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What hobby/skill do you wish you pursued more regularly?

Brian Kephart on May 06, 2018

Today I played my upright bass for the first time in a couple years. I'm always pleased to get it out and find that my skill on it isn't completely...
jfrankcarr profile image
Frank Carr • Edited

I usually get in enough guitar playing time since I get in some playing time at lunch in the parking lot. However, my time for modifying and building guitar has been more limited. I like to build cigar box style guitars and I want to get into building more of them. I also want to build/assemble more full size regular guitars. Here's one I completed last month...

guitar build

cathodion profile image
Dustin King

This is pretty. I have guitars, but none that are picturesque.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart


dmerand profile image
Donald Merand

Nice hardtail! What kind of pickups do you have on that?

Also, I second this :) I play (almost) enough, but I wish I could build more guitars. I've gotten one done in like ten years.

jfrankcarr profile image
Frank Carr

Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound in the bridge position and no-brand-name Chinese made mini-humbucker on the neck.

rhymes profile image

Keeping in shape

scooterphoenix profile image
Scooter Phoenix

THIS I try make time for, or else I'm miserable, but it isn't easy. Once you're tired or get busy, it's the easiest thing to let slide.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Anything that involves opening up my sketchbook/journal. Scribbling, note taking, etc. I'm at my best when I have paper and a pen handy, but I sometimes fall into bad habits in this regard.

I also like to paint but I feel like I'm even further from reasonably pursuing that regularly in terms of commitment to setup, cleanup, etc.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

I also like to paint but I feel like I'm even further from reasonably pursuing that regularly in terms of commitment to setup, cleanup, etc.

This is what holds me back from making guitar effects. It's so much easier to open my computer or grab a guitar than to cut circuit boards, mix etchant, and solder components.

yechielk profile image
Yechiel Kalmenson


I love anything aviation and always dreamed of being able to fly.

I even took a few introductory flying lessons but could never afford to pursue it to the end.

My hope is to one day soon be able to get my private pilot's license.

I even made a logbook for a bootcamp project :)

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

That's great! Good luck (and be safe)!

scooterphoenix profile image
Scooter Phoenix

I wish I had time to sew and ride my motorcycle more.

Both take so much time to do and truly enjoy, there just isn't room for it anymore.

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría

I feel the same way with my guitar, and I also miss drawing. But between work and university it's almost impossible to find the time for those things.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

What do you like to play on guitar, when you do get to play?

paulasantamaria profile image
Paula Santamaría

I love rock in general. Used to play in a lot of different bands since I was 17. I went from punck rock, to hard Rock and finally new metal (my last band was a mixture of Foo Fighters and System of a Down lol). But whenever I had a chance to play I usually go back to my hard rock phase, and sometimes a little punk.

joaofbantunes profile image
João Antunes

For me it's music as well, playing guitar. I was never a great player, but was good enough to write my own tunes.

Sometimes I poke around the computer to see if I have any crap pilling up and stumble upon the folder with riffs and song ideas and think I should really finish at least a couple of them... But it hasn't happened yet.

jameslawlor profile image
James Lawlor

For me, I wish I had more free time to devote to learning piano. I took lessons for a few years, but since college most of my piano time has been spent learning choral music parts. (Not that I don't enjoy that too.)

cathodion profile image
Dustin King

Music. I also recently picked up my guitar after a while of not doing so. It was nice, and also gave me a blister.

I've been intermittently playing keyboard lately, though I don't know too many songs on it.

briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

I was SO happy that playing the upright didn't give me blisters today. Usually when I pick it up again I have to pay that toll.

cathodion profile image
Dustin King

I just took it as a sign that I was really getting into it :) And also that I don't have my calluses right now.

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Rock climbing. While I do go climbing once or twice a week, I just don't have the time to climb almost daily like I did in college.

Also, I used to do a lot of personal writing and blogging during high school and early college, both creative writing and Bible study. I really want to be back to doing both.

cat profile image

Cosplay armor and weapon making (thermoplastics and eva foam): it's fun, challenging, rewarding -- but it's time consuming and expensive.

I made a sword last year:


briankephart profile image
Brian Kephart

Whoa, cool!

kirsteend profile image

Running... it’s so much easier when you give it more time.

craser profile image
Grumpy and

For me it's cycling, and I was a dedicated runner for years. Both sports richly reward time invested.

theminshew profile image
Michael Minshew

Practicing my harmonica and exercising.

neerajs29318246 profile image
Neeraj Sharma

Writing - Not just I wish, I pursue it regularly. It makes me feel better.

Besides this, I want to learn dancing.

dpells02 profile image
David Pellegrini

I actually wish I gave myself more time to work on side projects and learning new technologies. I find by the time I get home I'm tired of staring at screens all day

khophi profile image

Playing the Violin

nickfazzpdx profile image
Nicholas Fazzolari

Drawing! I used to draw a lot. It helped me express ideas better, especially in web design.