When I started creating my private architecture on Docker for my projects, I started having a lot of container images that I have to check from time to time to see if there was a new version. It was okay to do that with a small number of images, but as my architecture was just growing, it started to be a bit cumbersome for one person. 🤨
So I searched on the Internet to see if anyone has found a solution to my problem and, after a while, I fall on a small service named docker notify.
What is docker-notify?

As the name suggests, it allows you to subscribe to the updates of the containers you want to follow. To use this service, simply enter your email address into the email input and click on the "Sign up" button. You should receive a few seconds later an email containing a link, to log in to the service without a password. 🔑

After clicking on the link, you will arrive at the interface that will allow you to manage the containers you are following.

On the left, you can search the name of the image you want to follow and on the right, you can see the images you are currently subscribed to. To unsubscribe from an image, simply click on its name and it will be removed. And don't forget to click on the "Update" button, otherwise, none of your changes will be saved! 😜
When someone releases a new version of the containers you are following, you will receive an email as below containing the recently updated containers. 😍

Unfortunately, this service works only for Docker Hub, so you can not follow the containers published on the GitHub Container registry. I hope the maintainers of this service will support it soon but, in the meantime, we will have to follow them manually. 🤭
So, I hope this service will help keep your containers up to date! 🤗
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