DEV Community

Brendan Falk
Brendan Falk

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Fig Scripts: Build internal CLI tools really fast

Hey everyone! I'm Brendan, founder of Fig. Fig makes the shell easier and more collaborative.

Today we are launching Fig Scripts, a ridiculously easy way to build and share internal CLI tools. You can build a workflow like the below in < 1 minute!

Try it out here or watch this quick demo video.

Fig Scripts demo

Why did we build this?
There is surprisingly a lot of friction involved in building an internal CLI. Instead of writing business logic, most of your time is spent on boilerplate: integrating with the CLI framework, reading/validating user input, working out how to distribute/update your tool, tracking usage and errors, even adding colored output... This is stupid. You should be spending your time writing your business logic, not doing boilerplate!

How does Fig Scripts work?
We’ve built a platform to build, distribute, and manage your internal scripts and CLI tools. We handle all the boilerplate, you focus on writing your business logic.

Some key features are:

  • Jupyter-notebook style interface with multi-language support (bash, python, js/ts...)
  • Easy input definition: Fig out-of-the-box terminal UI library makes accepting user input easy. We even generate the CLI flags for you.
  • Instant cross-device sync: Changes are instantly provisioned to everyone on your team.
  • Built-in usage monitoring and error reporting: See how frequently scripts/subcommands are used and what the most common errors are.

What's next?
Coming soon, we are going to add integrations with popular developer infrastructure (like AWS, Docker, GitHub), cron jobs, new cell types (like markdown), more language support, and the ability to run scripts in the cloud.

Our ask
It’s still early, there are kinks, but we think what we have is really promising. I'd love to hear any feedback on what we’ve built! 😊

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