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Chen Zhang
Chen Zhang

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Commit Changes to a New Branch with Git

To commit local changes to a new branch with git, we can use the following three steps:

Create a new branch

git switch -c new-branch
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This will leave our current branch unedited, create a new branch called new-branch, and we still have our uncommitted changes. It’s the parameter -c that tells git to create a new branch with a selected name.

We can use git branch -a command to verify that the new Git branch to be pushed to the remote GitHub repo was indeed created locally.

Set upstream repos

git push -–set-upstream origin new-branch
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With a new branch created, the -–set-upstream switch must be run the first time a push is performed. This step tells the new branch which remote repository to use every time it synchronizes its commit history.

Add, Commit, and Push

git add .
git commit -m "First commit on new-branch"
git push origin
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Once the remote GitHub repository is set as the upstream target for the new Git branch, push and pull operations can be performed normally with a simple git push origin command.

Top comments (2)

_abdurrahmaan9 profile image
Abdur-rahmaan chimalo

Thanks for the brief explanation about git and commiting to a new branch leaving the original branch unedited, I was have troubles with that thank you πŸ’―

mpfdev profile image
Matheus πŸ‡§πŸ‡·

Great article! It is very clear and to the point, and it is a great reference for those who are starting to use Git.

Keep sharing!