Have you followed my tutorial regarding the development of forum-based web applications? I recommend following the series before we start this tutorial. You can check the applications in this repository.
Forum API Microservices
Forum API Microservices
Directory Structure
/app : Microservices Source Code
- Currently we have Auth Service, User Service, and Thread Service.
- docker-compose.yml : Containerize MongoDB & Redis. Will help for development.
Microservices Development
- You will need to copy or modify
to ignore the deployment of microservices. - Run Redis & MongoDB using
docker compose up -d
. - Go to the microservice you want to update and read the README.md of each directory to understand how to run them.
- Build Images of Microservices:
docker compose build
- Run all:
docker compose up -d
Software Architecture
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2022 Bervianto Leo Pratama's Personal Projects
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
- You can start from this commit.
- Please check this pull request for the changes.
- In short, you only need Docker and the source codes in this tutorial.
In short, we will call the tracing API in Jaeger from AuthService
, ThreadService
, and UserService
. ThreadService
and UserService
will call in port 14268
, but AuthService
will call in port 4318
. ThreadService
and UserService
will use the Jaeger exporter library, but AuthService
will use the OTLP exporter library.
Let's Coding
We will add Jaeger in our previous
. You can choose to expose all the ports or just expose the UI port, which is16686
. We will communicate with the internal network of containers.
jaeger: image: jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.45 networks: - backend environment: - COLLECTOR_ZIPKIN_HTTP_PORT=:9411 - COLLECTOR_OTLP_ENABLED=true ports: - 6831:6831/udp - 6832:6832/udp - 5778:5778 - 16686:16686 - 14268:14268 - 14269:14269 - 14250:14250 - 9411:9411 - 4317:4317 - 4318:4318
Add these packages to
<PackageReference Include="OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Jaeger" Version="1.4.0" /> <PackageReference Include="OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting" Version="1.4.0" /> <PackageReference Include="OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore" Version="1.0.0-rc9.14" /> <PackageReference Include="OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Http" Version="1.0.0-rc9.14" />
Add these codes to the
using System.Diagnostics; using OpenTelemetry.Exporter; using OpenTelemetry.Resources; using OpenTelemetry.Trace; builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry() .WithTracing(tracerProviderBuilder => tracerProviderBuilder .AddSource(DiagnosticsConfig.ActivitySource.Name) .ConfigureResource(resource => resource .AddService(DiagnosticsConfig.ServiceName)) .AddHttpClientInstrumentation() .AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation() .AddJaegerExporter()); // after UseCors() app.Use(async (context, next) => { context.Response.Headers.Add("trace-id", Activity.Current?.TraceId.ToString()); await next(); }); // before MapGet("/users", ... // after app.Run() public static class DiagnosticsConfig { public const string ServiceName = "UserService"; public static ActivitySource ActivitySource = new ActivitySource(ServiceName); }
Add these codes to the
). The changes are the same withUserService
. The difference is theServiceName
using System.Diagnostics; using OpenTelemetry.Exporter; using OpenTelemetry.Resources; using OpenTelemetry.Trace; builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry() .WithTracing(tracerProviderBuilder => tracerProviderBuilder .AddSource(DiagnosticsConfig.ActivitySource.Name) .ConfigureResource(resource => resource .AddService(DiagnosticsConfig.ServiceName)) .AddHttpClientInstrumentation() .AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation() .AddJaegerExporter()); // after UseCors() app.Use(async (context, next) => { context.Response.Headers.Add("trace-id", Activity.Current?.TraceId.ToString()); await next(); }); // before MapGet("/users", ... // after app.Run() public static class DiagnosticsConfig { public const string ServiceName = "ThreadService"; public static ActivitySource ActivitySource = new ActivitySource(ServiceName); }
Update the
. Please runyarn
to update theyarn.lock
"scripts": { "start": "node --require ./lib/instrumentation.js lib/index.js", "start:dev": "ts-node-dev --require ./instrumentation.ts src/index.ts", "compile": "tsc", "lint": "eslint .", "fix": "eslint . --fix" }, "dependencies": { "@opentelemetry/api": "^1.4.1", "@opentelemetry/exporter-metrics-otlp-proto": "^0.39.1", "@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-proto": "^0.39.1", "@opentelemetry/instrumentation-express": "^0.32.2", "@opentelemetry/instrumentation-http": "^0.39.1", "@opentelemetry/sdk-metrics": "^1.13.0", "@opentelemetry/sdk-node": "^0.39.1",
in theAuthService
import api from '@opentelemetry/api'; // add these before logger.info("Getting Request", requestMeta); const activeSpan = api.trace.getSpan(api.context.active()); res.header("trace-id", activeSpan?.spanContext().traceId);
in theAuthService
import { NodeSDK } from "@opentelemetry/sdk-node"; import { SemanticResourceAttributes } from "@opentelemetry/semantic-conventions"; import { OTLPTraceExporter } from "@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-proto"; import { HttpInstrumentation } from "@opentelemetry/instrumentation-http"; import { ExpressInstrumentation } from "@opentelemetry/instrumentation-express"; import { Resource } from "@opentelemetry/resources"; const jaegerHost = process.env.JAEGER_URI || "http://localhost:4318"; const resource = Resource.default().merge( new Resource({ [SemanticResourceAttributes.SERVICE_NAME]: "AuthService", }) ); const sdk = new NodeSDK({ resource: resource, traceExporter: new OTLPTraceExporter({ url: `${jaegerHost}/v1/traces`, }), instrumentations: [ new HttpInstrumentation(), new ExpressInstrumentation(), ] }); sdk.start()
Update the
depends_on: - jaeger - mongodb - redis environment: # add these envs OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_ENDPOINT: http://jaeger:14268/api/traces OTEL_EXPORTER_JAEGER_AGENT_HOST: jaeger
Update the
depends_on: - jaeger - mongodb - redis environment: JAEGER_URI: http://jaeger:4318
Let's build the docker image for those services (
). You can usedocker compose build
Start the services.
docker compose up -d
. Ensure all the services are running.docker compose ps -a
. -
You can start to call the APIs. So you can see the tracing.
I recommend exploring the tracing when creating the thread and login.
Thank you
Thank you for reading. If you have any feedback, feel free to comment here.

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