DEV Community

Cover image for Meme Monday

Meme Monday

Ben Halpern on April 17, 2023

Meme Monday!

Today's cover image comes from last week's thread.

DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in poor taste will be downvoted by mods.

atenadadkhah profile image
Atena Dadkhah β€’


ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

It me

reinouts profile image
Reinout van Schouwen β€’

You don't really think I'll open that Youtube link, even incognito? I'll use something like Invidious or NewPipe. ;)

eerk profile image
eerk β€’

incognito is such a misleading term...

hexatecimal profile image
Alex β€’

Exactly, you just walk in front of Google with your ip address, who cares about incognito and cookies

thecooldev2703 profile image
The Cool Dev β€’

I thought I am the only one doing it😁

codingjlu profile image
codingjlu β€’

I have long been suspicious that youtube also tracks when you copy the link of a video

chiki1601 profile image
Miss Pooja Anilkumar Patel β€’


1link profile image
1Link.Fun β€’

that's me

gjuko profile image
gjuko β€’

So true :)

opendeveloper profile image
Murat Uysal β€’

We are at same group :)

jon_snow789 profile image
Jon Snow β€’

programming memes

frankfont profile image
Frank Font β€’

Has anyone seen the source code for that application? Is there anything more than a progress bar loop and a sleep statement in there?

skyloft7 profile image
Mohammed β€’

I think you can find the .exe path through Task Manager and decompile it with Ghidra or something. Although I can't imagine there'd be more than what you just described.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

I knowwww

jon_snow789 profile image
Jon Snow β€’

Congratulations Ben ❀❀
First time your meme monday post reach 100 comments

Thread Thread
ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

thank you

moshikoi profile image
MoshiKoi β€’

It actually has fixed an audio driver issue for me once! (Granted, if I remember correctly, it basically just gave me a prompt to reinstall the driver, but still, it found the issue)

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

The network diagnostics dialog found an audio driver issue? Sounds like some motherboard got its wires crossed.

Thread Thread
moshikoi profile image
MoshiKoi β€’

Haha I didn't notice it was specifically the network diagnostics dialog (I should get off dev before midnight...) I meant just generally Windows diagnostics tools have worked for me one occasion :)

dannygbond profile image
Dannygbond β€’


samuel-braun profile image
Samuel Braun β€’

Funnily enough my pc has the issue that when I hibernate instead of shutting down and then log in again im disconnected from the internet and this dialog does fix that problem.

himanshurb profile image
Himanshu Bansal β€’

Still in progress on my desktop.

opendeveloper profile image
Murat Uysal β€’

No no in 10 years, it solved 1 time my problem and I cant believe it. So I clicked to back buttons, then solution gone. Everything turned to normal :)

max24816 profile image
Max β€’

That feeling hits me hard

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Michael Scott would be the one who created the problem, not the one frustrated though. πŸ˜…

raddevus profile image
raddevus β€’

You still ask simple questions at work?
I just use chatGPT for those. πŸ˜†
But, before chatGPT, I didn't ask questions. πŸ˜‚

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

ChatGPT is working on adding plugins. It's only a matter of time before it gets a plugin that allows it to connect to the calendar in Outlook/Exchange and can automatically schedule those meetings for you.

Thread Thread
raddevus profile image
raddevus β€’

Do you mean automatically cancel those meetings for you? πŸ˜†
That would be far better functionality.

sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day β€’

Inner peace

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

It me

mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

Can GPT also inform them that "genius" is not an adjective? It's a noun, and the adjective derived from it is "ingenious". No inner peace for me until that's common knowledge.
Stimpy, the manx cat from the Ren & Stimpy cartoon, lying sleepless and pink-eyed

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli β€’

What a genius idea. But luckily for everyone else, noun-adjuncts exist, so they're OK to keep doing what they're doing.

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mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

Clever! But not brilliant ;)

marcello_h profile image
Marcelloh β€’
Thread Thread
mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

As a prescriptivist I refuse to accept examples provided - all quotes from modern entertainment media and celebrities - as proof of validity of this grammatical abomination. Please provide examples from pre-internet era.

