Not necessarily how it's "supposed" to be pronounced, what do you say? (in your head or aloud)
How do you pronounce sudo?
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Neither, I've aliased
.I aliased it to
.In case you use zsh...
please remove recursively and force it irreversibly
Okay, we need a shell framework for rhyming command aliases.
How did you do that?
I added this to my
alias please="sudo "
in your .bash_profileThat's now on my to-do list 🥰
You mean "too-doo" or "too-dough", :-) ?
I love this!
sudo as in s-u-d-o (Spanish pronunciation). It means literally "I sweat".
sudo rm -rf
I sweat as I remove all files from my file system
Came here expecting this, I'm satisfied with the internet once again.
In italian too 😂
Latin, too.
That's a good one 😂
Necessito a usar eso con mi compañeros.
obligatory xkcd
Sudo like sudowoodo
SUDOWOODO shake shake shake shake shake shake
I was hoping to see this in the comments! :D
Man so did I! 😂
Phil Collins taught us long ago...
I pronounce it as "please" 🤗
That’s good 🙂
I've added the following alias
So now,
The previous command can be found in !!
If only there were a way to change 'permission denied' to 'ask nicely'!
I can say that I've successfully wasted an hour looking to see if this was possible!
Sue Doe sounds like a lovely lady.
Sister of Jon though.
You are right. Would like to meet her some day. Somehow I think, I would do everything she tells me to do.
That Sue Doe
Habitually like the US English pronunciation of 'pseudo'.
When actually explaining the command to people though, I pronounce it as three syllables, spelling out the first two letters and pronouncing the last two just like the English word 'do', because that's how it breaks down as an acronym (short for 'Switch User and DO', derived from
for 'Switch User').linux and MacOSX
man su
say "substitute user" (though "switch" seems to make more sense). but i'm pretty sure that in the old days it was "superuser", which is the default user to switch to.It's ambiguous in the original manual (page 17 of, which is a scanned version of the original Version 1 UNIX manual), which does mention becoming 'super-user', but only once and not as the command name. I'm a bit too lazy to figure out when it changed from switching to UID 0 to being able to switch to any user, as that's likely to be the first place it's mentioned as switch or substitute.
All I've ever heard people say when talking about it is 'switch' though, probably because that's the mental flow for most people.
I thought it was short for "Super User Do"? 🤔
I've heard people say that, but it's pretty well established that
is derived from the old UNIXsu
command, which is definitely 'switch user'. It just happens that both have the root user as the default user to when a specific user isn't specified and that's the common case, but there's nothing that prevents you from using it to switch to any user (and by default, the root user can usesudo
to do so without needing a password).No, it's not. It's from su command "switch user". Also check the man page that says "sudo, sudoedit — execute a command as another user".
Useful after a tough day
Is this reddit, yet?
I've never aliased sudo but i always alias python to pythong because I can never type that right
Pseudo. I always took it as being a pseudo-superuser if your user account has sudo permission. Also, the two vowels used are different so it feels more natural (to me) to use different sounds between the syllables. I heard it pronounced "pseudo" for years before I heard some random video on the internet pronounce it as "doo". I just took it as that person not knowing any better and felt bad for them. But I guess it is possible that my pronunciation has been wrong or that popular opinion can change what is "right". (Look at gif, where most of the internet disagrees with the creator of the format on pronunciation.)
The "please" meme is kinda funny, but in my mind it builds the wrong mental model of what sudo is for. It is a protection from making mistakes, a design feature to isolate user-level from system-level changes. Not courtesy. Well anyway, I guess there's nothing wrong with having fun with it as long as you know it's actual purpose.
No, it's not superuser actually. It's from su command "switch user". Also check the man page that says "sudo, sudoedit — execute a command as another user". That means not necessary superuser.
You are right, the commands are named for "switch user" not "super user". However, I still think of it as pseudo superuser because that is the default user that you switch to with
and is the way I use it 99% of the time. And "psuedo" also resonates really well withsudo
because you aren't fully switching to the other user to execute the command like you do withsu
. (Still shows up in original user's command history, etc.)I use soo-doo because it is the compilation of the phonetics from the command's unabbreviated form:
superuser do
Non-native speaker here, asking just out of curiosity: if phonetic (assuming English) why isn’t that syou-doo ?🙈
You're totally right. It should be:
superuser do
I just looked it up and "superuser" is one word. I'll correct my original post.
Also, as a native English speaker, I'm sorry the language is so weird.
Totally that is what we day ”syou-do” because it's superuser do.
No, it's not superuser do. It's from su command "switch user". Also check the man page that says "sudo, sudoedit — execute a command as another user".
I very often slip and type (and pronounce)
as sagi.It's because I aliased
sudo apt-get install
and it's my most used Linux command.This is so cool!
Depends on the context. I pronounce it su-dont if followed by rm -rf
Was this posted, previously, as a different type of post? Could swear I'd already commented on a similar post a week or so ago.
I wonder how many people intentionally butcher the pronunciation of something just to mess with people (or otherwise to see how many people they can convince, "no, this is the right way,").
sounds like速度(sudu)
in China, which meansspeed
,hurry up
!How about man pages are required to also include the intended pronunciation including IPA key? That would be fun :)
This would also settle stuff like "awk", "chroot", or "nginx"...
