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Beginner Developer
Beginner Developer

Posted on β€’ Originally published at


Clock in HTML and CSS

Learn how to create a clock in HTML, CSS and Javascript

HTML and Javascript

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    <div class="container">
        <div class="clock-container">
            <div class="timers">
                <div class="second"></div>
                <div class="minute"></div>
                <div class="hour"></div>
                <div class="axis"></div>
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1.6-.7.5-1.3 1-2 1.4-.7.4-1.4.8-2.1 1.3s-1.3.9-1.9 1.3c-.6.5-1.1 1-1.5 1.5s-.7 1.2-.8 1.9h11.6V77H198c.1-1.3.3-2.5.7-3.4.4-.9.8-1.8 1.4-2.5s1.2-1.3 2-1.9c.7-.5 1.5-1 2.3-1.5 1-.6 1.8-1.1 2.5-1.6s1.3-1 1.8-1.5.8-1.1 1.1-1.7.4-1.3.4-2.1c0-.6-.1-1.2-.4-1.7-.2-.5-.5-.9-.9-1.3s-.9-.6-1.4-.8c-.5-.2-1.1-.3-1.7-.3-.8 0-1.5.2-2 .5-.6.3-1 .8-1.4 1.3-.4.5-.6 1.1-.8 1.8s-.2 1.3-.2 2h-2.7c-.2-1.1-.1-2.1.2-3.1zM217.6 115.1H218.5c.6 0 1.1-.1 1.6-.2s1-.4 1.4-.7c.4-.3.7-.7.9-1.2.2-.5.4-1 .4-1.6 0-1.2-.4-2.1-1.2-2.7-.8-.6-1.7-.9-2.9-.9-.7 0-1.4.1-1.9.4-.5.3-1 .6-1.3 1.1-.4.4-.6 1-.8 1.6-.2.6-.3 1.2-.3 1.9h-2.7c0-1.1.2-2.1.5-3s.8-1.7 1.3-2.3c.6-.6 1.3-1.1 2.2-1.5.9-.4 1.9-.5 3-.5 1 0 1.9.1 2.7.4s1.6.6 2.2 1.1c.6.5 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.9s.5 1.7.5 2.7c0 1-.3 1.9-.9 2.7-.6.8-1.3 1.4-2.2 1.8v.1c1.4.3 2.4 1 3.1 2 .7 1 1 2.2 1 3.6 0 1.1-.2 2.1-.6 3-.4.9-1 1.6-1.7 2.2s-1.5 1-2.5 1.3-2 .4-3 .4c-1.2 0-2.2-.2-3.1-.5-.9-.3-1.7-.8-2.4-1.4-.7-.6-1.2-1.4-1.5-2.3-.4-.9-.5-2-.5-3.1h2.7c0 1.5.5 2.7 1.3 2 1.4 3.6 1.4.7 0 1.3-.1 1.9-.3.6-.2 1.1-.5 1.6-.9s.8-.8 1.1-1.4.4-1.2.4-1.8c0-.7-.1-1.3-.4-1.9s-.6-1-1-1.4-.9-.7-1.5-.8-1.2-.3-1.9-.3c-.6 0-1.1 0-1.6.1V115c-.1.1 0 .1.1.1zM214.2 173.8v2.4h-3.1v5.3h-2.6v-5.3h-10v-2.6l10.3-14.8h2.2v15h3.2zm-5.6-11.1l-7.6 11.1h7.6v-11.1zM163.7 199.4l-1.2 1.1-1 1.9-1.2.8-.3 1.6-.4 2.3-.4 1 0 2 .2 1.7.8 2.3 1.2 1.5 1.6 2.4s.6 