Classes in Ruby can be easily modified. The above code adds the like_a_cow method to String... So now the whole program can make a string "moo", like above.
He/Him; Senior Software Developer, IT Swiss-army-knife.
Lots of coding, some hardware, some devops & sysops, some micro-controller electronics.
I used Arch BTW :)
I use extensions a lot on sealed library classes to add Quality Of Life things. One example is creating cleaner methods for adding parameters to SQLClient ClientCommand objects as one liners instead of multi-command monstrosities. (ok, they aren't that big, but do look unclean)
I think it's different (safer) in C# though, right? Like you need to add using <namespace> for the new methods to be accessible. So it's not true monkey patching, which is generally dangerous and best avoided.
He/Him; Senior Software Developer, IT Swiss-army-knife.
Lots of coding, some hardware, some devops & sysops, some micro-controller electronics.
I used Arch BTW :)
Indeed you would need to use the containing namespace. And are likely safer as it would be pretty hard to modify the behaviour of code outside of your intended changes. (I think you would have to try very hard to have any affect outside of your explicit calls to the extension methods)
I won't claim to know much about TRUE monkey patching, but wikipedia's Extension Methods and Monkey Patching articles do reference each other in suggestive ways. ;)
Full-time web dev; JS lover since 2002; CSS fanatic. #CSSIsAwesome
I try to stay up with new web platform features. Web feature you don't understand? Tell me! I'll write an article!
One of the most salient features of our Tech Hiring culture is that there is so much bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his share. But we tend to take the situation for granted.
EDIT: A big advantage with for example the JavaScript version monkey-patching String.prototype, is that the String class is not modified everywhere in your codebase.
Hi! I'm an aspiring Software Engineer currently studying at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. I'm mostly interested in full-stack web development and anything that involves lots of data.
In Rust you can add functions to other types with traits. This actually adds the like_a_cow function for all types that are printable, including strings. You have to use the trait though.
pubtraitLikeACow{fnlike_a_cow(&self)->String;}impl<T:std::fmt::Display>LikeACowforT{fnlike_a_cow(&self)->String{format!("Moo {} mooooo",&self)}}fnmain(){// need to `use LikeACow;` if used in other modules, but not here.lets="hello";println!("{}",s.like_a_cow());}
After my first contact with a computer in the 1980's, I taught myself to program in BASIC and Z80 assembler. I went on to study Computer Science and have enjoyed a long career in Software Engineering.
Now that I'm staring at this chart, I'm recalling that at some point I was trying to parse markdown. Pretty sure this is looking for nested lists:
* Hello!
1. A nested ordered list
Though, it is interesting to me that the initial * or \d\. is not captured; one would think it'd be important to distinguish between an unordered and ordered list...
After my first contact with a computer in the 1980's, I taught myself to program in BASIC and Z80 assembler. I went on to study Computer Science and have enjoyed a long career in Software Engineering.
I studied the screenshot I attached to my comment and came to the same conclusion but it looks to me the expression might be more complicated than it needs to be - without fully understanding the context of course.
In PHP, the division operator / returns an integer if the two operands are both integers and divide exactly, and a float in all other cases. (10 / 2) thus gives int(5), while (11 / 2) gives float(5.5). Then, in the next division step, 5 / 5 gives int(1), while 5.5 / 5.5 gives float(1).
All right, let's see if you guys have a clue about this:
docker commit `docker ps -a |\head-n2 |\tail-n1 |\cut-d" "-f1`$1:$2
This is a single line of shellscript code written over three lines for readability. Notice that it employs backticks inside the code.
A lot is happening here, obviously. FIrst of all, the $1 and $2 will be replaced by the first and second command line argument respectively. So if you are invoking this script with the command line arguments repo and tag, this will translate to:
docker commit `docker ps -a |\head-n2 |\tail-n1 |\cut-d" "-f1` repo:tag
Next, note the backticks inside the command. The portion between the backticks - will first be evaluated. The result of this evaluation will then replace the entire thing inside the backticks.