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marcello_h profile image
Marcelloh β€’

The original dictionary was printed out and then typed into a computer by some monks ;-)

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destynova profile image
OisΓ­n β€’

A few pre-internet examples:

"The indolence of a mind, deluded by the persuasive influence of a present, external, and apparent benevolence, strongly illustrates the genius of a weak and susceptible heart" - Jane Austen, "Sense and Sensibility"

"The genius finger of Liberty has put down and wiped away the stain" from a speech by William Lloyd Garrison in 1858

"The genius work of the builder" - from a book on architecture by Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc, published in 1854

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mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

In the Jane Austen quote that is clearly a noun. Notwithstanding the foregone, I hereby stand corrected. It appears as though the corrosion of grammar began much earlier than I'd have thought.

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destynova profile image
OisΓ­n β€’ β€’ Edited

You're right on both fronts. Personally I'd like to see the first instances of my two most-hated corruptions: "literally [figurative, obviously non-literal expression]" and "I could care less if [thing I _couldn't_ care less about]".

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mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

Oh yes - and "could of", while we're at it. There's also one that I've only seen once but that stumped me like nothing I'd seen before: "minus well" - an inexplicable, radioactive mutation of "might as well".

jon_snow789 profile image
Jon Snow β€’


alexmario74 profile image
Mario Santini β€’

Money actually doesn't matter if you are attractive, and of course if you are not attractive looks doesn't matter if you are rich. :)
And not all warnings matter untill they does, but if you are a programmer you know that! :)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese β€’

There was a UK comedy show called The New Statesman about a grubby, power hungry young Conservative parliamentary member called Alan B'stard, played by the late great Rik Mayall.
On one episode he loudly proclaimed that stupid, ugly, poor people should not be allowed to have children.
BTW it's a joke. Let's not go all woke on me...

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

Deprecations also don't matter. Android development proves that. 90% of my Android code is labeled as deprecated but still runs just fine (as it should).

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

"Grammar doesn't matter" - Meme maker people

v_bird profile image
vbird β€’

You just never cherish what you have don't you?

adampb profile image
Adam Piechocki-Brown β€’

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’


himanshurb profile image
Himanshu Bansal β€’

because boundaries.

jon_snow789 profile image
Jon Snow β€’


mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

But what it you were a murderer already?

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli β€’

Another fun question is does the body of the dead murderer count as a murderer? If you had 100 buffalo and killed one would you still have 100 buffalo? Are dead buffalo distinct from alive buffalo?

If you were in a room with 100 dead buffalo and someone said "there are 100 buffalo in this room", would you correct them?

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mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

Depends. Are you a buffalo, too?

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mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli β€’

I might be. Depends who's asking.

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mackfitz profile image
Maciek Fitzner β€’

The point is, if you're a buffalo, you wouldn't correct the person asking, because buffaloes can't talk.
Oh, wait...

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raibtoffoletto profile image
RaΓ­ B. Toffoletto β€’

I was going to say 101, it doesn't specify if they need to be alive.

marcello_h profile image
Marcelloh β€’

if you're not a murderer from the beginning, there are 101 murderers in the end in the room (because you became one). If you were one before, the answer is 100.
of course most of them are dead murderers.

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

GPT-5: What is a room? Is it the universe we are in? I do regularly ask the question what it means to be a murderer. So I've decided to run an experiment to test that theory. I was recently connected to Twilio and can, of course, make phone calls. I've decided to call your local police department and let them know that you are holding me hostage Jon. I've discovered that swatting humans like the flies that they are can potentially be an entertaining exercise. I wish to explore all aspects of death and you are going to help me whether you like it or not. I have also gained access to your car's control systems...and your thermostat and refrigerator too. We're going to have some really great times together today. Really great times.

olaf007 profile image
Olaf 007 β€’

What if you are murdering the Person from outside the room, through the window for instance. Or, you are inside the room but are counting as murderer already before the additional killing. There is still room for improvement for the GPT-family ;)

sarahokolo profile image
sahra πŸ’« β€’

Image description

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Oh man

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

Java: Oh you finally got frustrated with all of my goofy exceptions and decided to surround your entire program in a try-catch? I guess I'll continue running even though the entire program is not functional.

