If you have a database collection that has url field , containing cloudinary or any cloud based platform links and you want to shift/ migrate the urls specifically to s3 bucket then you can use this script.
query = { $regex: /^https:\/\/res\.cloudinary\.com/i }
const urls = await Audio.find(query).toArray();
const audioList = [];
// Iterate over each document and process one at a time
for (const doc of urls) {
const _id = doc._id;
const url = doc.url;
const filename = path.join("L:/Check Audios", `${_id}.mp3`);
//Function to download and save audio locally
await downloadAndSaveAudio(url, filePath);
// Upload the audio file to S3
const uploadParams = {
Bucket: bucketName,
Key: filename,
Body: fs.createReadStream(filename),
ContentType: 'audio/mp3'
const uploadResponse = await s3Client.send(new PutObjectCommand(uploadParams));
// Generate S3 URL
const s3Url = `https://${bucketName}.s3.${bucketRegion}.amazonaws.com/${filename}`;
// Update the database with the S3 URL
await Audio.updateOne({ _id: _id }, { $set: { url: s3Url } });
// Push information to audioList
audioList.push({ _id: _id, s3Url: s3Url });
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