Now, what does the portion inside the backtick do? Well, it has four parts:
Part 1 is docker ps -a, which yields a list of Docker images and their details:
20d03205fe06 ubuntu:20.04 "bash" 3 seconds ago Exited (0) 2 seconds ago bold_feynman
dcf460b2c4ff 07cd54330caf "/bin/sh -c 'tar xzfβ¦" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes blissful_liskov
This output is then piped into part 2. Piping is a special construct in Shellscript, which takes the string output of one command and puts it into the string input of the next command. So if command-1 prints 2+2+2 into the output, and command-2 evaluates mathematical expressions from keyboard and prints the output, then command-1 | command-2 will basically make the 2+2+2 from the first command become the input of the second, and we will only see the final output - 6.
The output of the first command is being piped into the second command, which is head -n2. The head command snipes out the first n lines from a file (or text input), and prints it. When fed the lines of details of different classes at the input, the head command will print the first n lines and then ignore the rest. We specify n with the -n2 flag, and its value is set to 2.
So the head command will print the first two lines from the table:
20d03205fe06 ubuntu:20.04 "bash" 3 seconds ago Exited (0) 2 seconds ago bold_feynman
Notice that this includes the heading row and the details of the latest image - in this case, one which was created just three seconds before this command was run (I admit to having created it just to demonstrate this snippet).
The next command in the pipe is tail, and this command will ignore all but the last n lines from the input, and print those last n lines. In this case, we invoke it with tail -n1, thereby setting n to 1. The last one line will be printed.
20d03205fe06 ubuntu:20.04 "bash" 3 seconds ago Exited (0) 2 seconds ago bold_feynman
Or at least, tail will try to print it. But its own printed output has been further piped into the cut command. This command does something quite whacky: it takes two arguments, known as the delimiter and the selected columns. The delimiter has to be a char and the selected columns is a comma-separated sequence of numbers. In case a single number is provided, that single number is interpreted as a single-length sequence of numbers.
What cut does is that it splits each line of its input into parts, separated by the delimiter. It then takes the specific values which correspond to the selected columns, and then prints only those values which have been selected.
For instance, in this case, it will split the input string (which is a single line) by the " " space character, and then take out the first member of the resulting array of substrings. Of course, this effectively means that it will only pick the first word of the line. And in this case, that word is the container ID of the most recently run container:
This ID is the final output of the entire portion inside the backticks, and given the way Shellscript works, the entire portion inside backticks will simply be replaced by this one container ID number:
docker commit 20d03205fe06 repo:tag
Which is the final form of the command, and it is executed. So the command does this:
It commits the most recently run container as an image with the name and tag provided as command line arguments to the script
This is an F# script that posts a Post like object to the json placeholder API and deserializes the json response to a Post.
you can copy into a file and run it like this:
dotnet fsi ./filename.fsx
#r"nuget: FsHttp"// specify the http library// open the required namespacesopenFsHttpopenFsHttp.DslCEopenSystem.Text.Json// define the shape of the data// these are known as Records in F#typePost={userId:intid:inttitle:stringbody:string}// In F# records can't have null values for most types// so we use an anonymous record (`{| |}` instead of `{}`)// because we don't have an id value yetletpayload=JsonSerializer.Serialize({|userId=1title="Sample"body="Content"|})letresponse=// declare the requesthttp{POST""bodyjsonpayload}// send the request, it can also be done asynchronously|>Request.send// get the stream back (rather than downloading the response in bytes/string|>Response.toStream// deserialize it using .NET base class library classes like JsonSerializer|>JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Post>// you can now check the response in the consoleprintfn"%A"response
Does a binary search through an array and finds the first element with a value greater than a random target at index 0.
This is a part of a script that chooses a random set of items to put in a supply box where each item set can have a weight assigned to it based on how valuable the items are (higher weight means more common)
Aspiring Rustacean. Whatever-Stack developer who fell in love with React and GraphQL. Addicted to CTRL + β΅. Building tools to improve developers experience.
