One of the things I miss about React / React Native is the absolute path. It is very common to use relative paths to import files.
The problem is when the project grows and the folders are deeply nested, I believe you may have already seen or already done so:
Now imagine that the Utils folder has changed directory. 😢
To resolve this issue, use a library called Babel Plugin Root Import. With a list that can be used to encode the root of our application, which is a "src" folder. 😍
It is practicing that you learn
☝ Add the library to your project.
babylu@Project: ~$ yarn add babel-plugin-root-import -D
babylu@Project: ~$ npm install babel-plugin-root-import -D
✌ After installation, set up the babel.config.js file that is located in the root directory.
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
plugins: [
rootPathPrefix: '@',
rootPathSuffix: 'src'
env: {
production: {
plugins: [
rootPathPrefix: '@',
rootPathSuffix: 'src'
With everything set up, it is now possible to import your files using "@" as a prefix. Here's an example below:
A pinch of VueJS please 🍲
I am using the "@" copying the Vuejs. Use the prefix that you find interesting. It can be the '~' or '#' for example.
Excuse me, could you show me the Way? 🚶
Using this technique we will have our first problem, the absence of autocomplete. This is because VSCode still does not understand that the "@" refers to the "src" folder of our project. To solve this we will create in the root directory a configuration file that VSCode understands, called jsconfig.json.
Inside it include the settings below:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es6",
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@/*": ["src/*"]
"exclude": ["node_modules"]
Learn more about the jsconfig.json file:
Agora sim! 😎
A tool that likes to complain! 😡
If you are using eslint in your project, you will receive many complaints about the imports you make using the prefix '@'.
Luckily, there is a library that lets you tell eslint that everything is okay.
babylu@Project: ~$ yarn add eslint-import-resolver-babel-plugin-root-import -D
babylu@Project: ~$ npm install eslint-import-resolver-babel-plugin-root-import -D
In the eslint configuration file include the following properties.
"settings": {
"import/resolver": {
"babel-plugin-root-import": {}
Questions that look stupid but are not 🤔
Can I use this for applications going to production?
Answer: Yes, if you have followed the steps correctly you will see that we configured for production in babel.config.js
Can I use React for web?
Answer: To use the babel plugin root import for Web, you need to perform some other settings
But not everything in life is flowers 🔴
You may encounter bugs in the library. If you find it please report it in the official babel plugin root import repository and help the community create a better library.
Follow me on twitter @heybrunoandrade
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If you have received an error in the translation please make the repository to make a correction. I'll be very grateful.
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Top comments (2)
Nice! Only one thing: in "target": "es6", I need "es5" for intellisense can recognize the node modules.
Everything was done according the guide, but have an error
React Native
"import TextComponent from '@/Atoms/TextComponent/TextComponent.js';"