DEV Community

Bertil Muth
Bertil Muth

Posted on

Hopes and dreams for 2020

What are your personal hopes and dreams for the new year, no matter if realistic or not?

Top comments (4)

allanjeremy profile image
Allan N Jeremy
  • New remote job
  • $100k saved/invested
  • Complete book
  • 1000 book sales
  • BDD
  • Relearn React & learn GraphQL
  • 1 video a week - tutorial channel
  • 1 video a week - Making it in Africa
  • Hire first devs & build up an idea I've been having for a while
  • Putting myself out there
  • Giving a talk (on dev or entrepreneurship)
  • Networks. Networks. Networks
  • Make new friends
  • Live life
  • More risks. Less stress
  • Workout. Be healthier
jayrald07 profile image
Jayrald Empino

I'm currently learning Node.JS, and hoping to understand the whole concept of it.

allanjeremy profile image
Allan N Jeremy

Sweet! Feel free to ask anything if you have any challenges

jevason90 profile image
Jonny Evason

I'm moving into a DevOps role at my current place so I am super excited about helping the whole department achieve this goal!