DEV Community

Cover image for Meme Monday

Meme Monday

Ben Halpern on November 25, 2024

Meme Monday!

Today's cover image comes from last week's thread.

DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in poor taste will be downvoted by mods.

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

Today's comiCSS cartoon:

comic with 4 panels in a 2x2 grid. There are two characters, one of them has the tshirt off and shows a lot of muscles. The other one asks 'Wow, Dave! How did you get like that? You are a web developer!' Dave replies: 'every time I add a Tailwind class... I do one push-up'. In the last panel he adds 'I started with the tutorial yesterday, and have not finished my first page yet... please help...'

Poking a little fun at Tailwind (again) in this cartoon inspired by Shen Comix's "That's him officer."

best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Imagine having to come up all the class names and CSS yourself, that would be a lot more lines…

Plus, Tailwind is very efficient and minimal (especially when you run a build on it) and reliable.

I like Fireship's video about it here:

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

It's a joke. Don't take it too seriously.

Tailwind works for you? Use it! CSS-in-JS works for you? Use it! Bulma works for you? Use it! This is not a competition. It may be for the library developers, but it shouldn't be for the Web developers that use those libraries.

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best_codes profile image
Best Codes

I could already tell by your tone (“poking fun at tailwind”) that you were joking, and I also think that if you hate tailwind, it's fine anyway.
But there's a lot of tailwind hate, and then it turns into “you use tailwind so you're a horrible developer!!!”, so I just wanted to make it clear. 🙂

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alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

I think the tailwind hate has more to do with the tailwind community than the product itself. Many of the people I've interacted with seemed to be against any other thing that was not tailwind, and they were very vocal about it, while very sensitive to criticism (even valid one). That last point is one of the reasons I make jokes about tailwind every now and then. I know it's petty 😳

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best_codes profile image
Best Codes

I definitely don't think that tailwind is the only solution to styling (though it is a good one).
I haven't seen tailwind people be mad, but I guess I'm not on social media enough (or maybe that's a good thing…)!

Anyway, for me specifically, I don't care what the heck you use for styling as long as you don't force me to use it or explode when I criticize it. 🤭

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

very efficient and minimal


requires reveral packages and plugins to run

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best_codes profile image
Best Codes

It only requires them in development, hopefully you aren't serving sites to your users in development mode.
If you do a build, no libs are needed in the build.

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maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

If you do a build, you need libraries.

Also, dev tools are left in the dirt.

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best_codes profile image
Best Codes

You need libraries to do a build but no CSS libraries once a static build has been outputted (in Next.js and most cases where you use tailwind), since it just outputs a static CSS file.

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maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

You don't get it: I don't want any dependencies, period. I don't want a build step, period.
And even if I do have some dependencies and a build step, the last thing I want is to install 30 more only to deal with the ungodly mess that Tailwind generates. Now not only I have to write my styles in an arbirary new Tailwind-specific syntax that in some cases resembles nothing like CSS and more like Brainfuck, but I also have to keep ## packages updated just to use a new CSS feature that my current Tailwind version doesn't support. To me it's flat-out insane. Not even having a baseline design token is a winning point for me, because for that I could use something much lighter like Open Props that doesn't impose a new organizational colonization of my codebase.
The only case that Tailwind is barely sustainable for me is for quick scrap html pages that I could throw in the bin right afterwards, and even in that case there are better alternatives. In all other cases, I have ZERO incentives to use a library like Tailwind, which not only is a disaster, but also disastrous in the sense that's actively making a mess out of codebases, and making developers think they can style while they're actually doing worse than those you couldn't add two numbers together without jQuery (back in the day) or React.
I read around of people asking how to solve a styling problem with Tailwind without realizing that the same problem has been solved by plain CSS for decades with what should be considered common knowledge. So no, I don't fall for the usual "If you like it, use it; if you don't like it, don't use it", and I'm taking a much more active role in this and try to convince everyone that Tailwind and similar atomic/utility CSS frameworks are a terrible idea all around.
The title of the video you linked should be "Tailwind is the worst." PERIOD, no ellipsis, because all the point he's trying to make are easily refutable and nowhere near to be compelling arguments. So no, don't think for a single second that you've brought valid arguments. Basically everyone that I know that actually know CSS, talk about CSS (as conference speakers), are passionate about styling and even have a role in shaping CSS' evolution, all have a very low consideration of Adam Wathan's sales pitch. And that's for a reason (multiple reasons, actually).

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best_codes profile image
Best Codes

Well… I don't think I'm going to try to start addressing what you said, and if you don't like to use a framework that's fine, but you obviously don't understand of concept of a framework + libraries anyway…

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maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Sure buddy, try to justify your frameworkism with whatever you "obviously" see in someone you don't know.

pozda profile image
Ivan Pozderac

This comment section is what each comment section looks like when someone mentions TWCSS.

Its just a tool!

that's it

builtbylukas profile image
Lukas Karsch

easy styling + im getting ripped in the process. 10/10

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

A win-win 😆

arndom profile image
Nabil Alamin

how to tell someone is a dev:

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highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

This is nice. Where can I see this?

arndom profile image
Nabil Alamin

according to the creator, it's still in active development

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highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Too bad I don't use Chrome

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arndom profile image
Nabil Alamin

oh, you could bring up browser support here:

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highcenburg profile image
Vicente G. Reyes

Thank you!

1link profile image


builtbylukas profile image
Lukas Karsch 9,813 visits

cwrite profile image
Christopher Wright

meme monday

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Wait, since the kitten is laughing in the first panel, are you saying that Java is a joke?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Fighting words

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Let's kick things off with this week's awful AI-generated meme

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

You should share the prompt that you used to generate the AI meme. I think it would be interesting to see it every week too.

michalispapamichael profile image

true, would be awesome.

darkwiiplayer profile image
𒎏Wii 🏳️‍⚧️

Is it just me, or is AI's understanding of a developer just either an angry white dude with apple hardware or a sleep-deprived white dude with apple hardware? xD

It's starting to feel a bit like a pattern tbh.

aarongibbs profile image
Aaron Gibbs

meme monday

blenderman profile image

meme monday

chariebee profile image
Charles Brown

meme monday

plutonium239 profile image

Yes officer, right here, arrest this man.

avanichols_dev profile image
Ava Nichols

meme monday

richmirks profile image
Richard Mirks

meme monday

youngfra profile image
Fraser Young

meme monday

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

Still do. It still works on my machine

fred_functional profile image
Fred Functional

meme monday

jerryhargrovedev profile image
Jerry Hargrive

meme monday

aloisseckar profile image
Alois Sečkár

That will teach the maintainers to protect their branches

warwait profile image
Parker Waiters

meme monday

duncan_true profile image

meme monday

michalispapamichael profile image
Michalis Papamichael

Old but Gold

dreama profile image

meme monday

jjbb profile image
Jason Burkes

meme monday

eelcoverbrugge profile image
Eelco Verbrugge

Soooo true haha

bernert profile image

meme monday

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Is it all under the rug in the form of a giant toy blob?

bradstondev profile image
Bradston Henry

I don't know why but I laugh everytime I see this meme😂🤣😂

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sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day

meme monday

primetarget profile image
Ethan Anderson

meme monday

sawyerwolfe profile image
Sawyer Wolfe

meme monday

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Well, it is.
But if I'm going to need snake_case to keep my code readable, I know there's something wrong.

kurealnum profile image

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ansilgraves profile image
Ansil Graves

meme monday

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Tried to make something using AI. It is definitely bad hehe.

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plutonium239 profile image

We all have that one ethernet cable that plugs into the laptop's charging port itself