// javascript {constx=1{constx=2// no error{console.log(x)// 2constx=3console.log(x)// 3}}}console.log(x)// undefined
In javascript, const denotes a read-only variable. If you try to reassign it, you'll get a "SyntaxError: Identifier has already been declared"
However, each braced segment is treated as a new scope. This is most obvious with functions and control structures like if (true) { ... }, but it's not immediately obvious to people that you can arbitrarily create new scopes anywhere. Switch statements are a good place to use them.
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
Const doesn't denote read-only, it only means you can't reassign it in the same scope. You can mutate it all you want (provided it's a type that's mutable in the first place)
JavaScript will parse a string until it gets to an character it can't parse and then return the value. In this example, by parsing hexadecimal, we get f in the first example, fa in the second, but nothing in the third because s isn't a valid hex character.
This is messed up and you shouldn't do it, but we can sort-of have pattern matching in JavaScript:
switch(true){case200<=status&&status<300:{console.log('Success!');break;}casestatus===418:{console.log("I'm a π«");break;}default:throwError('Something went wrong!');}
The trick here is that the firstcase that equals the argument of the switch statement is executed. So, since the argument is true, only the first case that have an argument that evaluates to true is executed. Boom!
Also, no. Don't do this. Nobody expects this.
Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. Code for readability.
As the name suggests, it converts an array into an object.
When should I use this
Often when you have a big list of objects and you need to look up a value in one of those objects very often, it is useful to transform the list into a object beforehand. It's more efficient that way, than having to do a find element operation by iterating over an array every single time.
// Suppose I have an array of objects, like this:consttweets=[{id:"01",text:"What's your hobby"},{id:"02",text:"What are you doing during COVID-19"},{id:"03",text:"Share some good fiction books"},];consttweetsById=convertArrayToObject(tweets,"id");// Now I can do this:console.log(tweetsById["01"].name);// prints "What's your hobby"
Came up with this little snippet for Vue a couple years back that will assign a uid as a key on initial render and reuse the same key for subsequent renders. It's nothing fancy, but it's sure helpful.
functionuid(el){if(el.uid)returne.uid;// Could be replaced with actual uuid from libconstkey=Math.random().toString(16).slice(2);Vue.set(el,'uid',key);returnel.uid;}
The following c code generates a spinning donut with ASCII with some math going on with pseudo code liberties and 2d array.
const float theta_spacing = 0.07;
const float phi_spacing = 0.02;
const float R1 = 1;
const float R2 = 2;
const float K2 = 5;
// Calculate K1 based on screen size: the maximum x-distance occurs
// roughly at the edge of the torus, which is at x=R1+R2, z=0. we
// want that to be displaced 3/8ths of the width of the screen, which
// is 3/4th of the way from the center to the side of the screen.
// screen_width*3/8 = K1*(R1+R2)/(K2+0)
// screen_width*K2*3/(8*(R1+R2)) = K1
const float K1 = screen_width*K2*3/(8*(R1+R2));
render_frame(float A, float B) {
// precompute sines and cosines of A and B
float cosA = cos(A), sinA = sin(A);
float cosB = cos(B), sinB = sin(B);
char output[0..screen_width, 0..screen_height] = ' ';
float zbuffer[0..screen_width, 0..screen_height] = 0;
// theta goes around the cross-sectional circle of a torus
for (float theta=0; theta < 2*pi; theta += theta_spacing) {
// precompute sines and cosines of theta
float costheta = cos(theta), sintheta = sin(theta);
// phi goes around the center of revolution of a torus
for(float phi=0; phi < 2*pi; phi += phi_spacing) {
// precompute sines and cosines of phi
float cosphi = cos(phi), sinphi = sin(phi);
// the x,y coordinate of the circle, before revolving (factored
// out of the above equations)
float circlex = R2 + R1*costheta;
float circley = R1*sintheta;
// final 3D (x,y,z) coordinate after rotations, directly from
// our math above
float x = circlex*(cosB*cosphi + sinA*sinB*sinphi)
- circley*cosA*sinB;
float y = circlex*(sinB*cosphi - sinA*cosB*sinphi)
+ circley*cosA*cosB;
float z = K2 + cosA*circlex*sinphi + circley*sinA;
float ooz = 1/z; // "one over z"
// x and y projection. note that y is negated here, because y
// goes up in 3D space but down on 2D displays.
