DEV Community

Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern Subscriber

Posted on

Who's looking for open source contributors? (September 24 edition)

Find something to work on or promote your project here.

Please shamelessly promote your project. Everyone who posted in previous weeks is welcome back this week, as always. ๐Ÿ˜„

Happy coding!

Top comments (22)

ben profile image
Ben Halpern • Edited

If anybody wants to contribute to the project we are always looking for refactoring!

You can check out CodeClimate for an idea of places that need some work.

Of course, we welcome features, but when in doubt, clean the code and write tests! ๐Ÿ˜‹

itsdarrylnorris profile image
Darryl Norris

File user.rb has 459 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

Things like this ^ can be automated right? I am not sure in Ruby, but in PHP there are tools that can auto-format things for you, so there is no need of manual work to be done.

uppercod profile image
Matias Trujillo

Hi!, I present Atomico, this small library (1.6kB), allows you to create components based on CustomElements, JSX and Virtual-Dom.

Github :

Atomico โค๏ธ web-components

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

MousePaw Media is looking for C++ and Python developers who are interested in working on unusual, cutting-edge libraries, tools, and games.

Current Projects

Here's a look at a few of our current projects:

PawLIB 1.1: High-performance, memory efficient containers and utilities for the C++ language. We're expanding our testing library (Goldilocks), improving and expanding our data structures (Flex), making message output a delight again (IOChannel), and building a tool for streamlining the design of CLI interfaces (Blueshell).

Right now, we're working on iterators for the Flex data structures, adding a new high-performance, doubly-linked list implementation, and building our collection of sorting algorithms.

Omission is a game written in Python 3. It currently uses the Kivy GUI toolkit, but needs to be re-implemented in Qt5 (PySide2).

DiamondQuest is a brand new Python 3 game, which will use the Qt5 (PySide2) GUI toolkit. We're especially needing someone with pixel-art skills to create the retro-style graphics.

Ratscript: A brand new language which seeks to combine an innovative, obvious syntax with a powerful combination of paradigms. Ratscript is being designed specifically for the next generation of game development. Takes cues from Python and Rust, among others.

Anari: A vector-based animation engine implemented in C++, allowing for memory-efficient interactive animations to be deployed onto old and new hardware alike.

Infiltrator is an upcoming Python 3 party game. We have an earlier version implemented in C++, but we want to recreate it in Python3 and Qt5 (PySide2).

Our Stack

  • C++14 (C++17 proposed)
  • Compilers: Clang and GCC
  • CMake
  • Python 3
  • Qt 5/PySide 2
  • CPGF
  • Eigen
  • Git
  • Phabricator

Getting Involved

See something you like? Jump right in! We have a robust development platform, centered around a carefully-honed Phabricator instance.

For more information, visit or contact developers (at) mousepawmedia (dot) com. You can also ask questions and join the discussion us on the Lobby chatroom on our Phabricator.

noah11012 profile image
Noah11012 • Edited

Posting my two projects from last week:

Libpixmap is a library to read and write PPM (portable pixmap) images with an easy to use API in C. Right now, it can only create PPM images but not properly open them and that is the current issue that needs to be fixed.

If you would like to take a look:

Have you ever used Rust's Result type and wished you could use something similar in C++? Result for C++ is a library just for this need. Of course, not everything is going to map exactly due to the differences between the languages but it is suppose to be just as easy to use as the native Rust Result type. Currently it is a WIP.

Take a look if you wish:

This next project isn't mine but I have contributed quite a bit to it and would like to bring it to people's attention.

Sample programs is a collection of programs of many different programming languages. It is a project to showcase the abilities, uniqueness, and good practices in a given language.

At the moment, we have seven types of samples:

  1. Hello World
  2. Fizz Buzz
  3. Reverse String
  4. Quine
  5. Conway's Game of Life
  6. File I/O
  7. Baklava

If you write a sample program, you can choose to write a companion article detailing how the code works.

If you want to contribute:

mojo2012 profile image

Hey guys, Iโ€˜m currently working on an open source SAP hybris-like RAD framework (persistence, data transformation, web framework).
Itโ€˜s based on hibernate (but greatly improves its API for easiness of use).

Head over to if ur curious, help is always appreciated

dbelyaeff profile image
Dmitriy Belyaev

Plugins contribution

Read about plugins system:

Dive into Cogear.JS core:

Have a look at Vue.JS plugin:

Only 31 lines.

Try to write plugins for React, Preact, Angular, Ember (whatever you like).

It's just about enhancing Webpack configuration and plug additional loaders to its config.

Test new plugin to work properly.

Publish to Github and NPM.

Core contribution

I highly needed to make tests coverage, but got stuck with Jest on several moments:

  1. Cogear.JS is a CLI application.
  2. Cogear.JS compiles pages asynchronously.
  3. Jest doesn't like 'process.exit()' in app code.

Refactoring is also welcome.

If you or somebody would help with tests โ€” I'll very appreciate it.

gklijs profile image
Gerard Klijs

I finally got around to open sourcing a bit from a hobby project to a rust crate. It's pretty easy to add a little more coverage, will probably be doing that in the next days. Would really appreciate somebody else to take a look at the code. It's for using the confluent schema registry in a java-compliant fashion, Crates:

changeweb profile image
Hasib Mahmud

My open source project is featured on Laravel News. You may check it out.

Direct link:

This is an open source and free school management software built with Laravel 5.5 LTS.

ashishb profile image
Ashish Bhatia

Anyone working on Android development, I would love if you would like to enhance this project. Even adding documentation or more tests would be great at this point.

gabek profile image
Gabe Kangas

I'm currently working on what I believe is the first native Mastodon client for macOS. There are a few other desktop clients, but they're all Javascript/Electron based. If you are a Swift and/or Objc developer who wants to build a Mastodon client with Appkit on macOS, let me know!

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