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Ekaterine Mitagvaria
Ekaterine Mitagvaria

Posted on • Updated on • Originally published at Medium

Difference between functions and methods in JavaScript

Is there a difference between a function and a method?
When you start learning functions and methods in JavaScript you might use these words interchangeably because both seem so similar.
However, that is not the case as functions and methods are different things.



A function is a block of code written to perform specific tasks.

A method is a property of an object and contains a function definition. In other words, a method is also a function but stored as an object property.



A function is defined by using a keyword function followed by a name we come up with. The body is enclosed in curly braces.


A method is located inside objects and we access it by accessing the object first and then the method. There are types of methods that already exist in JavaScript, for example, strings or arrays already have built-in methods. However, you can create them yourself as well.




A function can exist on its own and does not have to be attached to anything. At the same time, it actually is attached to something and that is a global object. In any case, it's still considered a function.

A method needs to be attached to objects and be someone's property with a function value. It cannot exist on its own.



To call a function you can use various ways and one of them can be calling the function by its name or it can call itself(self-invoking function).

call a function

To call a method you need to use the object name first and separate it from a method name with a dot.

call a method

To summarize, in JavaScript, a function is a block of code that can be defined and then invoked, while a method is a function that is associated with an object. The key difference between the two is that a method has access to the properties and methods of the object it is associated with, while a function does not. Understanding the difference between functions and methods is important because it allows developers to use the appropriate tool for the job, and can help improve code organization and readability. Additionally, understanding the difference can also help prevent common programming errors, such as attempting to use a method as a function or vice versa.

Top comments (6)

yousifatique profile image
Yousif Atique

Thanks for the writeup. Would have been even better if you also elaborated the differences between function declaration and function expressions (named and unnamed) and their uses cases. As for the methods, context ('this' keyword) plays a big role which could be set to a different object through the use of .apply() or .call()

catherineisonline profile image
Ekaterine Mitagvaria

Thanks for reading!

sohrab09 profile image
Mohammad Sohrab Hossain

Thanks for details information about function and methods ❤

catherineisonline profile image
Ekaterine Mitagvaria

Thank you!

juliegladden profile image
Julie Gladden

Great content!

catherineisonline profile image
Ekaterine Mitagvaria

Thank you so much! Means a lot