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TUPLES in 3 minute - Python

Time to brush up next queued data structure. And its TUPLE.


Good day geeks!🤗

How to read this blog?

  • Be ready with editor opened
  • Give one and half min to each section i.e, intro and important
  • run programs in between


  • Indexing ( from 0 OBV )
  • Values separated by comma
  • Parenthesis () encloses values [not mandatory, but convention]
  • Remember parenthesis does not only make it tuple, I can make a tuple without using single bracket also (Inviting reader's views here in comments ⬇⬇) So there are other ways also besides parenthesis
() -> **parenthesis/round brackets**
[] -> **square brackets / big brackets**
{} -> **curly brackets**
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  • immutable
  • heterogenous data


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Similarities between list and tuple

  • Values stored can be indexed
  • Values are separated by comma inside
  • contain any data type, any number of elements

Unlike lists, tuples are immutable

Creating tuple without parenthesis

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Also, the brackets alone do not make an object into a tuple, but it’s not usual to define a integer like this: a = (2)

It’s more common to see: a = 2

It is better to follow what is easier for everyone to understand as long it follows rules.

a = (2)

a = (1 , 2)
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Other than indexing, we can access tuple items by "unpacking"
See the demo below

Tuple1 = ("Geeks", "For", "Geeks")
# make sure number of var must be equal to total tuple elements
# This line unpack
# values of Tuple1
a, b, c = Tuple1
print("\nValues after unpacking: ")
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Concatenation of tuple

Say we have two tuples, tup1 and tup2

tup1 + tup2 is concatenation of both.


Slicing rules are same as that for string and list. I request you to see below examples and read slicing on strings once from here

  • Negative index can be used in slicing


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As tuples are immutable, we can not delete single element from tuple. However we can delete entire tuple at once, with help of del keyword. Lets see how:

# Deleting a Tuple

Tuple1 = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
del Tuple1


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That's all for tuples.

There is a long list of methods which are unseen and unused for many of us, will see those once start practising.

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If you have scrolled till here, do react to this post, and read other blogs in the series.

I am posting one blog everyday, follow for regular new blogs and leave your feedback in comments.

Thank you all for reading 🙌

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