After I found how I could have valid JavaScript files with the front matter block, I rapidly come across a new challenge: how can I access non-string Eleventy data in JavaScript with Nunjucks? 🤔
It may seem easy at first, but the difficulty resides in that I still want to be able to lint my *.js.njk
as JavaScript… Let me show you an example:
html: "Hello world!"
- eleventy
- javascript
- html
import { LitElement, html } from 'lit-element';
class Post extends LitElement {
render() {
// Nunjunks variables are valid JavaScript inside a string
const body = `{{ post.html }}`;
// But outside, it will produce an error:
// "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token '{'"
const tags = {{ post.tags }};
return html`
window.customElements.define('br-post', Post);
Oops, I needed to find a workaround to that problem or my quick prototype to test if I could join Eleventy and Web Components will appear to be unsustainable… 😱
Fortunately, you may think that if I am writing this post, there is a good chance that I found a solution. And you are right. 😄 How? By using another time JavaScript comments. Let me show you how I came to that conclusion:
// Not valid JavaScript code :(
const anArray = {{ post.tags }};
const anObject = {{ }};
// could be converted into
const anArray = [
// {{ post.tags }}
const anObject = {
// {{ }}
// and it would be valid, but our data would be inside JavaScript comments...
// Maybe a shortcode will help us transform our code
const anArray = [
// {{ toJavaScriptArray post.tags }}
const anObject = {
// {{ toJavaScriptObject }}
// to the content of the array *on a subsequent line*
const anArray = [
"eleventy", "javascript", "html"
const anObject = {
firstName: "Benjamin", lastName: "Rancourt"
// Oh oh, I think we may be into something! ;)
This solution may insert some blank comments, but if you minify your files before shipping them to production, they surely should be removed. 🧙
The shortcodes needed to do that are, in their simple forms, easy to implement:
const stringify = (object) => JSON.stringify(object);
const slice = (string) => string.slice(1, string.length - 1);
const decommentObject = (object) => `
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('toJavaScriptArray', decommentObject);
eleventyConfig.addShortcode('toJavaScriptObject', decommentObject);
You could add and adapt these lines, but I recommend that you check on the @sherby/eleventy-plugin-javascript NPM package. I have included in it more robust functions to help you write JavaScript code with Eleventy. I also add some functionalities that I leave you to take a look. 😉
To use this plugin, you only need to install the dependency with npm
npm install @sherby/eleventy-plugin-javascript --save-dev
and to add the plugin into your Eleventy config file (.eleventy.js
const eleventyPluginJavascript = require("@sherby/eleventy-plugin-javascript");
module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
Let me know if this plugin helps you! 🍬
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