int xp = (int) (screen_width/2 + K1*ooz*x);
int yp = (int) (screen_height/2 - K1*ooz*y);
// calculate luminance. ugly, but correct.
float L = cosphi*costheta*sinB - cosA*costheta*sinphi -
sinA*sintheta + cosB*(cosA*sintheta - costheta*sinA*sinphi);
// L ranges from -sqrt(2) to +sqrt(2). If it's < 0, the surface
// is pointing away from us, so we won't bother trying to plot it.
if (L > 0) {
// test against the z-buffer. larger 1/z means the pixel is
// closer to the viewer than what's already plotted.
if(ooz > zbuffer[xp,yp]) {
zbuffer[xp, yp] = ooz;
int luminance_index = L*8;
// luminance_index is now in the range 0..11 (8*sqrt(2) = 11.3)
// now we lookup the character corresponding to the
// luminance and plot it in our output:
output[xp, yp] = ".,-~:;=!*#$@"[luminance_index];
// now, dump output[] to the screen.
// bring cursor to "home" location, in just about any currently-used
// terminal emulation mode
for (int j = 0; j < screen_height; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < screen_width; i++) {
30+ years experiance. Focused on C# since 2001. My day job is C#, Web/Win, and MS Dynamics. I also work on a few side projects with AI/ML, mostly around compilers and coding tools.
How about Verilog. This is typically one of the first ones you work through as an example. This is a 4-Bit binary counter that counts from 0 to 9 and displays the count on a 7-segment display. The display is just 7 LEDs, so it turns all of the on by default and you use a binary number to tell it which of the LEDs to turn off.
While Verilog is language, it a hardware descriptive language, meaning that it tells an FPGA (field programmable gate array) how to setup its hardware. So you are creating a chip at runtime and can rework it and reprogram it on the fly. You have one in your phone and they are great for AI. So a little different from a typical program. It is a way to implement software as hardware.
module top(
input wire clk,
output wire LED0, // bit 1
output wire LED1, // bit 2
output wire LED2, // bit 4
output wire LED3, // bit 8
output reg [6:0] LED_out, // 7-segment LED display[0]
output reg [6:0] LED_out1 // 7-segment LED display[1]
reg [31:0] cnt; // 32-bit counter
reg [3:0] LED_BCD;
reg [31:0] startbit = 25; // starting counter index
// assign LEDs to count bits, higher the index, the slower the count will run.
assign LED0 = cnt[startbit];
assign LED1 = cnt[startbit + 1];
assign LED2 = cnt[startbit + 2];
assign LED3 = cnt[startbit + 3];
initial begin
cnt <= 32'h0; // start at zero
always @(posedge clk) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1;
LED_BCD[0] <= cnt[startbit];
LED_BCD[1] <= cnt[startbit + 1];
LED_BCD[2] <= cnt[startbit + 2];
LED_BCD[3] <= cnt[startbit + 3];
if (LED_BCD == 4'b1010) // if LED_BCD equals 10
cnt <= 0; // reset
// 7-Segment LED display patterns
always @(*)
LED_out1 = 7'b11111111; // "0"
case(LED_BCD) // gfedcba
4'h0: //LED_out = 7'b1000000; // "0"
LED_out = 7'b1000000; // "0"
LED_out1 = 7'b1111001; // "1"
4'h1: LED_out = 7'b1111001; // "1"
4'h2: LED_out = 7'b0100100; // "2"
4'h3: LED_out = 7'b0110000; // "3"
4'h4: LED_out = 7'b0011001; // "4"
4'h5: LED_out = 7'b0010010; // "5"
4'h6: LED_out = 7'b0000010; // "6"
4'h7: LED_out = 7'b1111000; // "7"
4'h8: LED_out = 7'b0000000; // "8"
4'h9: LED_out = 7'b0010000; // "9"
And you can't ignore Assembly. Here's an example I was working on from Ben Eater. It prints "Hello World". This is why we don't write in Assembly anymore.