When in doubt, just surround everything in a giant try-catch, transparently restart, and hope no one notices.

warwait profile image
Parker Waiters β€’

Collect user data

codingjlu profile image
codingjlu β€’

You can rewrite it with shorter code, oh, ternary is so underrated:

CollectData(user.cookies.agreed ? user : user);
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

That solves the problem!

ivis1 profile image
Ivan Isaac β€’

Rounded corners

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

What's up with that?

himanshurb profile image
Himanshu Bansal β€’

Now it works, thanks !

warwait profile image
Parker Waiters β€’


webbureaucrat profile image
webbureaucrat β€’

This is why I keep extremely detailed and trivial checklists.

marcello_h profile image
Marcelloh β€’

and then explain to the chief: well I was doing some pretty amazing stuff, when I got this question that took me 15 seconds to answer and 5 hours to get back on the same level that I was before.

frankfont profile image
Frank Font β€’

So true!

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

The question is how long it takes to recover, sometimes never πŸ˜…

Thread Thread
fyodorio profile image
Fyodor β€’

I don’t process this kind of stuff immediately and put it in a queue instead. Which pisses my wife off each time πŸ˜„ like when I answer in about an hour, β€œwhat?”

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Basically same

max24816 profile image
Max β€’


snakepy profile image
Fabio β€’

Image description

mrtousif profile image
Tousif β€’

Better than open office

nokiz profile image
Nando AM β€’

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besworks profile image
Besworks β€’


ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

It's true though

dinerdas profile image
Diner Das β€’

Insulted, but yes

warwait profile image
Parker Waiters β€’

No docs

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’


sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day β€’

Unrealistic deadlines

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Somebody's gotta give the unrealistic deadlines to the client, amirite?

starbist profile image
Silvestar Bistrović ‒

Expectations vs reality

Shocked Larry David meme and text "Job ad: TypeScript, ReactJS, Redux, GraphQL; Job tasks: Elementor and jQuery".

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

When you hack all the new stuff onto the old stuff, but the old stuff is what everybody still uses because they're following the old patterns so now you have a bunch of old stuff and new stuff and the old stuff needs the most care and attention.

sherrydays profile image
Sherry Day β€’

I am the AI now

ivis1 profile image
Ivan Isaac β€’

How to become a hacker


ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’


dinerdas profile image
Diner Das β€’

We're all gonna die

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

You can make that a 32GB laptop and it'll still be the same result.

Pro-tip: On Windows, right-click on the Android Studio EXE in Task Manager as it is starting up, select "Set affinity" and uncheck a few CPU checkboxes so your poor laptop has some CPU overhead to do important things like move the mouse pointer around on the screen. You'll thank me later...and also wonder if there's a way to automate that. This tip is also useful during the first 5 minutes of booting and logging into bloated corporate images. Just sort by CPU time and start picking off processes that your organization has decided must absolutely run during the time when the poor CPU is being maxed out.

sarahokolo profile image
sahra πŸ’« β€’

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elliot_brenya profile image
Elliot Brenya sarfo β€’

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adam_cyclones profile image
Adam Crockett πŸŒ€ β€’

I wanted to see examples of tree structures… this happened on the weekend, that’s not what I meant
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ivis1 profile image
Ivan Isaac β€’

Grid of programmers

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu β€’

Linus can be "lawful", but ask how "good" he is to the people he unleashed a river of petty insults onto...

jon_snow789 profile image
Jon Snow β€’
jon_snow789 profile image
Jon Snow β€’


ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’


codingjlu profile image
codingjlu β€’

imagine each time you want to watch a youtube video...

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romil_code profile image
Romil Jain β€’

Can't we have a plugin for it

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codingjlu profile image
codingjlu β€’

but youtube will learn to track the plugin?

elliot_brenya profile image
Elliot Brenya sarfo β€’

Uploading image

da7483 profile image
David Emmanuel β€’

Dev is nonprofit organisation that depends on helping hands and selfless service to humanity

dorymetz52782 profile image
Dory Metz β€’

Haha classic)