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How did you estimate your coding experience level for

I'm curious: How did others feel about evaluating their experience level inside their profile?1

I'll be honest about something that I feel kind of weird about... I just set mine to 5, the max ooOOOoOoO.

Do I really feel like "la crème de la crème" of engineers? Like a 5 out of 5?? Like a 5x dev?!? No. Absolutely not.

However, I wanted to start seeing more challenging content in my feed, and I figured that would be the most straightforward way.

Hence, I'm curious if anyone else felt unsure about how they estimated their skill-level.

Opening the floor to discussion.

Photo of the Content Customization section of UX Settings page

This is what Content Customization looks like as of 31 March, 2020

  1. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go to your UX Settings and scroll to Content Customization.  

Top comments (10)

vonheikemen profile image

I haven't answered that one. I need more context on what those numbers mean.

Some people really want to know where to find "the good stuff", I really think there should be a way of having easy access to that. What if somewhere in the UI there was a select where you could modify that experience value and alters the current list? If you wanted to see the latest article about nuclear rocket surgery, you could go to the latest tab and choose 5 in this imaginary select.

brettimus profile image

Yeah I think having a system for ranking for complexity has to be pretty hard! Wondering if the dev team ever exposes a subset of their data for ML projects? That’d be a cool challenge to the community to try to give a complexity score to articles (though the probably do this internally??)

mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland

I like to think I'm a 5-star C developer.
Let's see who gets it :P

brettimus profile image

🤔 is this a pointer joke???

mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland

Certainly is 😂

brettimus profile image

Hmmm yeah I have noticed that too—“the good stuff” as @vonheikemen put it, usually isn’t popular, but that’s not always the case!

Could be a cool project, imo, to do a community led weekly roundup of the 7 “most technically challenging” articles of the week, just how Jess does that for the posts with the most interactions

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

I've got a couple of years of experience, so I put myself in the middle (at a 3). It was a bit hard to decide on that though!

brettimus profile image
Boots • Edited

Agreed! I've never enjoyed assessing my own engineering skills

patarapolw profile image
Pacharapol Withayasakpunt

Perhaps should provide examples of feed, based on tags.

brettimus profile image

Yeah it’s starting to seem that way!