PORTB = $6000
PORTA = $6001
DDRB = $6002
DDRA = $6003
E = %10000000
RW = %01000000 m
RS = %00100000
.org $8000
lda #%11111111 ; Set all pins on port B to output
sta DDRB
lda #%11100000 ; Set top 3 pins on port A to output
sta DDRA
lda #%00111000 ; Set 8-bit mode; 2-line display; 5x8 font
lda #0 ; Clear RS/RW/E bits
lda #E ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #0 ; Clear RS/RW/E bits
lda #%00001110 ; Display on; cursor on; blink off
lda #0 ; Clear RS/RW/E bits
lda #E ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #0 ; Clear RS/RW/E bits
lda #%00000110 ; Increment and shift cursor; don't shift display
lda #0 ; Clear RS/RW/E bits
lda #E ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #0 ; Clear RS/RW/E bits
lda #"H"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"e"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"l"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"l"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"o"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #","
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #" "
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"w"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"o"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"r"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"l"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"d"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
lda #"!"
lda #RS ; Set RS; Clear RW/E bits
lda #(RS | E) ; Set E bit to send instruction
lda #RS ; Clear E bits
jmp loop
.org $fffc
.word reset
.word $0000
(defunfactorial(n)"Compute the factorial of N in a tail-recursive manner."(labels((tail-factorial(nacc)(if(zeropn)acc(tail-factorial(1-n)(*nacc)))))(tail-factorialn1)))
This is a standard way to implement factorial using tail recursion. defun marks the beginning of function definition. Then goes the name (factorial) and list of arguments ((n)). After that we have an optional docstring (the good part about Emacs being self-documenting has long been the fact that docstrings become incorporated into an online help system - this is no longer surprising in programming languages, but used to be rare). labels introduces a local function - only visible within the enclosing scope. It's actually this inner function that is tail-recursive - the parameter acc is used to weave the partial result through the sequence of recursive calls, to be returned at the bottom. By using tail recursion (provided our language supports it) leverage so-called TCO (Tail Call Optimization) to avoid building up a stack with recursive calls. Finally, we call our inner, tail-recursive function on the original parameter n and initialize acc to 1. This way we get the desired behavior of 0! = 1.
This Rust code finds and prints the first 200 primes via a sieve method. Sieve method works by plotting all numbers from 2 to n and crossing out those numbers that are known multiple of each prime.
In our code we create crossed_out vector. This vector will be responsible for holding the crossed out state of all numbers from 2 to n. We also create a primes vector that will hold our found primes. In a loop, we go through all numbers from 2 to n (inclusively), and if the number hasn't yet been crossed out, that means that this number is a prime. If it is a prime, we iterate over every multiple of that number up to n and cross it out from the list.
I like how expressive the code is thanks to Rust's range. At first I also used Rust's enums, options and iterators but then realized I could simplify the code by having crossed_out be a vector of bool, and adding to primes vector within the same loop.
One of my recent favorites is this helper to convert a callback-based JS function to an awaitable:
functionmakeAwaitable(func,callbackArgIndex){/* Return an awaitable version of a callback-based function.
// Create an awaitable version of setTimeout, specifying the index
// of the expected callback argument index (i.e. 0).
const awaitableSetTimeout = makeAwaitable(setTimeout, 0)
// Invoke the awaitable setTimeout, omitting the callback arg.
await awaitableSetTimeout(1000)
// Returns 1 second later.
*/return(...args)=>newPromise((resolve,reject)=>{// Splice resolve() into args at the callbackArgIndex location. args.splice(callbackArgIndex,0,resolve)// Invoke func, reject the promise on error. try{returnfunc(...args)}catch(e){reject(e)}})}
I wrote this JavaScript snippet about two years ago to validate a USPS tracking ID. It is not exhaustive as to whether or not the ID is actually is a known USPS ID but it makes sure the minimum number of digits are present and the check-digit is correct.
