Your life as a React Native developer is just about to get easier. At least mine did, as soon as I learned how to manage staging and production environments in React Native. It doesn't change the way your React Native app looks, feels or sells. But it saves you a great deal of developer hustle.
I originally posted this on around25's blog.
It's a breeze to change a config when there's only one or two changes to be done. You switch the API host
to the production one and bam, you're done. Things only get harder and much more error-prone when you have to change the API host
, put the payment gateway key
, payment gateway host
, set the notifications .plist
file, update the crashlytics key
and update the analytics key
. Do this by hand every time you make a build and at some point I guarantee you're going to miss something.
So to avoid headaches, we're going to use environment variables.
To expose env variables to react-native
, I'm going to use the react-native-config library. By doing so, I am keeping the config variables away from the code. It's most likely that those vars are going to be different across environments, while the code is not.
First of all, I'm going to add the library to the project. As I'm writing this, the latest version for react-native-config
is 0.11.7
. Then, I have to create 3 env files in the root
of the project: one for the local environment, simply called .env
, and another two called .env.staging
and .env.production
// .env
// .env.staging
// .env.production
For now, I'm only keeping the API host
in the config, alongside with an IS_PRODUCTION
flag. We'll use that later. Obviously, both
are fictional π.
Now, to put those vars to use for my React Native app, here's how my config file usually looks like:
// src/config/index.js
import env from 'react-native-config'
const config = {
api: {
host: env.API_HOST,
timeout: 20000
const API_HOST =;
export {
export default config
That's all. By default, react-native-config
reads from the .env
file, but reading from any file & running the project is possible via the following command:
$ ENVFILE=.env.staging react-native run-ios
All good so far, but I want my build process to be as automated as possible. So manually specifying the .env
file is not acceptable. Avoiding this is what we're going to do next.
iOS setup
On iOS, I'm going to take advantage of the concept of schemes. An Xcode scheme defines a collection of targets to build & a configuration to use when building. The default one can be found in Xcode's menu bar:
Product -> Scheme -> FooBar
where FooBar is the name of my app.
What I'm going to do is duplicate that default scheme and create two new schemes: one for staging and one for production. We're going to use the default one for the local environment. You can do it by going to:
Product -> Scheme -> Edit Scheme -> Duplicate Scheme
I'm going to call them FooBar.staging
and FooBar.production
. Naming is going to be important when we write the automated build script later.
I'm going to select FooBar.staging
and go back to Edit Scheme
, to make sure my scheme loads up the .env
file I want. Here, on Build -> Pre-actions
I'm adding a script that does that.
I'm going through exactly the same process for FooBar.production
Now, I got everything set up for iOS. Whenever I'm building the app, by selecting a scheme, I get the right env vars loaded in. Kudos, let's go to Android.
Android setup
For Android, we have build types. In android/app/build.gradle
, under buildTypes
we have the two default build types, release and debug.
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled enableProguardInReleaseBuilds
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile("proguard-android.txt"), ""
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
debug {
debuggable true
Same as before, the default is going to use the local env vars.
For the new build types, add these lines:
stagingrelease {
initWith release
productionrelease {
initWith release
Each of those is going to be used for making a release-type build, so make sure to generate a signing key before proceeding.
Naming is very important at this step. First, you must have the token release in the build variant name for regular release build behavior to apply, see more here. Second, I had issues when I initially set up the names to releaseStaging and releaseProduction, as the correct .env
file was not loading. I googled it up and found the issue & solution here.
Now, at the very top of the same android/app/build.gradle
file, add this:
project.ext.envConfigFiles = [
debug: ".env",
release: ".env",
stagingrelease: ".env.staging",
productionrelease: ".env.production"
You might encounter problems with Proguard for release builds. The solution is here.
To run the app using one of the build types defined above, go to View -> Tool Windows -> Build Variants
and select the variant (in the newly exposed window) before building:
That's it for Android too. Next, we're going to automate our build process even more, by creating fastlane
My aim is to have a one-liner build script for each of the two platforms.
Bonus: fastlane scripts
First, we are going to install fastlane and go through the setup. fastlane init
has to be run inside an iOS or Android project, so we're going to do it inside the ios folder and then move the whole fastlane
folder to the root of the project.
In fastlane/Fastfile
, I'm creating a lane under the ios platform to upload a build to TestFlight. Fastlane automatically loads the .env file we are passing when running the script. If we do:
$ fastlane ios beta --env=production
it will load the .env.production
file. So we are all set. To test this, I am going to add a few lines that only print out the environment vars and the file that was loaded.
