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Alexis Boucouvalas
Alexis Boucouvalas

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Python Best Practices: A Guide to Writing Clean and Readable Code


The ability to write clean and readable code is essential for not only Python developers, but all developers. Having clean code is not only easier to understand an maintain, but it also reduces the chances of having bugs in your code.

In this blog post, I'm going to dive into some of the best practices for writing clean and readable code in Python, along with some examples to help illustrate the practice. Although this post is centered around Python, some of these practices can be carried over into other languages.

Follow PEP 8 Style Guidelines

PEP 8 is the official style guide for Python code. By adhering to its guidelines, you can enhance your code's consistency and readablity accross multiple projects.
Here are some key points:

  • Use lowercase letters with underscores for variable and function names. This is commonly known as snake case.
  • Use spaces around operators and after commas.
  • Use comments to explain complex logic or non-obvious code.

Here's an example:

# Bad example:
def calculate_sum(a,b):
    return a+b

# Good example:
def calculate_sum(a, b):
    return a + b
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If you want to read more about PEP 8 Style Guidlines, here's the documentation! PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code

Use Descriptive and Meaningful Variable Names

One of the simplest ways to improve your code's readablitiy is by making sure you use descriptive and meaningful variable names. Variable names should reflect their purpose as well as be self-explainitory. Avoid using single-letter names like x or y.

Here's an example:

# Bad example:
x = 10
y = 5
z = x + y

# Good example:
height = 10
width = 5
area = height * width
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By using more descriptive names, we can now understand exactly what the code is trying to accomplish.

Use Whitespace and Indentation

The proper use of whitespace and indentation vastly improves code readability. It helps by visually separating different sections of code and makes it easier to understand the code's structure.

Here's an example:

# Bad example:
for i in range(5):

# Good example:
for i in range(5):
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In the good example, the code inside the loop is properly indented, making it clear that it belongs to the loop. This makes the code more readable and easier to follow. Not only this, but Python will throw an error if your code is not indented properly!

Break Down Complex Code into Smaller Functions

Large and complex functions can be difficult to read, understand, and maintain. By breaking these functions down into smaller, more focused functions, your code readability and reusability will be drasticaly improved.

Here's an example:

# Bad example:
def process_data(data):
    # Complex data processing code
    # Step 1: ...
    # Step 2: ...
    # Step 3: ...
    # Step 4: ...
    # Step 5: ...
    return transformed_data, report

# Good example:
def preprocess_data(data):
    # Code for data preprocessing
    # ...
    return transformed_data

def clean_data(data):
    # Code for data cleaning
    # ...
    return cleaned_data

def transform_data(data):
    # Code for data transformation
    # ...
    return transformed_data
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In the good example, the code is divided into smaller functions, each responsible for a specific task. This makes the code more modular and easier to understand, as each function focuses on a single responsibility.

Comment Your Code

This, for me, is the most important practice. Not only do comments provide additional context and explainations for your code to help with readability, but it can help you more easily come back to your code after not looking at it for a while. Say you haven't used Python in a while or maybe you've been using a different language. Comming back to that code may be hard and you might not understand what you, or another programmer, were doing. By adding comments you can make this transition much easier.

Here's an example:

# Bad example:
x = 10  # Set x to 10

# Good example:
# Initialize the variable x with a value of 10
x = 10
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In the good example, the comment provides additional information about the purpose of the code, making it easier for other developers to understand the intent behind it.


By following these best practices, you can significantly improve the readability and maintainability of your Python code. Writing clean code not only benefits you but also your team members and future developers who may need to understand or modify your code. By making your code easier to read, you contribute to a more efficient and collaborative development process.

Remember, clean and readable code is not just a one-time effort but an ongoing practice. Keep refining your code as you gain experience and embrace feedback from peers. With time and practice, you will develop a coding style that promotes clean and readable code.

Incorporating these best practices into your Python coding workflow will result in code that is easier to understand, debug, and maintain. Writing clean and readable code is a skill that can greatly enhance your effectiveness as a developer.

Top comments (2)

caroline profile image

Really great guide, thanks for sharing!

mcamacho9729 profile image
Mauricio Camacho

Greate article! Thank you for sharing.