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How to deal with feeling stuck?

Since I've started my developer journey 2 months agos I feared this day would come: I feel stuck.

I learned HTML, CSS and Javascript, then I started learning React because that's what's popular. Now I think I have a basic understanding of how React works, enough at least to make single page applications with simple functionality. But then it begs the question: What's next?

I truly don't know. I guess that's one of the big problems with being self taught.

I tried looking around for projects to build but they all seem too complicated for my level of knowledge and seem to require technologies I didn't think I would need to learn such as MongoDB, GraphQL.

I'm sure some of you have had this issue. What to do in this situation?

Top comments (1)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

Firstly, 2 months is nothing. I've been doing this 30 years and regularly feel stuck
The secret to becoming a great programmer is learning to break complex and complicated problems into small and completable steps.
Find a project that will 'fix' an itch that you have; perhaps auto-post on Facebook or scrape a special offers page for a local store. Fix one step at a time (find the New Post button using Selenium and CV2 image recognition, get the header for the offers page using getElementById() ) and take it from there...
Post your problem here if you want suggestions as to how to break it down.