// fastlane/Fastfile
platform :ios do
desc "Submit a new build to TestFlight"
lane :beta do
app_identifier = ""
api_environment = "staging"
if ENV["IS_PRODUCTION"] == "true"
api_environment = "production"
puts "API_HOST: #{ENV['API_HOST']}"
If everything is right, we should see this printed out:
[18:16:52]: Loading from './/../.env.production'
[18:16:52]: Driving the lane 'ios beta' π
[18:16:52]: API_HOST:
[18:16:52]: IS_PRODUCTION: true
[18:16:52]: ENVFILE: .env.production
Before making a new build, we may want to increment the build number and/or build version. Add these lines to the file:
xcodeproj: './ios/FooBar.xcodeproj',
bump_type: "patch",
# bump_type: "minor",
# bump_type: "major",
# version_number: "1.0.0"
xcodeproj: './ios/FooBar.xcodeproj',
# build_number: '74'
Now, to create a build, add the following lines. Remember that at the beginning of the article I mentioned that the naming of the schemes will be important later. Well, this is why:
xcodeproj: './ios/FooBar.xcodeproj',
scheme: "FooBar.#{api_environment}"
Finally, I'd like my script to also upload the build to TestFlight
, so I do this:
app_identifier: app_identifier,
email: "itunesconnect_email",
first_name: "itunesconnect_first_name",
last_name: "itunesconnect_last_name",
ipa: "./FooBar.ipa",
distribute_external: true,
skip_submission: true,
skip_waiting_for_build_processing: false
It's almost the same process for Android, but instead of the gym
and pilot
actions, we are using gradle
and supply
. The lane looks something like this:
platform :android do
desc "Submit a new build to Google Play Console"
lane :beta do
app_identifier = ""
api_environment = "staging"
if ENV["IS_PRODUCTION"] == "true"
api_environment = "production"
puts "API_HOST: #{ENV['API_HOST']}"
gradle_file = "./android/app/build.gradle"
version_name: "1.0.0",
gradle_file: gradle_file
gradle_file: gradle_file
project_dir: './android',
task: 'assemble',
build_type: 'release'
json_key: 'google_play_console_key',
track: 'beta',
apk: './android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk',
package_name: app_identifier
Final thoughts on Staging and Production Environments in a React Native App
Before I leave you, I'd like to express my thoughts on what I believe it would be best practice regarding source control.
I suggest committing real values to .env
(the local environment), but keeping .env.staging
and .env.production
with dummy/non-sensitive values that are replaced on the build machine only at build time.
So the three files would look something like this in the repo:
// .env
// .env.staging
// .env.production
The complete source code can be found on Github.
Feel free to tell me what you think or if you have any suggestions for the solutions I advanced above.
Top comments (28)
Had to add matching fallbacks to my custom releases to get this working on Android.
So schemes in xcode are working for you?? i've always got errors building in custom schemes in xcode ever since i started working with RN. Actually i used this library in a time, that was suposed to solve the issue i mention
Unfortunately it is not working for me any more -_-
What exactly isn't working on your side?
I am having the same error i've ever had: when i try to build in my custom scheme config, this error arises: apple mach-o linker error. When i switch back to release/debug it works again, so the problem relies on my custom schemes. I've seen some posts where people suggest to change some of the build variable folders, so the custom scheme seeks for resources in the release-build folder instead of the custom one. But it didn't work for me either.. I was just wondering if you had to perform an extra-step/configuration to make custom schemes work in your xcode-RN project.
Thanks for the reply,
Hi, not really. Just make sure to have the correct target for build on the new scheme.
Also, it's easier to just duplicate the default scheme when creating a new one.
In Android Studio there is no Build Variants for me at:
View -> Tool Windows
For some reason im not able to call a env variable as a path in like:
Any ideas?
i have same issue
Might be something related to react-native-config linking. Try reinstalling the lib
ENVFILE=.env.staging react-native run-ios
This step is giving me error:
/node_modules/react-native-config/ios/ReactNativeConfig/ReactNativeConfig.m:2:9: fatal error: 'GeneratedDotEnv.m' file not found
import "GeneratedDotEnv.m" // written during build by BuildDotenvConfig.ruby
I have solved that here:
It looks like an issue with react-native-config linking.
Check here:
I succeed to solve this by removing react-native-config from Pod file and manually linking.
Spent quite some getting env files to switch with build type. Discovered that you need to apply dotenv.gradle after envConfigFiles are defined.
Just a heads up for those trying to do this in a newer version of react-native-config.
According to the docs, the new Script Action for the iOS scheme should be the following:
cp "${PROJECT_DIR}/../.env.staging" "${PROJECT_DIR}/../.env"
and NOT
echo ".env.staging" > /tmp/envfile
I couldn't get the environment variables on android. There was a step missing.
In the file android/app/build.gradle, you have to add a line that is not indicated in the tutorial.
The tutorial is very complete.
This line was missing: apply from: project(':react-native-config').projectDir.getPath() + "/dotenv.gradle "
I had to insert it after project.ext.envConfigFiles and my other plugin apply ... Otherwise it didn't work.
Hopefully I helped someone =)
Here are the first lines of code in android/app/build.gradle
project.ext.envConfigFiles = [
debug: ".env",
release: ".env",
stagingrelease: ".env.staging",
productionrelease: ".env.production"
apply plugin: ""
apply plugin: ''
apply from: project(':react-native-config').projectDir.getPath() + "/dotenv.gradle"
Great tutorial, Calin.
Small issue, please.
"To run the app using one of the build types defined above, go to View -> Tool Windows -> Build Variants and select the variant (in the newly exposed window) before building:"
The above step doesn't seem to work for me. Perhaps, I'm doing something wrong on the Android front. When I do the above, I noticed that the newly added release configs (i.e productionrelease or stagingrelease) doesn't show in the dropdown of the other third party native packages, such as 'react-native-config', for example. And when I go ahead to select, say, 'stagingrelease', I get this error: ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@stagingrelease/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :react-native-gesture-handler and this: ERROR: Unable to resolve dependency for ':app@stagingreleaseUnitTest/compileClasspath': Could not resolve project :@react-native-community_async-storage.
And so on (listing all my third party packages).
This is the same problem I had. You need to have fallback build type because you have other projects for which staging and production releases are not defined. See my post in these comments.
Note that since v 2.148.0 of Fastlane the follow line:
fastlane ios beta --env=production
should be
fastlane ios beta --env production
Actually i want to setup 3 env. i.e dev, stage (Flavor) ,prod( release ) and
1.for dev it's debuggable by default
2.for stage i want to setup debug.keysore (for debugging ) and release.keysore (for release testing we can se pre prod ) different
3.And prod release i want different prod.keystore how can i manage this thing.
hoe can i mange this things in buildTypes , productFlavors , signingConfigs?