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Carsten Behrens
Carsten Behrens

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SOLID: Single Responsibility Principle in JavaScript

SOLID is an acronym referring to the SOLID Principles of class design that were popularized by Robert C. Martin.

Usually, these principles get applied to OOP languages that have classes. JavaScript is different in that it uses prototypal inheritance instead of classical inheritance. In the code samples, I will be using ES6 classes because I prefer the new syntax over the ES5 syntax.


"A class should have one, and only one, reason to change"

Robert C. Martin

The word "class" here can also be replaced by "module", the point is that the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) is not limited to object-oriented design.

The best way to understand the SRP is to look at some examples of code that violates this rule.

/* Bad example */

class Employee {
  calculatePay() {

  reportHours() {

  saveToDB() {
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This class violates the SRP because it has more that one reason to change.

Let's say that we wanted to change the reportHours method. To do this we have to change the code inside the Employee class, which means that we could potentially break some other methods in our class.

If you think about it, it makes no sense. Why should we be able to break
something that does not need to change?

This is where the SRP is important, it ensures that there is only "one reason to change". Robert C. Martin defines "only one reason to change" as "should only be responsible to one".

In this case, this means that the Employee class should be split up into smaller classes.

This does not mean that the Employee class should only have one method, it can have many methods but it should only have on reason to change.

Top comments (1)

vindecodex profile image
Vincent Villaluna

When achieving SRP in your code you must think about cohesion, high level of cohesion means your code is more related to each other, while low level of cohesion means your code contains lots of none related things. The goal is to have a high cohesion in your code, separate each functions accordingly to its specific class, by thinking this way it will help you achieve SRP.