DEV Community

Bryson Nobles (Be Mo Music)
Bryson Nobles (Be Mo Music)

Posted on

Can you beat the 'Maze Of Monsters'?

Hello Dev.To community. This is my first post and it's the final step to my Codecademy training class in Python. My final project was to create a game/tool using Python code that could be run in the Terminal of your computer. The idea that I ended up going with was the "Maze Of Monsters" where you have to complete 5 stages in the maze by defeating the Monster at each stage. There are 3 races and 3 roles to choose from that provide different stats, which can be upgraded as you progress through the maze.

I have a "ReadMe" file on the Git repo that explains the how the game mechanics work, which is helpful to understand before journeying into the maze. Once you understand the game, you can download the Python file and run it in your terminal. I'm not super confident that the game is very balanced, but I did my best to make challenging with the limitations of the framework I created.

There are also several ways that the code could be refactored to be cleaner and/or more efficient. However, because this was my first attempt at creating a fully functioning game, I was desperate to get it working regardless of how I got there. When I end up coding another game in the future, I'm hoping it will be much more efficient with the lessons I've learned through this project.

Would love to know some tips about making the code more efficient and how I could use Python classes to remove some redundant code. Appreciate any help on this!

GitHub Repo Link

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