I imagine I was taught by my first CS professor and she had a VERY strong accent. It took me far too long to realize "struct trees" were actually "structures". 😂
accents can be fun. i had a math prof who taught us about furrier serious.
Sue-doh... Like Pseudo.
I looked it up and Sudo is short for “Superuser do” which I didn’t know before. Never thought to look it up 😏 Which leads me to believe it SHOULD be pronounced “soo doo” which is a bummer because it sounds weird so I’ll keep pronouncing it “soo dough”.
I've tried to "correct" myself and start saying "soo-doo", but I keep doing back to the dough. I think it's because of the Simpsons influence ("duh-oh! Soo dough bang bang'), or maybe because dough rhymes with go.
I normally pronounce it "sudoh".
But as I was reading this poll, somehow in my mind I pronounced it funny in a Japanese way like "suuuuzdooo" (imagine a Japanese anime voice) 🤣
Kids have Play-Doh.
Adults have Su-Doh.
Nope. I read it on the gentoo wiki when I was compiling Linux at the age of 12.
Not really, but I remember learning sometime in the last decade that it stood for super-user-do, which makes soo-doo make sense, but 20 years of soo-dough makes it unchangeable in my brain.
Like "judo"
In our country everybody pronounces sudo like judo :)
It is funny for everybody else, but it is how it is here :)
Phonetically it's [suˈdo]
Accidentally, "sudo" in Italian means "I sweat". Puns usually ensue.
In hungarian language "s" is pronounced as "sh" (and "sz" is "s"), so I say it like "shudo" :D
I always pronounced it as "soo-dough".. until I realized "soo-doo" is more appropriate as it conveys "do as a super user". I am surprised soo-dough scored so much higher!
Maybe it's su--
Soo-dough because it rolls off the tongue better and because the *nix geeks my dad hung around with when I was a wee bitty kid in the 80-90s pronounced it that way.
Similarly to how we learned to pronounce gif (JIF) correctly before most of you were out of diapers 🤣
The same as pseudo
Dough drags it out too long. But it's that sound.
It's dough that you sue :)
sue dough
Why not
, for Substitute User Does?I pronounce it, "Fran that # sign better not mean you're root just to run
."Su-doo-doo 💩
Am I the only one that didn't know there was another way to pronounce this? I feel a bit silly 😅
Sudowoodo is life 💚
as I think that
is a abreviation fromSuper User Do
I read as normal DoThis is like 'gif' vs 'jif'. I know it stands for super-user-do but here, the "right" answer is wrong.
do you mean pseudo code
I know it's "soo-doo" but I still pronounce it "soo-dough" like the Pokemon Sudowoodo.
Very well, that's a good question. I usually use the Brazilian Portuguese pronunciation, so I think it's more like "soo-dough"
Like the amaracan colour to color, in programming we all need to stick to conventions regardless of correctness. Besides soo-doo is almost a pokomon woo-doo
Su d’oh! (cit. Homer Simpson)
I said it like this since learning the command and haven't really thought about it. But I think most people that I work with say it soo-dough too, although there are a few that say soo-doo.
Jumped ships from soo-dough to soo-do after reading discussion
"Sooo-dough" ... never thought about it, it just seems the natural way to pronounce it if you see it as "just" a word without any connotation to "su" or "do".
It's not superuser actually. It's from su command "switch user". Also check the man page that says "sudo, sudoedit — execute a command as another user". That means not necessary superuser. Root is just a default for the command.
embarassed to admit i call it "soo doo"
I pronounce it like almost the same pronunciation for pseudo.
In some of the first episodes of Breaking Bad, they were always saying "We need to get Pseudo", which was short for Pseudoephedrine, but I kept thinking it was "sudo" and it confused me.
I'm french, so I pronounce it with the french accent :
Sue doo
sudo like judo like you know
Sew doh
Fight me.
Just follows naturally from my language's pronunciation of vowels
Like sumo (well, with the d instead of the m, needless to say...)
My first language is French, which may impact how I pronounce "non words" like that one...
Haha, me too. I am Czech btw.
I've always said soo-dough.
I pronounce sudo the correct way.
"Sudo Alexa make me a sandwich"
ahhhh is ahhh ... soo-dough ... sue-dough cough
i was confused the first time someone said pseudo to me. that is, after all, a word with no obvious connection to command lines.
Definitely soo-dough. I am thinking about aliasing sudo to please, however. Guess I’ll see how I like it and then decide whether it’s “soo-dough” or “plee-ze”.
Sudo 😂
soo-doh or as "judo" if j==s 😜
I was told it was short for "super user do" and thus should be pronounced soo doo.
That said, it looks too much like su dough to me, and this is how I say it. Perverse, I know.
Ess You Doo :D
suh dood
su --> Ess-you
sudo --> Ess-you-doo
Like the pokemon Sudowoodo
In regional Swedish saudo. Something like that 🙂.
I have always said su-do as in "Super User, Do x)
I know it's supposed to be su-doo but it will always be psuedo in my head. 😅
su.. doh! (Homer Simpson)