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Hacktoberfest Week 3

Week three was interesting so say the least. It was simply because I misunderstood what the proper objective was. But after clarification from the Authors of the repository, it was all good.

About the Repo
It is a Certificate Generator which you can use to make e-certificate and download as a pdf and then you can distribute the certificates to the students.

Pull Request
For this contribution, I have created 5 separate templates as per requested, though at first I only added the photo's because I misunderstood what the author wanted me to do. After them explaining, I then understood what the true expectations were.

So I started of by creating more case's to be selected from within the JavaScript XML file. Each one representing each template. Then I had to somehow make the template show up on the sidebar which was just creating the divisions with the photos embedded inside. Though that was after I was requested to change the file again. There was a lot of talking between me and the authors of that app.

After all said and done, It was merely fixing the template itself and minor bugs that was just a couple typos.

There were a lot of misunderstandings that needed to be cleared up, but otherwise it worked out at the end. This was my first time using a .jsx file, as well as creating cases within the file itself. Formatting the template was also pretty fun, though a bit challenging, since I wasn't sure at first how it worked

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