In a new series for the Bytesized Code channel that I'm calling Project Corner, check out my unedited process as I build new features and projects using a variety of programming tools and frameworks.
In today's edition of Project Corner, I'm building the Sponsorships section of the Bytesized website. I recently announced Byteconf GraphQL 2020 (check it out here: and in this video, I add support for showing sponsors on an event page, using GraphQL,, React, and Gatsby.js.
This is a new format, and if you enjoyed it, I'd love to hear about it! Make sure to like and subscribe... the usual stuff. :)
📣 Byteconf GraphQL 2020 is a free GraphQL conference, streamed online on January 31st, 2020! RSVP to get your free ticket:

⚡ Announcing Byteconf GraphQL: a free GraphQL conference, streamed online
Kristian Freeman for Bytesized Code ・ Nov 15 '19
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💛 Bytesized Code is building a developer community for everyone! We publish weekly programming tutorials and guides, and also produce the unique online conference Byteconf, where developers around the world learn in a live-streamed, 100% free dev conference.
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