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Are Coding Bootcamps Worth It? My Experience!

I won't lie! Being in a coding bootcamp was probably one the hardest, exhausting, and most frustrating times in my life, but at the same time one of the most gratifying experiences in my career.
It's one week since I completed a very intensive 6-month coding bootcamp...and I had to take a one week resting vacation to reflect and recover. Was the bootcamp worth my time and efforts? Without doubts...a very big YEEES! Here is my experience in a software engineering bootcamp.

The Bootcamp structure

Just a few weeks into the bootcamp, my school partnered with Flatiron bootcamp and we started learning flatiron's coding content. This content was very well detailed with coding labs and quizzes to test your understanding. The content was divided into 3-weeks modules after which we were supposed to do an independent project. Here is what I learned, and the skills that I gained:

Frontend Web Development

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • Bootstrap

  • Javascript

  • jQuery

  • ReactJS

  • Git & Github

Backend Web Development

  • Ruby

  • Sinatra Framework

  • Rails

  • SQLite3

  • API Design & Development

  • Debugging - pry, irb

  • Testing - RSpec

  • Deployment - Heroku, Vercel

Self-taught Skills

These were not included in the course content but I self-learned in between the bootcamp period.

  • Tailwind CSS

  • PostgreSQL

  • NextJS

  • Typescript

  • API Documentation

My Next Step!

Looking for a Software Developer Internship

What's the purpose of getting all these skills if you are not going to utilise them in the real corporate world? I feel confident in myself and the skills that I have gained from the coding bootcamp. That's why I am actively seeking for an internship, whether it is a Full stack, Frontend or Backend developer role. Here is my LinkedIn Profile, where you can reach me if you are looking for a software developer intern. I will be happy to hear from you.

Learning & lots of Practice

The vacation is over, it's time to get back on track! You don't come out of a coding bootcamp as an expert, you still need more. That's why I will be going through the content and revisiting the concepts that I feel I am not confident in. I will also be challenging myself by doing a lot of projects to expand my knowledge.I will not be learning a new programming language until I am best at what I have learned at the bootcamp.

Looking for a Ruby Mentor

Why Ruby and not any other mentor? I have to say the moment I started learning Ruby I got so much interest in it and I would like to get much deeper understanding about it. Also, where I come from Ruby hasn't picked up yet so I might not get the help I need in Ruby language.
Regardless of where you are in your career everyone can use a mentor to help guide them. If you are willing to mentor me into Ruby, you can reach me through my LinkedIn Profile

Final Thought

Coding Bootcamp was an amazing and intense time, and I think I’ve never learned so much in such a short period of time. If you are planning to join a bootcamp, be prepared to spend sleepless nights, get physically and mentally exhausted and also to motivate yourself to push through, because once you are done you will thank yourself later. Being able to build something, even though it is a small thing, is a rewarding feeling and worth all the effort.

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