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Artur Meyster for Career Karma

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JavaScript Tutorials from Career Karma

JavaScript for Beginners: The Career Karma Roundup

Without JavaScript, the web would be a different place. There wouldn't be any animated images. Forms would not be as interactive as they are today. JavaScript is embedded in almost every web page that you visit. Even this web page uses JavaScript so that buttons animate when you click on them, and to allow you to post comments.

JavaScript is a scripting language that allows you to add interactive features on web pages. Whereas HTML and CSS take care of the structure and style of a web page respectively, JavaScript helps you add dynamic content.

JavaScript has a friendly syntax which means that it's quite easy to get started, if you are willing to invest the right amount of energy. But, there's a lot to learn, and so it can be difficult to figure out where to focus your attention. We've prepared a list of tutorials on JavaScript to help you get started on your journey.

Functions and the Console

Functions allow you to divide your code into blocks which can be executed multiple times in your program. Writing functions helps reduce repetition and improves the readability of a program. The console allows you to keep track of what your program is doing.

JavaScript Functions

A JavaScript function allows you to group together a block of code into one place. You can declare a function either using the function expression or the "function" keyword. In this guide, you'll learn more about how to declare and work with functions using both these methods.

Arrow Functions

Arrow functions are a newer way of declaring functions. Arrow functions, sometimes referred to as "fat arrow" functions, are more concise and therefore easier to read than traditional functions.

The Console

The console is an essential tool for debugging. You can use the console to track events in your code, including warnings and errors. In this guide, you'll learn how to debug code using the JavaScript web console.

Working with Lists and Objects

Lists allow you to store multiple similar values in one variable. For instance, a program could store a list of user names, or a list of cookies sold at a local bakery, all in one variable.

Objects allow you to store multiple properties about a certain value.

Find an Item in a List

The JavaScript includes() function allows you to check whether an item is in a list, and returns a boolean depending on whether that item can be found.

Sort a List

The JavaScript sort() method allows you to sort an array in a particular order. In this tutorial, you'll learn about how to use the sort() method on a list.

An Introduction to Objects

JavaScript objects store data in name:value pairs. This means that you can add labels to specific types of data that you want to store within an object. For instance, an object could store the title, author, and date of publication for a book.

Conditionals and Loops

Conditional statements allow you to control the flow of your program. They evaluate an expression and run a block of code depending on the outcome of that expression. Loops, on the other hand, allow you to automate repetitive tasks.

if Statements

"If" statements in JavaScript evaluate a condition and run a block of code depending on its outcome. With an "if" statement, you can specify "else if" statements to check whether one of multiple conditions has been met in your code.

for Loop

The for loop in JavaScript runs a particular block of code a pre-defined number of times. This helps you reduce repetition in your code and automate common processes.

forEach Loop

Similar to the for loop, the JS forEach loop runs a block of code for each item in an iterable object. You can use a forEach loop to go through a list, a string, an object, or another iterable.

Next Steps

Are you up for a challenge? You've come to the right place. Here are a few hand-selected tutorials for you that will push your knowledge to the limits and help you become a master of coding in JavaScript:

There's a lot to learn about JavaScript, and we haven't even started talking about frameworks. This isn't a problem because it means that there will always be something new for you to learn. Once you master the basics, you'll be well positioned to build even more complex applications.

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