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Alessandro Pischedda
Alessandro Pischedda

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Let's meet Black: Python Code Formatting

While each developer may have different preferences for coding style, the importance of a unified style is very important for maintaining readable code.
This has a bigger importance if you think of a project in which many developers are involved.

In Python exists the 'Style Guide for Python Code' known as PEP 8, which recommends specific code conventions to maintain a standardized code format.
This style guide is about:

  • indentation
  • imports
  • max line length
  • name conventions
  • comments
  • etc

In the realm of Python development, there is a multitude of code formatters that adhere to PEP 8 guidelines. Today, we will briefly discuss how to install and utilize black.


Let's stop talking and get our hands dirty because it's a great way to learn.

First of all, let's install it using pip:

$ pip install black
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Once installed, to use it, just execute the following command:

$ black {source_file_or_directory}
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This command will initiate black with the standard configuration and reformat all the Python files it finds.


As you can see running Black is quite simple but what if we want not to change the file/s but perform only a check ?
We can use the options furnished by Black.


Do not change the file but return only the exit value:

  • 0, nothing to change
  • 1, some files would be reformatted
  • 123, an internal error occurred.


black --check 
would reformat

Oh no! πŸ’₯ πŸ’” πŸ’₯
1 file would be reformatted.

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Even this command does not reformat the files but prints the diff which indicates the changes.
[Note]: use --color if you want colored diff.

I suggest reading the documentation for a complete list of options.
In my opinion some of the most useful are:

  • --required-version
  • --exclude.


black --diff --color 
--- 2023-09-08 21:03:49.860827+00:00
+++ 2024-02-04 22:31:31.130282+00:00
@@ -5,29 +5,31 @@
 from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware

 from app.frontend import pages
-from app.core import config 
+from app.core import config

-app.include_router(pages.router, prefix='')
+app.include_router(pages.router, prefix="")
would reformat

All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file would be reformatted.
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If you want to customize the configuration of Black you can remember the list of the options or configure it using a configuration file.

Black uses by default the pyproject.toml file.
This file contains a section for each different tool we want to use. The use of a configuration file like pyproject.toml is quite a good choice and helps the contributors to use the same tools and configurations you're using.

Black uses [] section, the option names/keys are the same as the long names of options used in the command line. Below you can see an example:

line-length = 80
target-version = ['py37']
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We've explored, briefly, the formatted called Black talking about the aim of this tool, how to use and how to configure it using a configuration file.
I hope this post can help you to improve your repository and code.

Top comments (4)

michalmazurek profile image
Michal Mazurek

Checkout ruff, does the same thing but is much faster, black was so good for many years, and it was "the" Python formatter. Now ruff written in rust with formatter and linter, is fully black compatible just outpaces black like F1 bolid against Prius.

cereal84 profile image
Alessandro Pischedda

@michalmazurek thank you so much : ).

fpsd profile image
Francesco • Edited

Thanks for the post!

Do you think it would be feasible to integrate black in a CI/CD pipeline to, at least, help with code style conventions across a medium/big org or codebase?

cereal84 profile image
Alessandro Pischedda

Surely it is a great idea to integrate it in a CI/CD pipeline, I suggest adding it into pre-commit in order to execute it before a commit.
Probably I'll cover it in a future post or add a new section to this post, thank you.