include ...}}` tags because I choose to support
# that as well
let v = resolveBase.string.resolveTemplate(trail)
let seqres = newIdentNode("`")
let procBody = v.renderTemplateToAST(seqres)
result.add quote do:
var `resultVarName`: string
var `seqres`: seq[string] = @[]
`resultVarName` = `seqres`.join("")
which would expand a template like this:
{{if visitorName == "viktor"}}
<span style="color: red">Viktor!</span>
{{elif visitorName != ""}}
<span style="color: blue">{{visitorName}}!</span>
into something like this:
var res: string
var seqres123: seq[string] = @[]
seqres123.add("</h1>\n</p>Hello!\n ")
if visitorName == "viktor":
seqres123.add("\n <span style=\"color: red\">Viktor!</span>\n ")
elif visitorName != "":
seqres123.add("\n <span style=\"color: blue\">")
seqres123.add("</span>\n ")
seqres123.add("\n visitor!\n ")
res = seqres123.join("")
And that's pretty much it.
What did I lose by doing it this way
The ability to expand and populate a template in runtime! But seriously, Nim don't really have an eval
like JavaScript (at least there aren't any that I know of) which will make it much harder and painful to make. Compile-time is good enough for me for now.
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