Dylan Beattie got so fed up with recruiters wanting Rockstar developers he came up with the Rockstar language specification which allows you to write code that looks like 1990s soft-rock lyrics.
This talk is both facinating and hilarious and he plays a song at the end that is in fact FizzBuzz in Rockstar.
This python code takes a csv like file and breaks it into arrays, very handy option for simple usecases and also a great example of how to not name your variables
This Is a constructor in python with the help of 'new' we can use it to return some value to a variable.π₯²π₯²(sorry for bad photo it's really not best to have no internet connection)
I'll go first with Ruby
Classes in Ruby can be easily modified. The above code adds the
method toString
... So now the whole program can make a string "moo", like above.In JavaScript it's:
I wonder how many languages allow this?
C# allows this,
you can now use this as
I use extensions a lot on sealed library classes to add Quality Of Life things. One example is creating cleaner methods for adding parameters to SQLClient ClientCommand objects as one liners instead of multi-command monstrosities. (ok, they aren't that big, but do look unclean)
I think it's different (safer) in C# though, right? Like you need to add
using <namespace>
for the new methods to be accessible. So it's not true monkey patching, which is generally dangerous and best avoided.Indeed you would need to use the containing namespace. And are likely safer as it would be pretty hard to modify the behaviour of code outside of your intended changes. (I think you would have to try very hard to have any affect outside of your explicit calls to the extension methods)
I won't claim to know much about TRUE monkey patching, but wikipedia's Extension Methods and Monkey Patching articles do reference each other in suggestive ways. ;)
I should add that this is not good practice.
is a built in function and you should not override it.I'll do you one better: if you define a dynamic getter using
, you can make it look exactly like the Ruby example:Same thing in Kotlin, super handy.
EDIT: A big advantage with for example the JavaScript version monkey-patching String.prototype, is that the
class is not modified everywhere in your codebase.It works like a normal function, you import the new function only if and where you need it. See
In Dart it's
Similar in Scala:
In Rust you can add functions to other types with traits. This actually adds the
function for all types that are printable, including strings. You have touse
the trait though.Nice example, but I think it could be refined somewhat
It is bad practice to do such things. Better use
and add in you class
Some regex I wrote in 2018:
I've stared at it for 5 minutes and still can't tell you what's happening π
If you throw the expression into something like Debuggex it can map out the routes through the expression, as follows.
However, whilst this shows what is happening it does not indicate why.
Now that I'm staring at this chart, I'm recalling that at some point I was trying to parse markdown. Pretty sure this is looking for nested lists:
Though, it is interesting to me that the initial
is not captured; one would think it'd be important to distinguish between an unordered and ordered list...I studied the screenshot I attached to my comment and came to the same conclusion but it looks to me the expression might be more complicated than it needs to be - without fully understanding the context of course.
It searches for indented sublists, like:
You're welcome.
Anyone that can read this and know exactly what's going on is clearly not human
Which purpose u wrote this regex
1 1 no
.In PHP, the division operator
returns an integer if the two operands are both integers and divide exactly, and a float in all other cases.(10 / 2)
thus givesint(5)
, while(11 / 2)
. Then, in the next division step,5 / 5
, while5.5 / 5.5
.PHP's language design is truly astounding.
All right, let's see if you guys have a clue about this:
This is a single line of shellscript code written over three lines for readability. Notice that it employs backticks inside the code.
A lot is happening here, obviously. FIrst of all, the
will be replaced by the first and second command line argument respectively. So if you are invoking this script with the command line argumentsrepo
, this will translate to:Next, note the backticks inside the command. The portion between the backticks - will first be evaluated. The result of this evaluation will then replace the entire thing inside the backticks.
