DEV Community

Caio Gomes Braga
Caio Gomes Braga

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What is it like to be part of a startup and go to college at the same time?

A little of history...

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Well, I am a student in the first period of the computer science course. I have a blog that documents my journey and expresses my opinions, in addition to having worked for a while in programming and marketing. Almost a month ago, three partners and I participated in a competition that evaluated our entrepreneurial ideas, thanks to our second place in this competition, we made the decision to mature our idea and take it forward with the objective of helping many rural producers. For this it was necessary to learn more and to learn more we sought to participate in an acceleration program for accelerated coffee, which is in progress as I write. But there is a detail: I have a full schedule, because of college and other obligations and sometimes it is difficult to reconcile the entrepreneurial vein with the academic vein, but answering your main question in a short way:

Is it possible to reconcile everything?

The answer is yes! And of course it changes from case to case, but there are wonderful people on my team that besides college and startup, have jobs and internships out there. But beware! assess your situation carefully. Don't think it's easy, it isn't! Your work will probably be much more complex than if you had it in any other environment. Entrepreneurship requires a lot of time and effort. My first tip if you want to get into this area is to set up a personal agenda. Define everything you do from week to week, put in pencil free time you can work, activities you want to sacrifice and that you can't give up. I'm sure that with the data in hand you can make a good decision.

It is worth it?

I cannot guarantee that my opinion will not change over time, considering that we have only one month of work, but the current view is that YES, it is very worthwhile due to the amount of learning and knowledge acquired throughout the process and the possibility of having a real impact on people's lives associated with the dream of being able to help them in the future with our technology is incredible. So in terms of personal satisfaction, I can guarantee that it's very worthwhile. But if your question is about the bottom line, I'm not so sure this is for you. Understand: Of course, one of the goals of a startup is to be financially successful, but that shouldn't be the ultimate goal of its founders in my view. That's because statistically (I hope not with ours) startups fail. The path is very tumultuous, it's difficult to create a new startup from scratch, especially if you don't already have the money to invest in your business and have to chase investors.

Therefore, to support all the months and years of work with little or no return it is necessary that you and your partners aim for good beyond the financial. And I say this from experience, because my initial vision was also to make as much money as possible with a business and, to be honest, I don't know if I would still be in the startup if I continued thinking like that. ## How is the routine of a startup in the acceleration process? It can be said that the motto of any startup in the process of accelerating is: "The work is infinite". Get ready for a few weeks and months of hard work and learning. Being more specific, and telling you a little bit about my experience. We have:

→ Monday:

Pitch and presentation of progress and work done to a judging panel, other startups and/or investors starting at 18:30.

→ Tuesday:

Multiple lectures from 6pm to 8pm + internal meetings and lectures from 8pm to 10pm or 11pm;

Legal advice.

→ Wednesday:

Lectures and networking with colleagues who are on the same boat from 6 pm to 8 pm;

Advance projects for next week; Direct contact with potential customers.

→ Thursday:

Lectures and orientations with guests from 6pm to 7pm + Work for the week from 6pm to 11pm;

Direct contact with potential customers.

→ Friday:

Mentoring from 5pm to 8pm;

Soft-skills training;

Projects for the week;

Direct contact with potential customers.

→ Saturday:

Realization of projects for the week from 6pm onwards.

→ Sunday:

Review of projects made during the week and deliveries to newsstands/preparation for pitch from 18:00 to 22:00.

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