DEV Community

Calix Huang
Calix Huang

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Personal Branding Tips for Developers

Hey everyone! I'm trying to grow my personal brand as a developer and entrepreneur in my space, starting with social media.

I've given speeches and networked a little bit, but I'm trying to leverage the use of other social platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, and DEV to build more connections and increase my outreach.

I'm not trying to monetize my brand or anything like that, but simply gain more outreach and put my name out there.

Does anyone have any tips or advice for me?

Top comments (7)

thehomelessdev profile image
Santiago Rincón

Be kind to people. There are a lot of super developers with a real bad attitude and an ego higher than Everest and it's not cool at all. Be kind and help, share your knowledge. Contribute to open-source. Be your self. Build your brand around your values, not what you think people want to see from you, but those things that define you. Pick some of those values and find a way to transmit them with your work, your speech, your social networks, etc. I think that's the basis for a good brand. I recommend reading "The win without pitching manifesto" by Blair Enns. It might help.

calix profile image
Calix Huang

Thank you! I will definitely read this book, it seems like it fits my needs perfectly!

thehomelessdev profile image
Santiago Rincón

Good luck bro

m_nevin profile image
Marc Nevin

Interested in this myself, there was just a Google Digital Garage Event in my city covering exactly this topic!

Some of my notes from the event;

  • Understand your footprint: where are you online what is your current, tone, brand, image, - is that consistent?
  • Decide your goal - it's always easier to build this when you have a goal, is that getting more opportunities, more follows, finding more clients
  • Think about the content you're going to post - is it on brand or building towards your goal
  • Keep your target audience in mind - what are you optimizing towards
  • Look at your bios / photos / covers - is it lining up with your target

That's the broad strokes there's some finer grain points too if there's a specific part of any of that you're interested in!

calix profile image
Calix Huang

Thanks for this Marc! I really appreciate it, and will definitely take this into account

m_nevin profile image
Marc Nevin

Good luck,

Give this changelog podcast a listnen too, might help!

play pause The Changelog
Thread Thread
calix profile image
Calix Huang

Thanks so much! I'll give this a listen.