I accidentally discovered that running say <words to say> on my OS makes a voice say those words out loud. For example: say thats an awfully hot coffee pot
I'm a coder who has worn a lot of hats, from individual contributor to lead engineer to "CTO" (yes, in quotes, make of that what you will!). I've a lot to learn and hopefully some to share as well.
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sudo reboot
- fixes all problems, 50% of the timeI'll go first with a simple one:
stands for "change directory". It accepts a directory as an argument,i.e.
It takes a few other directives such as moving up one directory, moving to root, etc.
Here is a post getting into some of what you can do
The difference between cd - vs cd ~-
Pete Freitag ・ Sep 27 '19 ・ 1 min read
sudo rm -rf /
- Get fired or reinstall OShahahahaaaa dead!
sudo command
- perform a command as superuserhere are some reasons why not to use it all the time
here are some best practices of how to set it up properly
and here is a somewhat essayish pro/con discussion piece
I accidentally discovered that running
say <words to say>
on my OS makes a voice say those words out loud. For example:say thats an awfully hot coffee pot
$ pwd
shows current working directorymv command , you can move file/folder placement with it or you can use it for rename.
Recursively find all files with
in its name!aws s3 mb s3://dev-community-bucket
Creates an S3 bucket in AWS.
Out of context?
sudo rm -rf /
Just destroy your Linux system easily