2.1.6 3.4c0 1-.2 1.9-.5 2.8-.3.9-.8 1.7-1.5 2.4s-1.5 1.3-2.5 1.7-2.1.6-3.5.6c-1 0-1.9-.1-2.8-.4s-1.6-.7-2.3-1.2-1.2-1.2-1.6-2c-.4-.8-.6-1.7-.6-2.8h2.7c0 .6.2 1.1.4 1.6s.6.9 1 1.5.9c.6.2 1.2.3 0 1.3-.1 1.8-.3.6-.2 1.1-.6 1.5-1 .4-.4.8-1 1-1.7.3-.7.4-1.5.4-2.4 0-.7-.1-1.4-.4-2.1s-.6-1.2-1-1.6-1-.8-1.6-1.1-1.3-.4-2.1-.4c-.9 0-1.7.2-2.4.6-.7.4-1.3.9-1.8 1.6l-2.3-.1 2.1-11.8h11.2v2.4h-9zM116.4 214.1c-.7-.6-1.5-.9-2.6-.9-1.2 0-2.1.3-2.8.8s-1.3 1.3-1.6 2.1-.7 1.8-.8 2.8c-.1 1-.2 1.9-.3 2.8l.1.1c.6-1 1.4-1.8 2.4-2.3.9-.5 2-.7 3.3-.7 1.1 0 2.1.2 1.6.9 2.2 1.6s1 1.4 1.4 2.3c.3.9.5 1.9.5 2.9 0 .8-.1 1.7-.4 2.6-.3.9-.7 1.7-1.3 2.4-.6.7-1.4 1.3-2.3 1.8-1 .5-2.2.7-3.6.7-1.7 0-3-.3-4.1-1s-1.8-1.6-2.4-2.6c-.6-1.1-.9-2.2-1.1-3.5-.2-1.3-.3-2.5-.3-3.7 0-1.6.1-3.1.4-4.5.3-1.5.7-2.8 1.4-3.9.6-1.1 1.5-2 2.6-2.7 1.1-.7 2.4-1 4-1 1.9 0 3.4.5 4.5 1.5s1.7 2.4 1.9 4.3h-2.7c-.2-1.1-.6-1.9-1.3-2.5zm-4.9 7.5c-.6.3-1.1.6-1.5 1.1-.4.5-.7 1-.9 1.6-.2.6-.3 1.3-.3 2s.1 1.4.3 2c.2.6.5 1.2.9 1.5 1.3.4 2 .4s1.4-.1 2-.4c.6-.3 1-.6 1.4-1.1.4-.5.7-1 .9-1.6s.3-1.2.3-1.9-.1-1.4-.3-2c-.2-.6-.5-1.2-.8-1.6-.4-.5-.9-.8-1.4-1.1s-1.2-.4-2-.4c-.9-.1-1.5.1-2.1.3zM64.9 203.4c-1 1.6-1.9 3.2-2.7 5-.8 1.8-1.4 3.6-1.9 5.5s-.8 3.7-.9 5.5h-3c.1-1.9.4-3.8.9-5.6.5-1.8 1.1-3.6 1.9-5.2s1.7-3.3 2.7-4.8c1-1.5 2.1-2.9 3.3-4.1H53.5V197h14.7v2.3c-1.2 1.2-2.3 2.5-3.3 4.1zM15.2 162.1c.4-.7.9-1.3 1.5-1.8s1.3-.9 2.1-1.1c.8-.3 1.6-.4 2.5-.4 1.2 0 2.3.2 1.6.8 2.1 1.3s.9 1.2 1.2 1.9c.3.7.4 1.4.4 2.1 0 1-.3 2-.8 2.8s-1.3 1.5-2.3 1.9c1.4.4 2.4 1.1 3 2.1s1 2.2 1 3.6c0 1.1-.2 2.1-.6 2.9-.4.9-.9 1.6-1.6 2.2s-1.5 1-2.4 1.3-1.9.4-2.9.4c-1.1 0-2.1-.1-3-.4-.9-.3-1.8-.7-2.4-1.3s-1.2-1.3-1.6-2.2c-.4-.9-.6-1.9-.6-3 0-1.3.3-2.5 1-3.5s1.7-1.7 2.9-2.2c-1-.4-1.7-1-2.3-1.9-.6-.9-.9-1.8-.9-2.8-.1-.9.1-1.7.5-2.4zm2.9 16.2c.9.8 2.1 1.2 3.5 1.2.7 0 1.3-.1 1.9-.3.6-.2 1.1-.5 1.5-.9s.7-.9 1-1.4.3-1.1.3-1.8c0-.6-.1-1.2-.4-1.7s-.6-1-1-1.4-.9-.7-1.5-.9c-.6-.2-1.2-.3-1.8-.3-.7 0-1.3.1-1.9.3-.6.2-1.1.5-1.5.9-.4.4-.8.8-1 1.4-.2.5-.4 1.1-.4 1.8-.1 