DEV Community

Charity Parks
Charity Parks

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HTML Basic Elements

What in the heck is HTML? HTML stands for hypertext markup language. HTML is a language that is responsible for the structure of a website.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to how to structure a webpage. HTML uses basic elements that direct the content and how it will be displayed on the page. These elements use opening and closing tags and are not case sensitive.

Elements include:

*note: the elements go inside of these <>

body: This is the body element -- inside the body element of your document there are the following two elements: h1 and p.

h1: Text Header -- h1 being the largest font size h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 being the smallest font size.

p: paragraph -- The browsers automatically add a single blank line before and after the 'p' element.

a: hyperlink element -- If you want to have a website link, create it like this: 'a' href="" Click link to go to website!

b: Bold Text -- Everything inside the 'b' tags are bolded.

br: This is a line break. There is no content to store in it and it doesn't need a closing tag.

img: Image Tag -- it creates a place for an image that is referenced. It requires src (the specific path to the image) and alt (specifies alternate text for the image in case the image won't display).

There are so many more HTML elements but these are the basics. Have fun with them and in a future blog post i will give some more examples of how to create beautiful and interesting webpages!

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