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Cover image for Would you use a Shared REPL for DevOps?
Brian St. Amand
Brian St. Amand

Posted on • Originally published at

Would you use a Shared REPL for DevOps?

One of the best things to come out of Functional Programming is the Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL). The REPL, if you haven't heard, is basically a command line for your programming language.

Even if you haven't heard of a REPL, you've probably used one without knowing it. The most famous REPL is probably the Developer Console in your browser.

Open up the browser's Dev Console and you can evaluate any JavaScript expression in the programming environment of the live browser. Type in an expression and hit Enter: the value is printed to the Console. Any JavaScript that runs in your browser will run the same in the Console, making it an ideal way to try out code in a realistic context.

The Dev Console is a simple and popular REPL that millions of programmers use every day, but, what many don't know, is that this simple interface is the basis for one of the best ways to program that reaches far beyond the browser. REPL-driven programming, for those who know, is a subtle programming superpower.

Our question to DevOps is... What if there were a REPL for DevOps?

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