1.2.3 2.3 1.3 3.1zm-.3-12c. 1 .2 1.6.2 1.1 0 2-.3 2.7-1 .7-.6 1.1-1.5 1.1-2.7s-.4-2-1.1-2.6c-.7-.6-1.6-.9-2.7-.9-.5 0-1 .1-1.5.2s-.9.4-1.3.7c-.4.3-.6.7-.8 1.1-.2.4-.3.9-.3 1.5-.2.7-.1 1.2.1 1.7zM4.5 125.1c.8.6 1.7.9 2.8.9 1.7 0 2.9-.7 3.7-2.2s1.3-3.6 1.4-6.6l-.1-.1c-.5 1-1.2 1.7-2.2 2.3-.9.6-2 .8-3.1.8-1.2 0-2.2-.2-3.1-.6-.9-.4-1.6-.9-2.3-1.6-.6-.7-1.1-1.5-1.4-2.4-.3-.9-.5-2-.5-3.1s.2-2.1.5-3c.4-.9.9-1.7 1.5-2.3.7-.7 1.5-1.2 2.4-1.5.9-.4 1.9-.5 3-.5s2.1.2 3 .5c.9.3 1.8.9 2.5 1.3 1.9 1.7 3.3.4 1.4.6 3.2.6 5.3 0 3.9-.6 6.9-1.9 9-1.2 2.1-3.2 3.2-6 3.2-1.9 0-3.5-.5-4.7-1.4s-2-2.4-2.1-4.4h2.7c.4 1.2.9 2.1 1.6 2.7zm7.2-14.2c-.2-.6-.5-1.2-.9-1.6s-.9-.9-1.5-1.1c-.6-.3-1.2-.4-2-.4s-1.5.1-2.1.4-1 .7-1.4 1.2c-.4.5-.6 1.1-.8 1.7-.2.6-.2 1.3-.2 2 0 .6.1 1.2.3 1.1.9 1.4 1.1s1.1.4 1.8.4 1.3-.1 1.9-.4 1.1-.6 1.5-1.1c.4-.5.7-1 .9-1.6.2-.6.3-1.2.3-1.9.2-.7.1-1.4-.1-2zM13.6 76V59.8H7.8v-2.2c.8 0 1.5-.1 2.2-.2.7-.1 1.4-.3 2-.7.6-.3 1.1-.8 1.5-1.3.4-.6.7-1.3.8-2.1h2.1V76h-2.8zM21.9 62.3c0-.9.1-1.8.3-2.6.2-.9.4-1.7.7-2.4.3-.8.8-1.4 1.3-2 .6-.6 1.3-1 2.1-1.4s1.9-.5 3-.5c1.2 0 2.2.2 3 .5s1.5.8 2.1 1.4c.6.6 1 1.2 1.3 2 .3.8.6 1.6.7 1.7.3 2.6s.1 1.8.1 2.6 0 1.7-.1 2.6-.1 1.8-.3 2.6c-.2.9-.4 1.7-.7 2.4s-.8 1.4-1.3 2c-.6.6-1.2 1-2.1 1.4s-1.8.5-3 .5-2.2-.2-3-.5-1.5-.8-2.1-1.4c-.6-.6-1-1.2-1.3-2s-.6-1.6-.7-2.4c-.2-.9-.3-1.7-.3-2.6 0-.9-.1-1.8-.1-2.6.1-.8.1-1.7.1-2.6zm2.9 5.4c.1 1.1.2 2 .5 3 .3.9.8 1.7 1.4 2.4s1.5 1 2.7 1c1.2 0 2-.3 2.7-1s1.1-1.4 1.4-2.4c.3-.9.5-1.9.5-3 .1-1.1.1-2 .1-2.9V63c0-.7-.1-1.3-.2-2s-.2-1.3-.4-2c-.2-.6-.4-1.2-.8-1.7s-.8-.9-1.3-1.2-1.2-.4-2-.4-1.4.1-2 .4c-.5.3-1 .7-1.3 1.2-.4.5-.6 1-.8 1.7-.2.6-.3 1.3-.4 2-.1.7-.1 1.3-.2 2v1.8c.1.9.1 1.9.1 2.9z" />
                    <path d="M53.5 38.2V21.9h-5.9v-2.2c.8 0 1.5-.1 2.2-.2.7-.1 1.4-.3 2-.7.6-.3 1.1-.8 1.5-1.3.4-.6.7-1.3.8-2.1h2.1v22.7h-2.7zM69.1 38.2V21.9h-5.9v-2.2c.8 0 1.5-.1 2.2-.2.7-.1 1.4-.3 2-.7.6-.3 1.1-.8 1.5-1.3.4-.6.7-1.3.8-2.1h2.1v22.7h-2.7z" />
        var currentSec = getSecondsToday();

