An Azure Compute Gallery allows you to store, manage, and share custom VM images across multiple subscriptions and regions. This article will walk you through creating an Azure Compute Gallery and capturing a VM image using an Azure Portal.
Step 1: Create an Azure Compute Gallery
- Sign in to the Azure Portal –
- Navigate to Compute Gallery
Search for "Azure Compute Galleries" in Azure Portal
- Configure the gallery settings:
Choose a resource group
Enter a name for the gallery and region
Click "Review + Create" → "Create"
- Deployment in progress
- Azure compute gallery created: Now we can create and deploy custom images
Step 2: Capture a VM Image and Add It to the Compute Gallery
- Go to "Virtual Machines" in the Azure portal
- Select the VM you want to capture
Deallocate the VM (Required before capturing the image)
- Under "OS state", select Specialized (since the VM is not generalized)
- Create an Image Definition
Click "Create" → "Image Definition"
Enter a name and choose the operating system
Select the VM generation (Gen1 or Gen2)
Leave everything else as default and click ok
Choose "Specialized" under "OS State"
- Create an Image Version
Version number: Choose 0.0.1
- Click "Review + Create" → "Create"
- Deployment in process
- Deployment is complete
Then go to resource
- Click on create VM
Scroll down to image and notice that the one we just created is listed among the available images
By completing these steps, you have successfully created an Azure Compute Gallery, captured a specialized VM image, and deployed new VMs from it.
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