Now, what does the portion inside the backtick do? Well, it has four parts:
Part 1 is
docker ps -a
, which yields a list of Docker images and their details:This output is then piped into part 2. Piping is a special construct in Shellscript, which takes the string output of one command and puts it into the string input of the next command. So if
into the output, andcommand-2
evaluates mathematical expressions from keyboard and prints the output, thencommand-1 | command-2
will basically make the2+2+2
from the first command become the input of the second, and we will only see the final output -6
.The output of the first command is being piped into the second command, which is
head -n2
. Thehead
command snipes out the first n lines from a file (or text input), and prints it. When fed the lines of details of different classes at the input, thehead
command will print the firstn
lines and then ignore the rest. We specifyn
with the-n2
flag, and its value is set to2
.So the
command will print the first two lines from the table:Notice that this includes the heading row and the details of the latest image - in this case, one which was created just three seconds before this command was run (I admit to having created it just to demonstrate this snippet).
The next command in the pipe is
, and this command will ignore all but the lastn
lines from the input, and print those lastn
lines. In this case, we invoke it withtail -n1
, thereby settingn
. The last one line will be printed.Or at least,
will try to print it. But its own printed output has been further piped into thecut
command. This command does something quite whacky: it takes two arguments, known as the delimiter and the selected columns. The delimiter has to be a char and the selected columns is a comma-separated sequence of numbers. In case a single number is provided, that single number is interpreted as a single-length sequence of numbers.What
does is that it splits each line of its input into parts, separated by the delimiter. It then takes the specific values which correspond to the selected columns, and then prints only those values which have been selected.For instance, in this case, it will split the input string (which is a single line) by the
" "
space character, and then take out the first member of the resulting array of substrings. Of course, this effectively means that it will only pick the first word of the line. And in this case, that word is the container ID of the most recently run container:This ID is the final output of the entire portion inside the backticks, and given the way Shellscript works, the entire portion inside backticks will simply be replaced by this one container ID number:
Which is the final form of the command, and it is executed. So the command does this:
Wow.... That's actually quite useful
Thank you. I use this one a lot, though I typically write it out in just one line.
Here's a Rust moment, I tweeted it today lol
Is your text editor or some plugin showing the return types of the functions in the chain? That's pretty cool. What's the plugin/editor?
I'm using VScode with rust-analyzer extension
Nothing in c++
This is an F# script that posts a Post like object to the json placeholder API and deserializes the json response to a Post.
you can copy into a file and run it like this:
dotnet fsi ./filename.fsx
Does a binary search through an array and finds the first element with a value greater than a random target at index 0.
This is a part of a script that chooses a random set of items to put in a supply box where each item set can have a weight assigned to it based on how valuable the items are (higher weight means more common)
what language is that?
I'm gonna bet on Brainf*ck, so here's mine.
Please don't ask what it does, cause I've no idea, it just looks cool..I guess.
BASIC hacking
In javascript,
denotes a read-only variable. If you try to reassign it, you'll get a "SyntaxError: Identifier has already been declared"However, each braced segment is treated as a new scope. This is most obvious with functions and control structures like
if (true) { ... }
, but it's not immediately obvious to people that you can arbitrarily create new scopes anywhere. Switch statements are a good place to use them.Const doesn't denote read-only, it only means you can't reassign it in the same scope. You can mutate it all you want (provided it's a type that's mutable in the first place)
I worded it a bit slopy, a "read-only reference to a value" according to MDN, but it's all semantics as long as we understand how it works =]
Wow, thanks for the hint !
Classic FizzBuzz, but in a language a friend and I worked on called Swahili-lang. Uses Swahili semantics with a JS-lik syntax,
You can find out more about it here
Custom characters on 16x2 LCD Display using LiquidCrystal library of Arduino
displays on lcd as
used to spend whole day creating different custom chars and animations
JavaScript will parse a string until it gets to an character it can't parse and then return the value. In this example, by parsing hexadecimal, we get
in the first example,fa
in the second, but nothing in the third becauses
isn't a valid hex character.This is messed up and you shouldn't do it, but we can sort-of have pattern matching in JavaScript:
The trick here is that the first
that equals the argument of theswitch
statement is executed. So, since the argument istrue
, only the firstcase
that have an argument that evaluates totrue
is executed. Boom!Also, no. Don't do this. Nobody expects this.
A snippet that I use in my projects:
What does this do?
As the name suggests, it converts an array into an object.