        var seconds = (currentSec / 60) % 1;
        var minutes = (currentSec / 3600) % 1;
        var hours = (currentSec / 43200) % 1;

        setTime(60 * seconds, "second");
        setTime(3600 * minutes, "minute");
        setTime(43200 * hours, "hour");

        function setTime(left, hand) {
            $("." + hand).css("animation-delay", "" + left * -1 + "s");

        function getSecondsToday() {
        let now = new Date();

        let today = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), now.getDate());

        let diff = now - today; 
            return Math.round(diff / 1000);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

CSS Code

    margin: 0;
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    height: 100vh;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
    max-width: 250px;
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    position: absolute;
    top: 34%;
.container {
    background: #1b1e23;
p {
    color: #f4eed7;
    font-size: 0.8em;
    opacity: 0.75;
.clock {
    height: 200px;
    width: 200px;
    border-radius: 100px;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    position: relative;
.second, .minute, .hour, .indicator {
    position: absolute;
    left: calc(50% - 1px);
    width: 2px;
    background: #f4eed7;
    transform-origin: bottom center;
    z-index: 2;
    border-radius: 1px;
.second {
    height: 90px;
    margin-top: 10px;
    background: #4b9aaa;
    animation: time 60s infinite steps(60);
    z-index: 3;
.minute {
    height: 80px;
    margin-top: 20px;
    opacity: 0.75;
    animation: time 3600s linear infinite;
.hour {
    height: 60px;
    margin-top: 40px;
    animation: time 43200s linear infinite;
.indicator {
    height: 98px;
    border-top: 2px solid #4b9aaa;
    background: none;
.indicator:nth-of-type(5n) {
    opacity: 1;
    height: 93px;
    border-top: 7px solid #f4eed7;
.axis {
    background: #4b9aaa;
    width: 5px;
    height: 5px;
    border-radius: 3px;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 4;
    top: 97px;
@keyframes time {
    to {
        transform: rotateZ(360deg);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Clock Output

My Blog:-

Sentry blog image

How I fixed 20 seconds of lag for every user in just 20 minutes.

Our AI agent was running 10-20 seconds slower than it should, impacting both our own developers and our early adopters. See how I used Sentry Profiling to fix it in record time.

Read more

Top comments (3)

martinromario55 profile image
Martin Romario Ntuwa β€’

I don't know how good your code is, but your heading says HTML and CSS. I don't know why there's JavaScript in your code. Anyway, I may know why, but I just checked the blog so as to see a clock without JS. I was disappointed however.

beginnerdeveloper profile image
Beginner Developer β€’

Sorry for that πŸ˜¬πŸ˜…πŸ˜¬πŸ˜¬πŸ˜¬πŸ˜Ά, but In first line I have mentioned Javascript
I think it is not possible without JS or any other Programming Language πŸ˜….

beginnerdeveloper profile image
Beginner Developer β€’

😬😬 from next time, I will try to explain my codeπŸ˜…

πŸ‘‹ Kindness is contagious

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