Python programmer, Django developer and SQL slayer. I have been programming for over 10 years; each one of those years has included a bug or 2.
Engineering manager and SRE for Envelop Risk
I´m a passionate IT Instructor & Web Engineer (Senior Frontend Dev) from Germany, with more than 15 years experience with a great passion for NextJS, React, Vercel, JS, the Web & Web technologies.
Certified technical assistant for computer science @ Sabine Blindow-Schulen Hannover
Software Engineer - Web, React & more at code-b agile websolutions
I am a believer of the Root Cause Analysis. Ask "How, What, Why" until you can dissect it with no further to go. Well, I am a frontend developer ready for new challenges!
Yep - the original plan was for screen 4 to be above my right screen. However I bought the wrong kind of arm and it was too low by about 5cm, so yeah, I know where it would live too if I could buy the right kit next time!
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, ajax, react js, WordPress, Magento, Shopify, Photoshop, Camtasia, SEO & learning new skills every moment 👨🏼💻 | I believe in learning and sharing with others 🛴
HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, XML, ajax, react js, WordPress, Magento, Shopify, Photoshop, Camtasia, SEO & learning new skills every moment 👨🏼💻 | I believe in learning and sharing with others 🛴
the front one is a vortex Pok3r with custom DSA keycaps. The back one is a whitefox again with mostly blank DSA keycaps. I am one of those people with keyboard obsessions.
Student in information technology.
Interested in medical it and smart home.
"Adapt what it usefull, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own"
Student in information technology.
Interested in medical it and smart home.
"Adapt what it usefull, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own"
Hi, I'm Thomas, chief developer of the SBTCVM project, and all around artist and programmer. I do have more of an understanding of balanced ternary than most i would say.
Bit chaotic (this lockdown has left me with a bit too much time on my hands...) it might look like madness, but everything has its place i assure you. :p
Python programmer, Django developer and SQL slayer. I have been programming for over 10 years; each one of those years has included a bug or 2.
Engineering manager and SRE for Envelop Risk
In the spring I could work from my loft game room, at my Dungeons and Dragons gaming table I built custom. Yes, the temptation to play with the miniatures was high. In summer now it's too hot up there to work, so I'm down in an actual dungeon in my basement. Too much shame to post my messy office.
A blockchain community and ecosystem leader. Worked with Consensys, MetaMask, Ethereum Foundation, Binance, and scaled developer communities impacting a broad set of developers and consumers globally.
Master's in Business from San Francisco | Bachelor's in Engineering from India
A blockchain community and ecosystem leader. Worked with Consensys, MetaMask, Ethereum Foundation, Binance, and scaled developer communities impacting a broad set of developers and consumers globally.
Master's in Business from San Francisco | Bachelor's in Engineering from India
Long term Java backend developer interested in microservices, DevOps, mobile dev, game dev, photography, sound design, synthesizers, photography, drawing, habits formation and podcasts.
Porto, Portugal
Senior Consultant/Engineer at Altran Portugal (part of Capgemini)
French web developer mainly but touches everything. Volunteer mod here at DEV. I learn Nuxt at this moment and databases. — Addict to Cappuccino and Music
Do you not get a sore neck?
Lol, no it's more that I can focus on two screens at a time! Left doc/middle code/right running code/far right debugger
Did I just suggest I have a "far-right debugger"??? - I want to take this opportunity to distance myself from anything far-right lol.
If only we could debug the far-right tendencies in our societies. I'd love that.
🥺🥺🥺 I want a station like this
Perfect, my dream.
May I ask what kind of graphics card and ports you have to address 4 individual monitors?
It's the Mac's internal GFX for the first 3. The "most right" one is driven by a USB GFX card (which can handle 2 4k displays).
Ah, so there's room for a fifth one, I see ;-)
Yep - the original plan was for screen 4 to be above my right screen. However I bought the wrong kind of arm and it was too low by about 5cm, so yeah, I know where it would live too if I could buy the right kit next time!
Props for that portrait display!
Beautiful 😍
I write code like a psychopath: on a laptop, with no extra monitors.
Not bad, really simple.
You and me both are programming away like psychopaths solely on our laptop screens.
Lovely, I dig the flowers :)
Thank you :).
Single laptop screen crew!
But because of my visual impairment, I could never really work with a multi screen setup comfortably.
Am here too

Luxury 💛
Keyboard looks awesome!
Nice keyboard! is it a keychron?
I have that mouse, very comfortable and the battery lasts ages!
At first I thought you meant like, the virtual desktop hahaha which I'm proud about. My real desktop is a bit messy though.
My setup gets weirder, with every new lockdown
What is the name of that a small keyboard with 8 keys?
Max Falcon 8, is one of the few macro pads that are publicly available
Nice keyboards, where did you get them from?
the front one is a vortex Pok3r with custom DSA keycaps. The back one is a whitefox again with mostly blank DSA keycaps. I am one of those people with keyboard obsessions.
Keep it short and simple at home 🎉
As a student currently developing my first mayor web-app as part of my bachelor thesis, i am given the privilege to work at home, using my own setup.
Ooh: I like how your monitors are floating!
Thank you!
This setup was a long way with many iterations until this point, but now I am really happy with what it has turned out as.
The wall-mounting has three advantages in my case:
Here is mine 🤓
Portrait orientation 🙌🏻
Bit chaotic (this lockdown has left me with a bit too much time on my hands...) it might look like madness, but everything has its place i assure you. :p
Don't be fooled by the "tree view" — I'm one story above a parking lot 😂
Also pictured: Episode 9 of DevDiscuss on my monitor! Check it out, people!
That backlighting is just fantastic!
Which chair, I am looking for a new one.
It's from my area so I don't know if you can get one (supporting the local economy, hehe), but here's the link, I'm sure there are a lot similar:
Main features I was looking for was: it needed to have a head rest, adjustable lombar support, adjustable armrests.
Main computer: Mac Mini. Need the power and don't currently need the flexibility of a laptop.
Monitor: Dell UltraSharp U3415W 34-Inch Curved
Keyboard: Durgod Taurus K320 TKL Cherry Silent Red
Mouse: Logitech MX Master 2S
Headphones: Bose QC II
I'd highly recommend each and any of the above.
Bonus pic: the other half of my office is my home gym! Pic taken after deadlifts.
Oh wow, nice setup! Lifting nerds unite!
In the spring I could work from my loft game room, at my Dungeons and Dragons gaming table I built custom. Yes, the temptation to play with the miniatures was high. In summer now it's too hot up there to work, so I'm down in an actual dungeon in my basement. Too much shame to post my messy office.
My bedroom setup. not great but finding anything in my country is a PITA.
Thinking about changing the keyboard to go for a mechanical one.

Here's a picture of my minimal setup - from last night 💖
Ah not sure why the picture is streching a little here, shows fine in the tweet 😬😅
My desktop is on my my latest post
Work from home
How do you guys plug so many monitors on one computer? Does it take a special board, a hub? Is that a MIDI controller behind your keyboard?
If you have a plant on your desk, what is it? 🌱🌿
In progress setup 😬
This is mine