When should I use this
Often when you have a big list of objects and you need to look up a value in one of those objects very often, it is useful to transform the list into a object beforehand. It's more efficient that way, than having to do a find element operation by iterating over an array every single time.
Example formatting messes up the code, but...
The code just prints "Hello world".
I don't know how.
Came up with this little snippet for Vue a couple years back that will assign a uid as a key on initial render and reuse the same key for subsequent renders. It's nothing fancy, but it's sure helpful.
The following c code generates a spinning donut with ASCII with some math going on with pseudo code liberties and 2d array.
How about Verilog. This is typically one of the first ones you work through as an example. This is a 4-Bit binary counter that counts from 0 to 9 and displays the count on a 7-segment display. The display is just 7 LEDs, so it turns all of the on by default and you use a binary number to tell it which of the LEDs to turn off.
While Verilog is language, it a hardware descriptive language, meaning that it tells an FPGA (field programmable gate array) how to setup its hardware. So you are creating a chip at runtime and can rework it and reprogram it on the fly. You have one in your phone and they are great for AI. So a little different from a typical program. It is a way to implement software as hardware.
And you can't ignore Assembly. Here's an example I was working on from Ben Eater. It prints "Hello World". This is why we don't write in Assembly anymore.
My implementation of factorial in Emacs Lisp
This is a standard way to implement factorial using tail recursion.
marks the beginning of function definition. Then goes the name (factorial
) and list of arguments ((n)
). After that we have an optional docstring (the good part about Emacs being self-documenting has long been the fact that docstrings become incorporated into an online help system - this is no longer surprising in programming languages, but used to be rare).labels
introduces a local function - only visible within the enclosing scope. It's actually this inner function that is tail-recursive - the parameteracc
is used to weave the partial result through the sequence of recursive calls, to be returned at the bottom. By using tail recursion (provided our language supports it) leverage so-called TCO (Tail Call Optimization) to avoid building up a stack with recursive calls. Finally, we call our inner, tail-recursive function on the original parametern
and initializeacc
. This way we get the desired behavior of 0! = 1.This Rust code finds and prints the first 200 primes via a sieve method. Sieve method works by plotting all numbers from 2 to n and crossing out those numbers that are known multiple of each prime.
In our code we create
vector. This vector will be responsible for holding the crossed out state of all numbers from 2 to n. We also create aprimes
vector that will hold our found primes. In a loop, we go through all numbers from 2 to n (inclusively), and if the number hasn't yet been crossed out, that means that this number is a prime. If it is a prime, we iterate over every multiple of that number up to n and cross it out from the list.I like how expressive the code is thanks to Rust's range. At first I also used Rust's enums, options and iterators but then realized I could simplify the code by having
be a vector ofbool
, and adding toprimes
vector within the same loop.test it with
apfel is apple in english
When you run following query ?- yummy_with_apple(X)
you get follwing result set:
X = apfel
X = apfelkuchen
X = apfelsaft
X = paradiesapfel
if you run follwing query:
?- yummy_with_apple(apfelsaft)
you get true as result
One of my recent favorites is this helper to convert a callback-based JS function to an awaitable:
I wrote this JavaScript snippet about two years ago to validate a USPS tracking ID. It is not exhaustive as to whether or not the ID is actually is a known USPS ID but it makes sure the minimum number of digits are present and the check-digit is correct.
Dylan Beattie got so fed up with recruiters wanting Rockstar developers he came up with the Rockstar language specification which allows you to write code that looks like 1990s soft-rock lyrics.
This talk is both facinating and hilarious and he plays a song at the end that is in fact FizzBuzz in Rockstar.
This python code takes a csv like file and breaks it into arrays, very handy option for simple usecases and also a great example of how to not name your variables
sample input
nice ! look's great!
console.log("Hello World");
Hello world in JS.
This Is a constructor in python with the help of 'new' we can use it to return some value to a variable.π₯²π₯²(sorry for bad photo it's really not best to have no internet connection)
This short post brought me inspiration for an another post.
Thanks for the inspiration.